Bi curious Sissies for Trump

I believe that Biden’s age and cognitive abilities are a danger to our country and Kamala is an idiot.
I don’t believe Trump would sign an abortion ban (both houses of Congress could never get it passed anyway.)
I do believe that Trump treats everyone equally and favors no group.
I like wearing parties but I hate paying one penny in taxes.
I believe that Biden’s handouts and social programs tear at the fabric of our society, not helping but hurting those he promised to help.
I think student loan debt is illegal and theft.
I believe that both presidents contributed to inflation but now that we’re in a hole Biden doesn’t know to stop digging and a $1 trillion deficit should be illegal
I believe that Biden is responsible for hundreds of thousands of lives lost because he is weak and has a terrible foreign policy and I do believe that Trump values life and avoiding conflict, wall softly and carry a big stick.
This sissy knows that EVERYONE got a tax cut under Trump but the rich pay more taxes so when they get a tax cut it’s more money than me.
I believe that our cities are in decay because of failed social programs and high unemployment under Biden

So yes this closeted bi curious MWM sissy wanna be is going to hold my nose and vote for who I believe is best for our country for the next 4 years.

Happy to debate


Have you listened to the Howard Stern interview of Biden? If you haven't I highly recommend it.

I understand you don't believe it. I wish I had a dollar for every time I was told SCOTUS wouldn't repeal Roe. What would you say if Trump is elected and within a year or two of his term a national abortion ban passed?

Did you read Trump's twitter account when he had it? Massive insults to those who disagreed with him and lavish praise for those who supported him.

The conservatives who largely support Trump do not support you. Many of them would consider you something of an abomination.

Unless you are rich, under Trump's tax plan your taxes will increase. Not only because of the 2017 (temporary for everyone but the wealthy) tax cuts but also if he is placed back in office the policies he is touting have been widely criticized as economically harmful. Even by conservatives.

How do you feel about corporate taxcuts that go toward stock buybacks?

Then you should support Biden.

The American economy leads the pack out of every economy in the world. Considering that Trump's economic agenda has been widely panned how do you think Trump would be better?

Trump's foreign policies were favorable to Russia. Specifically Putin's desires.

No everyone did not get a tax cut under Trump. The very poorest in our country got a tax increase. Your taxes will increase at the end of next year. The rich will get to keep theirs. Theirs is permanent.

What was Trump's infrastructure plan?

That is your right, however I vehemently disagree that Trump is best for our country.

We shall see.

So are you happy to debate (discuss) or not? I took the time to put together a well thought out and non attacking post.
Trump has nothing to apologize for. The ridiculous amount of effort by the rabid left to try and demonize the man has simply shown he's quite the squeaky clean billionaire. They can't find legitimate serious issues, so they have to keep making them up.
The people with TDS here can’t even logically express why they don’t like him
Thing is, I can't even flush this one for reasons I won't mention here.
The people with TDS here can’t even logically express why they don’t like him
Trump does have a particular personality and bluntness that can be off putting to more sensitive people who can't handle others not catering to their sensitivies.

But aside from that, all the claims of being a racist, misogynist, stupid, etc, etc are totally without merit.
I must have missed it, but the left calling every Republican a racist has gotten boring
Your refuttal to your incorrect perceived ascriptions of "the left" is to ascribe them a position?

Nice! 👍🏻
So are you happy to debate (discuss) or not? I took the time to put together a well thought out and non attacking post.
I understand you don't believe it. I wish I had a dollar for every time I was told SCOTUS wouldn't repeal Roe. What would you say if Trump is elected and within a year or two of his term a national abortion ban passed?

Trump will not sign a national ban on abortion, he wanted the decision to be at the states. Also, a bill will never get to him to sign. It would need a majority in the House and 60 votes in Senate and that will never happen.

Did you read Trump's twitter account when he had it? Massive insults to those who disagreed with him and lavish praise for those who supported him.

I did see his Twitter account and you’re right he wasn’t nice to people who disagreed with him.

The conservatives who largely support Trump do not support you. Many of them would consider you something of an abomination.

I don’t know what this means but I believe real conservatives don’t care what my fantasies are or what I do in my bedroom.

Unless you are rich, under Trump's tax plan your taxes will increase. Not only because of the 2017 (temporary for everyone but the wealthy) tax cuts but also if he is placed back in office the policies he is touting have been widely criticized as economically harmful. Even by conservatives.

