Bi curious Sissies for Trump

That’s interesting, did he say bring back the death penalty for blacks? Mexicans? How does supporting the death penalty (I do not btw) make someone racist? Am I less racist because I oppose the death penalty?
Grow up.
🙄 Conservative republicans love to wish death upon the LGBTQ community by quoting Leviticus. Dis bish right chure is voting for the Bible salesman. 🙄
I’ve met a lot of “sissies”. They’re just like everyone else you may meet in that some are brilliant while others are absolute idiots. Claiming to be a sissy doesn’t provide any particular meaning or clout to any political affiliation.

I believe that Biden’s age and cognitive abilities are a danger to our country and Kamala is an idiot.
I don’t believe Trump would sign an abortion ban (both houses of Congress could never get it passed anyway.)
I do believe that Trump treats everyone equally and favors no group.
I like wearing parties but I hate paying one penny in taxes.
I believe that Biden’s handouts and social programs tear at the fabric of our society, not helping but hurting those he promised to help.
I think student loan debt is illegal and theft.
I believe that both presidents contributed to inflation but now that we’re in a hole Biden doesn’t know to stop digging and a $1 trillion deficit should be illegal
I believe that Biden is responsible for hundreds of thousands of lives lost because he is weak and has a terrible foreign policy and I do believe that Trump values life and avoiding conflict, wall softly and carry a big stick.
This sissy knows that EVERYONE got a tax cut under Trump but the rich pay more taxes so when they get a tax cut it’s more money than me.
I believe that our cities are in decay because of failed social programs and high unemployment under Biden

So yes this closeted bi curious MWM sissy wanna be is going to hold my nose and vote for who I believe is best for our country for the next 4 years.

Happy to debate


How does a “closeted bi curious sissy”
have any skin in the game when it comes to the politics of LGBTQ rights? 🤔

Are you afraid to be out as “yourself”? Why the conflict? What sort of reaction would you expect if you attended a Trump rally in drag?

Credit to Zumi. 😘
I’ve met a lot of “sissies”. They’re just like everyone else you may meet in that some are brilliant while others are absolute idiots. Claiming to be a sissy doesn’t provide any particular meaning or clout to any political affiliation.

How does a “closeted bi curious sissy”
have any skin in the game when it comes to the politics of LGBTQ rights? 🤔

Are you afraid to be out as “yourself”? Why the conflict? What sort of reaction would you expect if you attended a Trump rally in drag?
I don’t dress in drag, and all humans have the exact same rights given to us by our creator
There is no 'creator' and rights are 'given' (and taken away) by Governments
🙄 Conservative republicans love to wish death upon the LGBTQ community by quoting Leviticus. Dis bish right chure is voting for the Bible salesman. 🙄
I don’t believe conservative Republicans wish death on anyone in the lgbtq community but there are probably a few outliers who do.
There is no 'creator' and right are 'given' (and taken away) by Governments
We can debate that all day long but the US was founded on the premise that we all have inalienable rights provided to us by our creator - that isn’t up for debate that’s a fact
Are you familiar with the Bill of Rights?
?? You think Trump is racist but trust in Biden? The man who eulogized KKK member Robert Bird? Made speeches on the senate floor showing him as a racist?
But Trump he’s the racist? Does the left ever get tired of labeling Republicans as racist?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

That would be the parents, the sperm donor and the gestator.
I don’t dress in drag, and all humans have the exact same rights given to us by our creator

Are you really the sea lion others are accusing you of or have you truly considered all of the rights the Trump administration rolled back against Trans and LGBTQ?

Check it out if you’re earnest:

Again though, someone identifying only as a “closeted sissy” doesn’t necessarily have any personal concern. That would require empathy.
Here’s a tell for ya: Racists bemoan Robert Byrd not because he was racist, but because he asked for and sought forgiveness.
Here’s a tell for ya: Racists bemoan Robert Byrd not because he was racist, but because he asked for and sought forgiveness.
Has Biden ever apologized or asked for forgiveness for his racist comments?
Or doesn’t it matter to you because he’s your candidate? He’s got a D after his name and not an R so you look the other way
That’s interesting, did he say bring back the death penalty for blacks? Mexicans? How does supporting the death penalty (I do not btw) make someone racist? Am I less racist because I oppose the death penalty?
Supporting the death penalty doesn't make someone more or less racist. Such a claim is utterly ridiculous and stupid.

Hence why the rabid leftie democrats make it.
?? You think Trump is racist but trust in Biden? The man who eulogized KKK member Robert Bird? Made speeches on the senate floor showing him as a racist?
But Trump he’s the racist? Does the left ever get tired of labeling Republicans as racist?
Quit deflecting and grow up, child. You asked for proof trump is racist and it was given to you in spades.
?? You think Trump is racist but trust in Biden? The man who eulogized KKK member Robert Bird? Made speeches on the senate floor showing him as a racist?
But Trump he’s the racist? Does the left ever get tired of labeling Republicans as racist?
Jesus. No one disputes that history, but there’s more to it. Like Byrd asked forgiveness?? Has Trump ever apologized or admitted a mistake. Biden sure has!!
Go on bring up Biden’s other faults from the 90’s !!
Jesus. No one disputes that history, but there’s more to it. Like Byrd asked forgiveness?? Has Trump ever apologized or admitted a mistake. Biden sure has!!
Go on bring up Biden’s other faults from the 90’s !!
Right your guy bad my guy good
Trump derangement syndrome is real
Jesus. No one disputes that history, but there’s more to it. Like Byrd asked forgiveness?? Has Trump ever apologized or admitted a mistake. Biden sure has!!
Go on bring up Biden’s other faults from the 90’s !!
You don’t dislike Trump because he doesn’t apologize
Quit deflecting and grow up, child. You asked for proof trump is racist and it was given to you in spades.
I must have missed it, but the left calling every Republican a racist has gotten boring
You don’t dislike Trump because he doesn’t apologize
Trump has nothing to apologize for. The ridiculous amount of effort by the rabid left to try and demonize the man has simply shown he's quite the squeaky clean billionaire. They can't find legitimate serious issues, so they have to keep making them up.