Biden Falls During Air Force Academy Graduation

He will for Corruption! Bidens Bitch FBI director Chris Wray will have to produce the FD-1023 form documenting Biden's dirty money laundering for political influence from Foreign countries as VP!

Biden, 80, FALLS on stage while handing out diplomas U.S. Air Force Academy graduation​

  • The fall came while Biden was handing diplomas to cadets at USAF academy
  • Comes weeks after he stumbled walking down stairs at shrine in Japan

PUBLISHED: 14:58 EDT, 1 June 2023 | UPDATED: 15:15 EDT, 1 June 2023


President Biden has fallen on stage while handing out diplomas at the Air Force Academy in Colorado.

The 80-year-old commander-in-chief stumbled and fell to his knees and then got back up during the graduation ceremony in an incident likely to spark more concerns about his age as the nation's oldest president seeks a second term. He was assisted by Air Force officials when he fell to the ground.

The president then walked away without help and appeared to point to a sandbag on the stage that he appeared to trip over.

It is just his latest stumble after he fell up the stairs while boarding Air Force One last year and toppled over on his bike near his Delaware beach house. He was not harmed in either incident.

More here on The elder abuse the Biden Administration is engaged in:

I blame his fucked up wife.
Go ahead and focus on stupid shit like this, who can use what bathroom, who can read what book, trying to canceling librarians and teachers and corporations... Meanwhile the administration keeps doing the work FOR this nation's peoples. Making the middle and lower class lives better...
Bidens Inaugural Bike Race
Go ahead and focus on stupid shit like this, who can use what bathroom, who can read what book, trying to canceling librarians and teachers and corporations... Meanwhile the administration keeps doing the work FOR this nation's peoples. Making the middle and lower class lives better...
Yep, High Fuel Costs, Rampant Inflation, Rampant Crime, Millions of Illegals coming to a city near you.
Fuck even DumboCrats don't want the EPIC Failure to seek a second term!
Bidens Inaugural Bike Race

Yep, High Fuel Costs, Rampant Inflation, Rampant Crime, Millions of Illegals coming to a city near you.
Fuck even DumboCrats don't want the EPIC Failure to seek a second term!
Not even a good try... All that shit would still be occurring no matter which party is in the White House. You got nothing, especially since the right refuses to consider anything close to a solution for any of this; they'd prefer to bitch and moan about it... Much like you're doing here!
Not even a good try... All that shit would still be occurring no matter which party is in the White House. You got nothing, especially since the right refuses to consider anything close to a solution for any of this; they'd prefer to bitch and moan about it... Much like you're doing here!

Congress is working on a solution in the form of the investigation into Biden's corruption.

Hunter will be the first to face the music, but there are more Bidens in the woodpile.
Congress is working on a solution in the form of the investigation into Biden's corruption.

Hunter will be the first to face the music, but there are more Bidens in the woodpile.
Ah yes.... More made up bullshit about a President's family's dealings. Lest we not forget how a previous President's family fared with their dealings... The right would do so much better if they actually focused on the hard work of improving the country! Versus trying to blast their "enemies"... What is it called.... Right... "Owning the libs..." Who fucking cares?!?!
Ah yes.... More made up bullshit about a President's family's dealings. Lest we not forget how a previous President's family fared with their dealings... The right would do so much better if they actually focused on the hard work of improving the country! Versus trying to blast their "enemies"... What is it called.... Right... "Owning the libs..." Who fucking cares?!?!

Trump was investigated multiple times. Review of those investigations showed:

1. That the underlying basis for the investigations was fabricated (ie A LIE) for political purposes;
2. That there were no criminal acts committed;
3. That the impeachments based on the allegations which led to the investigations were baseless;
4. That no Trump family members were involved in criminal acts under investigation.