The Trump tax cuts gave everyone a tax cut but of course “the rich” save more because they pay more. But the average also saved and if Biden lets those tax cuts expire he will have raised everyone’s taxes.

How do you feel about corporate taxcuts that go toward stock buybacks?

I believe that the corporate tax rate is too high and should be lowered to stimulate growth. The companies who buy back stock and hold in treasury do so to benefit the company, its stockholders, and for the strength of the company, and that is the job of the board of every company in America. It’s strange that you even care about this considering how it doesn’t affect you unless you are a stockholder and then you benefit.

Then you should support Biden.

The American economy leads the pack out of every economy in the world. Considering that Trump's economic agenda has been widely panned how do you think Trump would be better?

Yes we lead the pack, who cares? So we’re better than other countries that suck, but we could be better than we are. With less regulation and taxes. I suspect that the economists that claim Trump would be bad for the economy are Biden supporters. Being and economist doesn’t mean that they aren’t biased. There are plenty of economist who believe in Keynesian economics, which is a failed theory as we are witnessing.

Trump's foreign policies were favorable to Russia. Specifically Putin's desires.

Do you have an example of Trump’s foreign policies favoring Russia? Because when oil was low and Trump enforced oil embargo’s on Russia and Iran the countries were almost bankrupt. It wasn’t until Russia invade Ukraine under Biden that oil prices doubled and Russia and Putin became rich again. The Trump is a puppet of Russia or works for Putin, is just stupid. If it were true it would be the biggest scandal of all time and the proof of it would be everywhere.

What was Trump's infrastructure plan?

I give Biden and Congress credit for passing the infrastructure bill, if they could keep it purely for infrastructure and cut out the pork I’d be even more impressed. Presidents are supposed to benefit the country and just because Biden passed it and Trump didn’t doesn’t say anything about Trump, or Obama, or Bush, good for Biden.

That is your right, however I vehemently disagree that Trump is best for our country.

Well we have a four year record of both candidates to compare. I hate how much money was spent under both presidents but Trump will keep taxes low and maybe lower them again. Biden wants to increase taxes (let the Trump tax cuts expire) double the tax on capital gains, and impose a wealth tax on investment gains not yet realized.

We shall see. Yes we shall see.

You’re a smart person (or else you wouldn’t be on Lit!) so when you’re told something from TV or the internet keep in mind that just because it fits a narrative that you favor (Trump bad Biden good) doesn’t mean it’s true. Think about it and draw your own conclusions

Thank you, good discussion

Thank you for answering.

Did you watch any of the Howard Stern interview with Biden?

I understand you don't believe it. I wish I had a dollar for every time I was told SCOTUS wouldn't repeal Roe. What would you say if Trump is elected and within a year or two of his term a national abortion ban passed?

Trump will not sign a national ban on abortion, he wanted the decision to be at the states. Also, a bill will never get to him to sign. It would need a majority in the House and 60 votes in Senate and that will never happen.

That's not what I asked. Again, I was told over and over and over and over and over (I could type and over literally a thousand times and not even scratch it) that Roe would not be overturned, so anyone saying that a national abortion ban won't happen is, quite honestly, given no credibility. I was told too many times Roe would stand. We saw how that turned out.

So back to my question: what would you say, especially after denying it will happen, if a national abortion ban is enacted? Please understand there is a large and vocal anti abortion group who have been working methodically towards this goal since Roe was decided back in 1973. And many of them are in Congress.

Did you read Trump's twitter account when he had it? Massive insults to those who disagreed with him and lavish praise for those who supported him.

I did see his Twitter account and you’re right he wasn’t nice to people who disagreed with him.

Exactly. So it's not exactly accurate to say that Trump treats various groups fairly. He is always most receptive and attentive to those who compliment and agree with him.

And honestly, he bashed democrats and liberals several times a day. While you may disagree with Biden you must admit he does not bash republicans and conservatives multiple times a day, every day.

The conservatives who largely support Trump do not support you. Many of them would consider you something of an abomination.

I don’t know what this means but I believe real conservatives don’t care what my fantasies are or what I do in my bedroom.

I would suggest you look up Project 2025. The Heritage Foundation and other religious conservative groups have put together a game plan for what they would like to see in America. Considering what the Heritage Foundation has accomplished with our judiciary, it is not outlandish to believe they could succeed.

