Biden Falls During Air Force Academy Graduation

Clean Up on Aisle 46, Airforce Acadamy Stage ASAP!
The difference is it's becoming a habit with Biden and with the latest incident it appears he didn't seem to be able to get back to his feet unaided.
I’ll even grant you it’s true.
But Biden (and I’m paraphrasing someone else’s words here) on whatever perceived worst day he’s having stumbling, stuttering is a thousand times better than whoever the republicans have to offer.
One could debate if he’s surrounded himself with “All the best people” but dems are comfortable with the line of succession falling even down to the head of the department of transportation.
The difference is it's becoming a habit with Biden and with the latest incident it appears he didn't seem to be able to get back to his feet unaided.
Biden is the President, so if he falls, any decent American will help him back on his feet. But that is no reason to assume he can’t get up on his own.
The difference is it's becoming a habit with Biden and with the latest incident it appears he didn't seem to be able to get back to his feet unaided.
Broken hips from falling are common among octogenarians. If that happens between now and 11/24 the Democratic Party will have a big problem. Hard to imagine them giving the keys to Kamala.
Broken hips from falling are common among octogenarians. If that happens between now and 11/24 the Democratic Party will have a big problem. Hard to imagine them giving the keys to Kamala.
You skipping past my post.
Yes, such a hard comprehensive task for you, ya know, following the Constitution.
Broken hips from falling are common among octogenarians. If that happens between now and 11/24 the Democratic Party will have a big problem. Hard to imagine them giving the keys to Kamala.

To me it's obvious that the democratic machine has decided that it's Biden or bust.

I'm wondering if that will result in RFK Jr. getting the nomination as more and more people realize that sleepy joe isn't going to cut it.
To me it's obvious that the democratic machine has decided that it's Biden or bust.

I'm wondering if that will result in RFK Jr. getting the nomination as more and more people realize that sleepy joe isn't going to cut it.
Ooooh. Great!
Here’s the so called Trump university steak lawyer ignoring his dumb buddy just running a bus over the line of succession.
Both of you - cut your losses now.
Throw me a meaningless insult and slink on to another thread.
To me it's obvious that the democratic machine has decided that it's Biden or bust.

I'm wondering if that will result in RFK Jr. getting the nomination as more and more people realize that sleepy joe isn't going to cut it.
They’ve definitely bet the farm. I doubt RFK Jr. has any chance but there might be some governors or senators that could be viable. It would be a much bigger problem for them if Biden becomes fully disabled after the convention. He’s very fragile mentally and physically and an October Surprise of that nature is a real possibility.
They’ve definitely bet the farm. I doubt RFK Jr. has any chance but there might be some governors or senators that could be viable. It would be a much bigger problem for them if Biden becomes fully disabled after the convention. He’s very fragile mentally and physically and an October Surprise of that nature is a real possibility.
Omg. LMAO!
How pathetic is this?!
Please, oh please, HA puhleeezz reply to BB!
They’ve definitely bet the farm. I doubt RFK Jr. has any chance but there might be some governors or senators that could be viable. It would be a much bigger problem for them if Biden becomes fully disabled after the convention. He’s very fragile mentally and physically and an October Surprise of that nature is a real possibility.
Omg. LMAO!
How pathetic is this?!
Please, oh please, HA puhleeezz!
I’m begging you to reply to BB!
The difference is it's becoming a habit with Biden and with the latest incident it appears he didn't seem to be able to get back to his feet unaided.
Teddy Roosevelt agrees.

Good thing walking isn't a prerequisite to being president.

Sucks to be you, trumptard. :)
Terrible and pathetic to see them put Biden in this situation over and over. He’s obviously a frail senior citizen with issues. He should be at home with his grandchildren, not suffering a humiliating legacy like this.
Teddy Roosevelt agrees.

Good thing walking isn't a prerequisite to being president.

Sucks to be you, trumptard. :)
I think you meant Franklin Delano Roosevelt who had polio and used a wheelchair. Teddy Roosevelt had asthma but other than that was in good health and enjoyed a physically active life. FDR was 51 years old when first elected president and was still in his 60s when he left office. Not the same thing as an fragile octogenarian showing clear signs of declining mental and physical health.