Venezuelan Elections - Another Harris/Biden Failure

My reply was to HisArpy’s comment about “our 2020 election”.

Try to pay attention before pretending to be upset. 👍
He's got a point by that's off topic. The point was, President Harris has fucked it up yet again and the dementia patient in the White House likely didn't help.
I think the similarities between this Venezuela election and our 2020 election are rather striking.

But sure, no fraud and securest election evah!

The Democrats and Maduro both follow the same playbook. Neither believe in respecting the peoples votes, and both are intent on holding power no matter what, and by any means necessary. We KNOW Maduro will only re moved by the use of guns. We SUSPECT the same may be true of Democrats, and this election will be the judge of that.
The Democrats and Maduro both follow the same playbook. Neither believe in respecting the peoples votes, and both are intent on holding power no matter what, and by any means necessary. We KNOW Maduro will only re moved by the use of guns. We SUSPECT the same may be true of Democrats, and this election will be the judge of that.
Why do you sound so surprised, it was always going to be the same result. The Chavez voting machines are to blame for every American election.
He’s pulling the strings from behind the curtain just like Obama.
LOL. You've never done any serious brainstorming and strawman analysis have you? Nothing weird about it at all. It's an accepted technique in business, engineering defense, you name it. Heck, I learnt this one at high school. The point is not the whacky scenarios. THAT is one of the strengths. You come up with scenarios no matter how whacky, and then you thrash them out, extrapolate, discuss, look at alternatives and probabilities yadda yadda yadda.

Nothing to do with MAGA.

Jeez, what did they teach these old dudes when they went to school. LOL.
That would depend on the school system, wouldn't it? I suspect that more than a few posting here are the product of 'social promotion.'
The Democrats and Maduro both follow the same playbook. Neither believe in respecting the peoples votes, and both are intent on holding power no matter what, and by any means necessary. We KNOW Maduro will only re moved by the use of guns. We SUSPECT the same may be true of Democrats, and this election will be the judge of that.

Agitated fascist conspiracy nuts are very weird. Unintentionally funny but weird.

I highlighted the lunacy that she doesn’t even believe, but spews anyway because of her need for attention. Sad.
Agitated fascist conspiracy nuts are very weird. Unintentionally funny but weird.

I highlighted the lunacy that she doesn’t even believe, but spews anyway because of her need for attention. Sad.
Definition of very funny, lunatic weird:
Donald Trump
JD Vance
Matt Gaetz
Rudy Julianni
Rightguide & 1
Most Republican Congresspersons
The Plot Bunny [not sure on this one!]
Biden/Harris aren't responsible for Venezuela.
This.... should go without saying. We shouldn't even dignify this kind of idiocy with a response.

Just- the level of outright drooling STUPIDITY I read on this forum, especially from the Harpy/Tzang/Glamorilla ever-changing-name troll, is just utterly appalling.

(edit) and of course the irony being, that the O.P doesn't even support free or fair elections in the U.S. unless the most extreme, anti-democratic minded Republican wins- and I have no doubt that the irony would be lost on him.
Who opposes Maduro stealing the election? The USA.

Who supports Maduro stealing the election? Russia and China.

But Maduro’s allies in countries such as Cuba, Bolivia and Honduras have welcomed his claim of victory – as has Russia, which urged González and Machado to concede defeat.

“We see that the opposition does not want to accept its defeat. But we believe that the opposition should do this, should congratulate the winner of these elections,” the Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said on Tuesday.

He added that external forces should not seek to stoke instability in Venezuela, which had become a top Russian ally under Maduro’s government.

“It is very important that these attempts to shake up the situation inside Venezuela are not fuelled by third countries – third parties – and that Venezuela is free from external interference,” Peskov said.

Chinese state media reported that President Xi Jinping also congratulated Maduro on winning Sunday’s vote.
Agitated fascist conspiracy nuts are very weird. Unintentionally funny but weird.

I highlighted the lunacy that she doesn’t even believe, but spews anyway because of her need for attention. Sad.

Definition of very funny, lunatic weird:
Donald Trump
JD Vance
Matt Gaetz
Rudy Julianni
Rightguide & 1
Most Republican Congresspersons
The Plot Bunny [not sure on this one!]
Oh how cute! You two comrades picking up the most recent talking point…weird! It usually takes a few days to marinate before it trickles down to porn sites! 😂
Oh how cute! You two comrades picking up the most recent talking point…weird! It usually takes a few days to marinate before it trickles down to porn sites! 😂

You’re one of the weirdest.

How do you feel about MAGA’s darling Putin backing Maduro’s theft of the election?
Don’t change the subject. Let’s talk about your use of the new talking point. This coming from the people who foisted these two on us…