Project 2025 wants to ban pornography as well as legislate the rights away of LGBTQ+ - and that does include crossdressers, sissies etc.

Take a look. It's interesting. Over 900 pages, but there are various summaries that are less onerous.

Unless you are rich, under Trump's tax plan your taxes will increase. Not only because of the 2017 (temporary for everyone but the wealthy) tax cuts but also if he is placed back in office the policies he is touting have been widely criticized as economically harmful. Even by conservatives.

The Trump tax cuts gave everyone a tax cut but of course “the rich” save more because they pay more. But the average also saved and if Biden lets those tax cuts expire he will have raised everyone’s taxes.

Trump added $8T to the debt with those tax cuts. Do you honestly believe we can afford more?

Again, your taxcut will expire at the end of next year and your taxes will be raised. As Trump and the GOP legislation planned.

In my opinion, we need to return to the Reagan tax rates.

How do you feel about corporate taxcuts that go toward stock buybacks?

I believe that the corporate tax rate is too high and should be lowered to stimulate growth. The companies who buy back stock and hold in treasury do so to benefit the company, its stockholders, and for the strength of the company, and that is the job of the board of every company in America. It’s strange that you even care about this considering how it doesn’t affect you unless you are a stockholder and then you benefit.

Corporate stock buybacks have been proven to be a net negative for the economy. You may want to look into them. They do not strengthen the company.

Then you should support Biden.

The American economy leads the pack out of every economy in the world. Considering that Trump's economic agenda has been widely panned how do you think Trump would be better?

Yes we lead the pack, who cares? So we’re better than other countries that suck, but we could be better than we are. With less regulation and taxes. I suspect that the economists that claim Trump would be bad for the economy are Biden supporters. Being and economist doesn’t mean that they aren’t biased. There are plenty of economist who believe in Keynesian economics, which is a failed theory as we are witnessing.

I find it interesting that you believe every other country on the planet "sucks". England, Sweden, Norway, Germany? We lead the pack. Our inflation is lower, our job growth higher. Yes our medical insurance etc sucks but that's another conversation.

Do you believe Trickle Down is effective at building a strong economy?

Trump's foreign policies were favorable to Russia. Specifically Putin's desires.

Do you have an example of Trump’s foreign policies favoring Russia? Because when oil was low and Trump enforced oil embargo’s on Russia and Iran the countries were almost bankrupt. It wasn’t until Russia invade Ukraine under Biden that oil prices doubled and Russia and Putin became rich again. The Trump is a puppet of Russia or works for Putin, is just stupid. If it were true it would be the biggest scandal of all time and the proof of it would be everywhere.

He actively rallied against Ukraine joining NATO, undermined sanctions against Russia, shared some highly classified material with some Russian officials, Trump thanked Putin for expelling US diplomats... there are a large handful of documented incidents when our president favored Russia.

Have you seen any of the documentation and records regarding Trump using Russian banks?

What was Trump's infrastructure plan?

I give Biden and Congress credit for passing the infrastructure bill, if they could keep it purely for infrastructure and cut out the pork I’d be even more impressed. Presidents are supposed to benefit the country and just because Biden passed it and Trump didn’t doesn’t say anything about Trump, or Obama, or Bush, good for Biden.

There's always pork, not a thrill, but the infrastructure got passed under Biden. Trump kept telling us "two weeks" but we never got one.

What makes you think that Trump will build new cities or do anything with infrastructure given that he didn't last time when he could?

That is your right, however I vehemently disagree that Trump is best for our country.

Well we have a four year record of both candidates to compare. I hate how much money was spent under both presidents but Trump will keep taxes low and maybe lower them again. Biden wants to increase taxes (let the Trump tax cuts expire) double the tax on capital gains, and impose a wealth tax on investment gains not yet realized.

Again, do you think we can afford more debt to give taxcuts to the wealthy?

Do you think the tax rates during the Reagan era were acceptable?

We shall see. Yes we shall see.

You’re a smart person (or else you wouldn’t be on Lit!) so when you’re told something from TV or the internet keep in mind that just because it fits a narrative that you favor (Trump bad Biden good) doesn’t mean it’s true. Think about it and draw your own conclusions

My problem with Trump is simply that he's not a statesman. He's not presidential. He is divisive and doesn't deliver. I don't go to a musician when I need a dentist and I don't go to a TV producer if I need an accountant.

