Biden Exit / Remain Watch Thread

The Trump campaign can’t release information from Trump’s medical exam after the shooting because the report mentions Trump’s diaper full of poop.
They can't do it because it was Ronny Jackson, the former White House doctor, who attended to him this time, and Jackson lied through his teeth about Trump's medical condition when his was WH doctor, so no one believes him now. But I don't why anything needs said. We all could see the stop-action film showing the trajectory of the bullet. And we all could see the film of the damage done to the top of the ear. There are so many other issues to worry about than that one.
‘I Think It’s Happening’

The lone senator who has called on Biden to withdraw is growing confident that the president will quit.

By Russell Berman

Nearly from the moment President Joe Biden walked off the Atlanta debate stage three weeks ago, Senator Peter Welch of Vermont has been trying—first gently, then much more directly—to get him to end his reelection bid. He now believes that effort is working.

“I think it’s happening,” he told me by phone this morning. More than 20 House Democrats have publicly pushed Biden to withdraw. For now, Welch is the only senator calling for him to step aside. But the party is rapidly turning against Biden.
This is beyond crazy,it is going to enrage the bulk of the party,and will let that POS Trump sneak a victory.

2024 election live updates: Biden preparing to get back on campaign trail: Official
ABC|47 minutes ago
President Joe Biden is facing a critical point in his reelection bid as Democratic calls for him to exit the 2024 race continue to mount despite his efforts to shut them down.
This is beyond crazy,it is going to enrage the bulk of the party,and will let that POS Trump sneak a victory.

Don’t you think it’s about time you questioned the logic of “the bulk of the party” if they’re going to be so enraged by an entirely reasonable decision ?
Don’t you think it’s about time you questioned the logic of “the bulk of the party” if they’re going to be so enraged by an entirely reasonable decision ?
What's the reasonable decision?
Is getting rid of the best US President since Ike reasonable?
He has a good record and a great team backing him,to change horses mid race is ridiculous.
The public knows Democrats, including Kamala, have been lying about Biden’s mental fitness.

WSJ 7-19-2024

A major concern for Democrats up and down the ballot is the fact that half of voters, including 28% of those who backed Biden in 2020 and 52% of swing voters, think Democrats in office have been lying about the president’s mental fitness. The report says voters are likely to view Democrats’ defense of Biden as dishonest by a two-to-one margin.

Though the data, which was shared widely with Democrats in recent days,
found Vice President Kamala Harris performing better than Biden against Trump, it also shows that Republican attacks suggesting Harris wasn’t honest about the president’s health could be effective.
The public knows Democrats, including Kamala, have been lying about Biden’s mental fitness.

WSJ 7-19-2024

A major concern for Democrats up and down the ballot is the fact that half of voters, including 28% of those who backed Biden in 2020 and 52% of swing voters, think Democrats in office have been lying about the president’s mental fitness. The report says voters are likely to view Democrats’ defense of Biden as dishonest by a two-to-one margin.

Though the data, which was shared widely with Democrats in recent days,
found Vice President Kamala Harris performing better than Biden against Trump, it also shows that Republican attacks suggesting Harris wasn’t honest about the president’s health could be effective.
Surprised you haven’t posted Raskin’s letter yet.

It’s okay, we will give you time to go find and read it.

Or you have but it has too many truths in it??

Can’t go out there and lie about anything… where would we see that happening all the time?
What has hurt Biden more than anything is the media feeding frenzy and the insecurity of white men.

Yes I said it and I mean it.
Usually comes down to that…instead of Karen…. Can we just call them Donald?
The public knows Democrats, including Kamala, have been lying about Biden’s mental fitness.

WSJ 7-19-2024

A major concern for Democrats up and down the ballot is the fact that half of voters, including 28% of those who backed Biden in 2020 and 52% of swing voters, think Democrats in office have been lying about the president’s mental fitness. The report says voters are likely to view Democrats’ defense of Biden as dishonest by a two-to-one margin.

Though the data, which was shared widely with Democrats in recent days,
found Vice President Kamala Harris performing better than Biden against Trump, it also shows that Republican attacks suggesting Harris wasn’t honest about the president’s health could be effective.

Biden's family starts discussing his possible exit plan from the 2024 race

The president’s family members have discussed how he would want to end his re-election bid on his own timing and with a carefully calculated plan in place.

WASHINGTON — Members of President Joe Biden’s family have discussed what an exit from his campaign might look like, according to two people familiar with the discussions.
What's the reasonable decision?
Is getting rid of the best US President since Ike reasonable?
He has a good record and a great team backing him,to change horses mid race is ridiculous.
Ohhhh that's mean. I snorted my coffee when I read "the best US President since Ike" and as for "...He has a good record and a great team backing him...", well, at least my display has now had a good wash.
I hope he stays


Is humiliated
Oh god yes! Biden HAS to see this one through to the bitter end and drink the dregs of utter humiliation and defeat, knowing he has dragged the entire Demonrat Party down with him and handed over control of the House and the Senate to a Trump resurgent. 12 years, guys. 12 years! Suck it up.
What has hurt Biden more than anything is the media feeding frenzy and the insecurity of white men.

Yes I said it and I mean it.
Exactly. The time to talk about having someone else on the ticket was during the primary. Biden was picked by the voters and the base is behind him. Trying to substitute someone who polls better now is insane.

The press likes chaos and the wealthy owners want Trump to win. The few leading Democrats who are listening to them will pay a heavy price for their cowardice.
Exactly. The time to talk about having someone else on the ticket was during the primary. Biden was picked by the voters and the base is behind him. Trying to substitute someone who polls better now is insane.

The press likes chaos and the wealthy owners want Trump to win. The few leading Democrats who are listening to them will pay a heavy price for their cowardice.
Nothing quite like scab picking leading to necrosis.
I agree with this and would add that we have to acknowledge who is feeding the media. They are Democrats. Some are doing it publicly and others are anonymously leaking to the press. To his credit, Biden is making it clear today he won’t let his primary voters down.

This is a truly strange moment in American history. I feel like Trump's speech last night bolstered Biden's case for staying in.

That being said, these two old fuckers being front and center of it all is the strangest part to me....and they're fighting for votes from people who hate that this is our choice again.