Biden Falls During Air Force Academy Graduation

You mean I never espouse anything meaningless...
Democrats back the worst of people. Before Biden, it was Hillary, crooked, mean, fat, angry, and out of breath. Recall she too collapsed on the curb trying to get into her car. Totally out of shape with no energy except for her sense of entitlement.
You're right... It could be worse... We could be lining the pockets of the rich and corporations with tax breaks... Not to mention adding to the fucking deficit!!! Lately the whining of the right is ludicrous and fucking hilarious!

I see you've read the new budget package...
Democrats back the worst of people. Before Biden, it was Hillary, crooked, mean, fat, angry, and out of breath. Recall she too collapsed on the curb trying to get into her car. Totally out of shape with no energy except for her sense of entitlement.
Ok.... Not sure how you got here from our thread... But not surprised... Now you two are getting boring....
You DO know why some of that is in there, hmmmmmm???~~~

I know why ALL of it is in there. That you don't seem to understand that's how our government operates regardless of who is in the majority is where the problem is.
Ok.... Not sure how you got here from our thread... But not surprised... Now you two are getting boring....

No one is forcing you to come here and read the board.

Unless you're not telling us something...
New Meme being reported on the news "Black Sandbags Matter."

When they go low, we kick them...

I know why ALL of it is in there. That you don't seem to understand that's how our government operates regardless of who is in the majority is where the problem is.
My point had nothing to do with how government operates. It's about the hypocritical arguments the right makes about the deficit...
My point had nothing to do with how government operates. It's about the hypocritical arguments the right makes about the deficit...

As opposed to, say, the hypocritical arguments the Left makes?

It's government. They don't give a shit about us, they only need our tax revenues to support their friends and donor class buddies. If that means they have to print monopoly money and make us pay for it, they will. And they'll do it regardless of whose partisan hand in on the handle of the printing press.

So, you saying that it's the R's when it's ALL of them is about THE most hypocritical bullshit I've ever read on this board.
You took us there, The thread was about Biden falling on his ass...again.
You're right I took you there by pointing out how shallow your post was... I forgot that within half a dozen replies you both break out your old, tired red herrings... <yawn>
Their hatred for Trump is so toxic they're willing to wear Biden's destructive incompetence as a badge of honor. Biden never won the seat because of his political and managerial skills, he won because the deep state wanted him to win. They cheated, pure and simple.

Not because "the deep state wanted him to win." Because 80 million American citizens- average joes like me and you- wanted him to win. And that 80 million was seven million more than those who wanted him to lose.

I fail to see why you cannot comprehend such a simple concept. Or refuse to accept it, even after all this time. It is a sign of intellectual immaturity that you can neither comprehend this nor accept it.

Not because "the deep state wanted him to win." Because 80 million American citizens- average joes like me and you- wanted him to win. And that 80 million was seven million more than those who wanted him to lose.

I fail to see why you cannot comprehend such a simple concept. Or refuse to accept it, even after all this time. It is a sign of intellectual immaturity that you can neither comprehend this nor accept it.
and because Trump is the most dangerous man on earth,and 80 million Americns,thank God,saw what a liar he was and still is
Democrats back the worst of people. Before Biden, it was Hillary, crooked, mean, fat, angry, and out of breath. Recall she too collapsed on the curb trying to get into her car. Totally out of shape with no energy except for her sense of entitlement.
Sounds like trump, fatboy. :)
Their hatred for Trump is so toxic they're willing to wear Biden's destructive incompetence as a badge of honor. Biden never won the seat because of his political and managerial skills, he won because the deep state wanted him to win. They cheated, pure and simple.
Hahaha, trump lost, get over it, bitch tits. :)
His fall is not the issue. Its his age. The fall is just another visible reminder to voters that he’s 80 years old, losing his mind, and losing control of his body. It’s why the New York Times reported that aides “quietly watch out for him” and “worry that he’ll trip on a wire.” It’s why he frequently gets confused and loses his train of thought. We’ve all see the physical and cognitive decline almost daily. It’s why 62% of Americans believe he lacks the physical fitness to serve, and 63% say he lacks the mental fitness. And it’s why an “October surprise” next year involving a more serious fall or other major health issue is a very real possibility.
Not even a good try... All that shit would still be occurring no matter which party is in the White House. You got nothing, especially since the right refuses to consider anything close to a solution for any of this; they'd prefer to bitch and moan about it... Much like you're doing here!
You obviously live in Australia or the Zoo! Ostratge.jpg
What a lot of people havent noticed which is very important...

When he falls....he struggles to get up and he needs help to get up

Thats significant