Biden is a vote for sanity.

Thank you, good discussion


You're welcome.
Thank you for answering.

Did you watch any of the Howard Stern interview with Biden?

That's not what I asked. Again, I was told over and over and over and over and over (I could type and over literally a thousand times and not even scratch it) that Roe would not be overturned, so anyone saying that a national abortion ban won't happen is, quite honestly, given no credibility. I was told too many times Roe would stand. We saw how that turned out.

So back to my question: what would you say, especially after denying it will happen, if a national abortion ban is enacted? Please understand there is a large and vocal anti abortion group who have been working methodically towards this goal since Roe was decided back in 1973. And many of them are in Congress.

Exactly. So it's not exactly accurate to say that Trump treats various groups fairly. He is always most receptive and attentive to those who compliment and agree with him.

And honestly, he bashed democrats and liberals several times a day. While you may disagree with Biden you must admit he does not bash republicans and conservatives multiple times a day, every day.

I would suggest you look up Project 2025. The Heritage Foundation and other religious conservative groups have put together a game plan for what they would like to see in America. Considering what the Heritage Foundation had accomplished with our judiciary, it is not outlandish to believe they could succeed.

Project 2025 wants to ban pornography as well as legislate the rights away of LGBTQ+ - and that does include crossdressers, sissies etc.

Take a look. It's interesting. Over 900 pages, but there are various summaries that are less onerous.

Trump added $8T to the debt with those tax cuts. Do you honestly believe we can afford more?

Again, your taxcut will expire at the end of next year and your taxes will be raised. As Trump and the GOP legislation planned.

In my opinion, we need to return to the Reagan tax rates.

Corporate stock buybacks have been proven to be a net negative for the economy. You may want to look into them. They do not strengthen the company.

I find it interesting that you believe every other country on the planet "sucks". England, Sweden, Norway, Germany? We lead the pack. Our inflation is lower, our job growth higher. Yes our insurance sucks but that's another conversation.

Do you believe Trickle Down is effective at building a strong economy?

He actively rallied against Ukraine joining NATO, undermined sanctions against Russia, shared some highly classified material with some Russian officials, Trump thanked Putin for expelling US diplomats... there are a large handful of documented incidents when our president favored Russia.

Have you seen any of the documentation and records regarding Trump using Russian banks?

There's always pork, not a thrill, but the infrastructure got passed under Biden. Trump kept telling us "two weeks" but we never got one.

What makes you think that Trump will build new cities or do anything with infrastructure given that he didn't last time when he could?

Again, do you think we can afford more debt to give taxcuts to the wealthy?

Do you think the tax rates during the Reagan era were acceptable?

My problem with Trump is simply that he's not a statesman. He's not presidential. He is divisive and doesn't deliver. I don't go to a musician when I need a dentist and I don't go to a TV producer if I need an accountant.

Biden is a vote for sanity.

You're welcome.
There’s a lot here. And as a conservative/libertarian I am pro choice when it comes to anything an adult wants to do with their bodies as long as it does hurt other people.
Trump didn’t overturn Roe, he nominated conservative judges but who did you expect him to nominate?
I think both parties shoot the selves in the foot by letting the fringe of each party dictate policy, most Republicans don’t want an abortion ban and allow idiots make policy trying to get rid of Plan B etc.
Most Democrats don’t want open borders, cashless bail, endless entitlements and a welfare state, but they allow the fringe to make policy.
I think there would be a political revolution is there was a national abortion ban.

More later, thanks
As for Ukraine in NATO Trump was 100% right and the same goes for Finland.
There’s a lot here. And as a conservative/libertarian I am pro choice when it comes to anything an adult wants to do with their bodies as long as it does hurt other people.
Trump didn’t overturn Roe, he nominated conservative judges but who did you expect him to nominate?
I think both parties shoot the selves in the foot by letting the fringe of each party dictate policy, most Republicans don’t want an abortion ban and allow idiots make policy trying to get rid of Plan B etc.
Most Democrats don’t want open borders, cashless bail, endless entitlements and a welfare state, but they allow the fringe to make policy.
I think there would be a political revolution is there was a national abortion ban.