If you have PROOF that Trump has done something criminal, I'm sure the FBI would like to talk to you about it. Until then, STFU with your TDS based crapfest, the world is tired of hearing you lie to yourself then congratulating yourself on the success of that undertaking.
If he doesn't keel over for good they plan on keeping him in the basement and count on the stupidity and greed of the Democrat base to wheel him over the line.
Do you think that Biden lives in a basement? Then he must be good on stairs.
Trump was investigated multiple times. Review of those investigations showed:

1. That the underlying basis for the investigations was fabricated (ie A LIE) for political purposes;
2. That there were no criminal acts committed;
3. That the impeachments based on the allegations which led to the investigations were baseless;
4. That no Trump family members were involved in criminal acts under investigation.

If you have PROOF that Trump has done something criminal, I'm sure the FBI would like to talk to you about it. Until then, STFU with your TDS based crapfest, the world is tired of hearing you lie to yourself then congratulating yourself on the success of that undertaking.
Huh? Dude... How the fuck did you get that out of my comment?!? You're regurgitating your own TDS....
But he was out riding the bike. He was in shape for his age. AGAIN: bring up the image of Donald Trump on a bicycle. You're not go to win in pro-Trump argument on this comparison of the two.
Trump plays golf. Biden couldn't play two holes without running out of breath or remembering why he was there in the first place.
Trump was investigated multiple times. Review of those investigations showed:

1. That the underlying basis for the investigations was fabricated (ie A LIE) for political purposes;
2. That there were no criminal acts committed;
3. That the impeachments based on the allegations which led to the investigations were baseless;
4. That no Trump family members were involved in criminal acts under investigation.

If you have PROOF that Trump has done something criminal, I'm sure the FBI would like to talk to you about it. Until then, STFU with your TDS based crapfest, the world is tired of hearing you lie to yourself then congratulating yourself on the success of that undertaking.
The truth is, the Democrats projected their own criminal activity onto their opponent, Trump.
Congress is working on a solution in the form of the investigation into Biden's corruption.

Hunter will be the first to face the music, but there are more Bidens in the woodpile.
If you have PROOF that Biden has done something criminal, I'm sure the FBI would like to talk to you about it. Until then, STFU with your BDS based crapfest, the world is tired of hearing you lie to yourself then congratulating yourself on the success of that undertaking.
If you have PROOF that Biden has done something criminal, I'm sure the FBI would like to talk to you about it. Until then, STFU with your BDS based crapfest, the world is tired of hearing you lie to yourself then congratulating yourself on the success of that undertaking.

Go ahead and focus on stupid shit like this, who can use what bathroom, who can read what book, trying to canceling librarians and teachers and corporations... Meanwhile the administration keeps doing the work FOR this nation's peoples. Making the middle and lower class lives better...
You're a delusional clown.:oops::oops:
If you have PROOF that Biden has done something criminal, I'm sure the FBI would like to talk to you about it. Until then, STFU with your BDS based crapfest, the world is tired of hearing you lie to yourself then congratulating yourself on the success of that undertaking.
What did he do for the 30 million the Chinese gave him?
It's not my fault you're stupid. Really, it isn't.
You know... You really think so much about yourself don't you?! This has been your go-to retort for years.... Especially when you realize how far off base you get....
You know... You really think so much about yourself don't you?! This has been your go-to retort for years.... Especially when you realize how far off base you get....
Your problem is you never get to first base.
What did he do for the 30 million the Chinese gave him?

Here's an interesting rabbit hole:

We know Hunter is being investigated for tax fraud because he failed to claim income from China.

We also know that his companies forwarded some of the revenues of those China payments to at least 11 other Bidens.

Rabbit hole question:

Did those other Bidens also not report that income?

If they didn't report it, they're potentially also guilty of tax fraud.

If they did report it, they're potentially guilty of money laundering or conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Keep smoking that crack and hallucinating about the reality of the Middle and Lower Class.
You're right... It could be worse... We could be lining the pockets of the rich and corporations with tax breaks... Not to mention adding to the fucking deficit!!! Lately the whining of the right is ludicrous and fucking hilarious!