Venezuelan Elections - Another Harris/Biden Failure

The US eased sanctions in return for the election, which led to the current protests that hopefully will topple Maduro’s regime.

See how that works?

I’m surprised you oppose Maduro. Your darling Putin supports him. I thought you and Putin backed all of the authoritarian idiots.

You are indeed correct. Biden and Harris have carefully engineered a situation which is likely to lead to the peaceful removal of Maduro, and the election of real socialists who will not repeat the mistakes of Chavez and Maduro, and no doubt as a result we will build closer ties with the Venezuelan people.

Chloe (Call me "Che") Tzang
I'd rather call you glamorilla, hisarpy, or Wizzard1488; because at least those sound true to your gender. I can never keep track of your constantly changing screen names, dude.
You are indeed correct. Biden and Harris have carefully engineered a situation which is likely to lead to the peaceful removal of Maduro, and the election of real socialists who will not repeat the mistakes of Chavez and Maduro, and no doubt as a result we will build closer ties with the Venezuelan people.

Chloe (Call me "Che") Tzang

Nice word salad. I’m glad you found something imaginary to get annoyed about. 👍
I'd rather call you glamorilla, hisarpy, or Wizzard1488; because at least those sound true to your gender. I can never keep track of your constantly changing screen names, dude.
You many now refer to me as Comrade Tzang, or if you prefer a little more informality, Comrade Che

Chloe (Call me "Che") Tzang

Pronouns: Comrade / Comradeself
What do POTUS and VP have to do with elections in Venezuela?
Economic sanctions.
Venezuelan oil is shitty sludge. The only major market for it had been the US Gulf coast refineries. When the US imposed sanctions, the market for Venezuelan oil imploded along with their economy. US oil companies had also upgraded their refineries so that they are optimized for the lighter, sweeter crude from fracking in the US.

Biden was doing an extreme favor to the regime in Venezuela by pulling the plug on the Keystone pipeline simultaneously with moving to lift sanctions on Venezuela. US companies began to reconfigure refineries to handle Venezuelan crude again. By law, oil purchases by US companies can't resume until Venezuela has free and fair elections. A resumption of oil purchases from Venezuela might lower prices at the pump before the election. Harris has an overwhelming motive to ignore the irrefutable evidence of election fraud in Venezuela. I imagine that there is some mechanism to grift ten percent to "The Big Guy."
Economic sanctions.
Venezuelan oil is shitty sludge. The only major market for it had been the US Gulf coast refineries. When the US imposed sanctions, the market for Venezuelan oil imploded along with their economy. US oil companies had also upgraded their refineries so that they are optimized for the lighter, sweeter crude from fracking in the US.

Biden was doing an extreme favor to the regime in Venezuela by pulling the plug on the Keystone pipeline simultaneously with moving to lift sanctions on Venezuela. US companies began to reconfigure refineries to handle Venezuelan crude again. By law, oil purchases by US companies can't resume until Venezuela has free and fair elections. A resumption of oil purchases from Venezuela might lower prices at the pump before the election. Harris has an overwhelming motive to ignore the irrefutable evidence of election fraud in Venezuela. I imagine that there is some mechanism to grift ten percent to "The Big Guy."

You were doing well until you failed to stick the landing.

The point of easing sanctions was to force an election in Venezuela. It worked. Now the Venezuelan people need to force out the dictator who is stealing the election.

Nobody is ignoring evidence of election fraud. The US is backing the opposition to Maduro.

Putin is backing Maduro, naturally.
replacing a rogue tyrant with one who isn't rogue.

they should have kept the criminals and sent us their general population but you know.


Word salad. More evidence that you are actually a gerbil walking around randomly on a keyboard.
US recognizes opposition candidate González as the winner of Venezuela’s presidential election

The stakes grew higher for Venezuela’s electoral authority to show proof backing its decision to declare President Nicolás Maduro the winner of the country’s presidential election after the United States on Thursday recognized opposition candidate Edmundo González as the victor, discrediting the official results of the vote.

The U.S. announcement followed calls from multiple governments, including close allies of Maduro, for Venezuela’s National Electoral Council to release detailed vote counts, as it has done during previous elections.

Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado — who was barred from running for president — and González addressed a huge rally of their supporters in the capital, Caracas, on Tuesday, but they have not been seen in public since. Later that day, the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, called for their arrest, calling them criminals and fascists.

Authoritarian election stealer Maduro is supported by Putin, of course.