More later, thanks

I'll keep an eye out.

Again look up Project 2025.

As an FYI, Trump campaigned on nominating and electing anti-Roe judges who would repeal it. That's not a summary, those are his words. He is responsible for Roe being overturned. There has been a 50 year movement to repeal Roe. But that's not their end goal - banning abortion is. They are also after contraception and no fault divorce. This is reality. Documented reality.

I look forward to hearing what you think of the Howard Stern Biden interview.
The Reagan tax cuts were 100% needed, our taxes are way too high, our debt is way too high, tax payers look to the government for solutions and they never come through.
Modern monetary policy will bankrupt this country but as long as we’re just printing money to give away why not pay all of what we need and eliminate income taxes?
Taxation is theft
Project 2025 is a Steve Bannon fringe pipe dream, both parties have wacko platforms to appease the fringe
The Reagan tax cuts were 100% needed, our taxes are way too high, our debt is way too high, tax payers look to the government for solutions and they never come through.
Modern monetary policy will bankrupt this country but as long as we’re just printing money to give away why not pay all of what we need and eliminate income taxes?
Taxation is theft

Putting things back to the Reagan tax rate would raise taxes.

Again, Trump's tax cuts added $8T to the debt.

I do not believe taxation is theft. We have roads, schools, libraries, emergency services etc. Taxes are necessary for a civilized society.
Project 2025 is a Steve Bannon fringe pipe dream, both parties have wacko platforms to appease the fringe

So why is the Heritage Foundation and many other very politically active conservative groups sponsoring it?
Yes other countries economies suck, yes all of the European countries that you mentioned, they suck, the average person works to exist, can’t build generational wealth, and are pacified by government mandated month long vacations. So yes we are king of the dipshits

Trickle down economics does stimulate the economy because when the producers are taxed less they can build more. Does it “trickle down” to the lower class? Not sure what people expect to “trickle down” but they do benefit from a stronger economy for sure

AND Trump is not a statesman, you’re right
Putting things back to the Reagan tax rate would raise taxes.

Again, Trump's tax cuts added $8T to the debt.

I do not believe taxation is theft. We have roads, schools, libraries, emergency services etc. Taxes are necessary for a civilized society.
Trumps tax cuts didn’t add to the debt, the printing of money and out of control spending added to the debt.
And if taxation isn’t theft was is it?
What happens if you refuse to pay your taxes? The state will literally make you pay by force at the end of a gun.
Do you think it’s okay for someone to hold a gun to your head to build a library? Or a school? Or a road?
Because I don’t
Yes other countries economies suck, yes all of the European countries that you mentioned, they suck, the average person works to exist, can’t build generational wealth, and are pacified by government mandated month long vacations. So yes we are king of the dipshits

Trickle down economics does stimulate the economy because when the producers are taxed less they can build more. Does it “trickle down” to the lower class? Not sure what people expect to “trickle down” but they do benefit from a stronger economy for sure

AND Trump is not a statesman, you’re right

I find your lack of respect for other countries to be, honestly, offensive. I also know that your assessments are incorrect regarding their work, money, quality of life and generational wealth.

If trickle down works, why has wealth increasingly moved upwards for the duration of trickle down?

Trumps tax cuts didn’t add to the debt, the printing of money and out of control spending added to the debt.
And if taxation isn’t theft was is it?
What happens if you refuse to pay your taxes? The state will literally make you pay by force at the end of a gun.
Do you think it’s okay for someone to hold a gun to your head to build a library? Or a school? Or a road?
Because I don’t

Printing money does not add to the debt. Slashing revenue while raising spending (both of which Trump did) raises the debt.

Printing money is the argument made for inflation.

If you don't pay your taxes, it's not at the end of a gun. It's typically interest, fines, payment plans and potentially penalties. Your assessment is dramatic and not accurate. Every person uses roads, utilities and benefits from schools, libraries, emergency services. Opting out is not an option. No person is an island. Unless you're going to go Ted Kazinski it.
Project 2025 is a Steve Bannon fringe pipe dream, both parties have wacko platforms to appease the fringe
The difference between this particular wacko platform and most other fringe platforms, is that with Trump at the head of the machine, it actually has a strikingly good chance of being more than just a pipe dream.

And that is what is so alarming. With the legal and executive means to implement it, Project 2025 very truely could become a reality, and needless to say, that would drag the United States into a very dark place.

