Biden Exit / Remain Watch Thread

A little history lesson. There have only been two occasions when an incumbent President seeking reelection for a second term but was thwarted because he did not win or gain his party’s nomination. The first occasion occurred in 1884. Chester Arthur became President in 1881 as a result of the assassination of James Garfield. But Arthur lost the nomination for the Republican Party candidacy to James Blaine who lost to Grover Cleveland in the general election.

The second occasion occurred in 1968 whereby Lyndon Johnson barely won the New Hampshire primary over Eugene McCarty. With such close result Robert Kennedy declared his candidacy and in reaction Johnson declared he would not seek the Party nomination after all. Kennedy was assassinated in June right after winning the California primary. Thus, Hubert Humphrey who was Johnson’s VP won the nomination but lost the general election to Richard Nixon.

So it would seem that if Biden will not be the standard bearer for the Democratic Party an alternate candidate is destined to lose. Of course, the only way Biden would not be the opponent to Trump is if he were to agree to step aside by the urging of the Party’s leaders on the premise that polls show he will be defeated by Trump. It seems like the Democratic Party is in a pickle.
Nobody wants a puppet president. Who knows who is holding the strings. :)
They've been holding the strings since 2020, but now all of a sudden its a problem?

All I know is if George Clooney says its time to go, well then, people should listen. :rolleyes:
They've been holding the strings since 2020, but now all of a sudden its a problem?

All I know is if George Clooney says its time to go, well then, people should listen. :rolleyes:
I haven't seen where anybody has asked Bill Clinton what he thinks. :)
Whether you’re a “Dump Biden” Democrat or a “Stick With Joe” Democrat, this is worth reading. AOC raises some interesting points that I haven’t come across anywhere else.

Every person who thinks/believes/"knows" we need to switch candidates needs to listen to this.

There is a very real risk of having no candidate at all if a switch is made. That's a guaranteed loss.

David Letterman will headline Biden fundraiser at Hawaii governor's home on July 29, AP source says
ABC|39 minutes ago
David Letterman will headline a fundraiser with President Joe Biden in 10 days at the home of Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, a person familiar with the plans told The Associated Press ...
I mean, FFS, why is anyone still pretending....if you want to elect a figurehead, just say so....we all know.

So... who is willing to risk no candidate on the ballot at all? Or to have this SCOTUS decide?
Not one of these insufferable bloativators have said what they'll do on Election Day if Joe is still in.
Not one of these insufferable bloativators have said what they'll do on Election Day if Joe is still in.
Not sure if that's me, but I'll vote for the Democratic candidate. (If Joe is still in, that is him)

I've said that multiple times in this forum and have no reservations to do so. But maybe you're not discussing me....thought I'd clarify regardless
Unnecessarily repetitive redundancy.
Is your reply button broken? Seems like it.

Aren't you one of the guys who helps with that around here? If you submit a ticket, does it go back to you?

David Letterman will headline Biden fundraiser at Hawaii governor's home on July 29, AP source says
ABC|39 minutes ago
David Letterman will headline a fundraiser with President Joe Biden in 10 days at the home of Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, a person familiar with the plans told The Associated Press ...

The campaign has at least 10 other fundraising events over the last 10 days of July.

i am delighted to see team Biden forging ahead, but weigh that against concerns that so many events so early and during a period of exhaustion for the President (recuperating from covid) might go against his public appearance. The man needs time to recover properly even when the concerns are that he show up to so many events to prove how strong and resilient he is. They need to let VP Harris take up some of the strain or they're gonna end up killing him :(
Button isn’t broken, no one wants to talk with you Dull74. (that’s a lie, hitler boobs likes talking with you, you guys make a good couple… would you live in the Buckeye state or the Golden state? Or will you split time?)

Such a short page here on this thread and knew the content ignored had to be you….so much space taken up.. nothing really said.

So your usual.

Ta ta!