And why many good conservatives (of which I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you are one) should look past party allegiances and vote against Trump- just this cycle- until the Republican party can regain some sanity in their choice of candidates.
Yes other countries economies suck, yes all of the European countries that you mentioned, they suck, the average person works to exist, can’t build generational wealth, and are pacified by government mandated month long vacations. So yes we are king of the dipshits

Trickle down economics does stimulate the economy because when the producers are taxed less they can build more. Does it “trickle down” to the lower class? Not sure what people expect to “trickle down” but they do benefit from a stronger economy for sure

AND Trump is not a statesman, you’re right

That is the libertarian pipe dream.

When the economy booms along and the wealthiest are not taxed at a higher rate, wealth accumulates. The trickle down theory says that the wealthy will spend and provide jobs which will be good for everyone, but you’re ignoring a very basic and fundamental fact: The wealthy invest in growing their wealth.

You talk about working to exist without being able to build generational wealth? Nearly half of the US rental market is now corporate owned by wealthy investors who are harvesting more wealth off of the poorest people at the highest rates the market will bear. How much cost will the housing market bear? Everyone needs to live somewhere, when they can’t afford a home they live on the streets. Have you noticed?

If you don’t tax the wealthy at a higher rate they buy up resources and increase the cost of living, creating a greater need for social services.
That is the libertarian pipe dream.

When the economy booms along and the wealthiest are not taxed at a higher rate, wealth accumulates. The trickle down theory says that the wealthy will spend and provide jobs which will be good for everyone, but you’re ignoring a very basic and fundamental fact: The wealthy invest in growing their wealth.

You talk about working to exist without being able to build generational wealth? Nearly half of the US rental market is now corporate owned by wealthy investors who are harvesting more wealth off of the poorest people at the highest rates the market will bear. How much cost will the housing market bear? Everyone needs to live somewhere, when they can’t afford a home they live on the streets. Have you noticed?

If you don’t tax the wealthy at a higher rate they buy up resources and increase the cost of living, creating a greater need for social services.
Well you don’t have a healthy economy if people or “the rich” don’t invest.

Do you think corporations or private equity groups charge more rent than individuals who own rental property? Why would individuals charge less rent?

So you want to tax “the wealthy” so they can’t invest? No one has ever bought up resources and increased the cost of living.

This whole post is socialist talking points
Well you don’t have a healthy economy if people or “the rich” don’t invest.

Do you think corporations or private equity groups charge more rent than individuals who own rental property? Why would individuals charge less rent?

So you want to tax “the wealthy” so they can’t invest? No one has ever bought up resources and increased the cost of living.

This whole post is socialist talking points

Bullshit. Try being honest here and think.

Corporate interests are advertising to buy up real estate in hot markets. The “John buys Bay Area houses” jingle rings constantly, “Cash for houses now! Instant offers!”

These buyers push up the cost of housing in tight markets regardless of interest rates because they have cash to spend due to lower tax rates. They get to write off all business expenses and any paper losses on their funds while they take inventory off the market to push up demand. They’re in it for the long term. These homes will never need to change ownership again - keeping the tax basis static in many areas, requiring new individual buyers to make up for the loss of revenue to local governments while the investment portfolio continues to grow in value- value that can be written off with the “losses” of intentional vacancies.

Another trick they can do is to play shell games with profits by having shell companies based in tax havens manage the properties in prime locations at exorbitant fees.

Are you ignorant of these real estate tricks? Trump isn’t. He doesn’t pay taxes because he’s “smart”. Remember that?

Get your head out of the sand and open your eyes to the grift and scams the wealthy can take advantage of while they fleece you into believing the cost of living is raised by the poor.

Private home ownership has long been touted as the best way for the middle class to increase generational wealth. Putting homeownership further out of reach has long term consequences.

Do you really believe the consumer economy can’t flourish without selling out to corporate greed?
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This whole post is socialist talking points

I’m relieved to see that you understand how extreme wealth disparity makes socialism attractive to democracies. Hopefully you’re into figuring out how to make economics work in ways that “promote the general welfare” instead of going the right wing authoritarian route.

Lots of the GOP is now vocally opposing democracy largely because larger portions of the population are becoming more interested in socialist ideals - there is a reason this is happening. What do you think the cause is?
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