Biden Falls During Air Force Academy Graduation

Hard for you, perhaps. No one I know who voted for Biden would object to Harris taking over if it came to that.
The question isn’t whether Democrats would approve of her assuming office if Biden vacated the presidency during his term. The question is whether they would vote for her as the Democratic nominee if Biden suffers a debilitating health issue before the November election. At his stage of life, with Biden’s obvious signs of mental and physical decline, that’s a real possibilit. Harris flamed out of the 2020 Democratic primary very early. As VP, she has not shown any signs of gaining confidence and voters of either party.
You're right I took you there by pointing out how shallow your post was... I forgot that within half a dozen replies you both break out your old, tired red herrings... <yawn>
My post was quite germane to the subject of "my thread" which was about Joe falling on his ass once again. All I did in that post was point out that Democrats choose lousy candidates, like your last one, Hillary Clinton, who was mean, fat, and out of shape, had also collapsed and had to be hoisted into her car during her campaign.
No need to demonstrate yet again how good you are at projection. We already know.
Yeah sure I just spent two days hiking the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. Hillary Clinton couldn't have made it to our trailhead. :rolleyes::oops:
To me it's obvious that the democratic machine has decided that it's Biden or bust.

I'm wondering if that will result in RFK Jr. getting the nomination as more and more people realize that sleepy joe isn't going to cut it.
The only problem there is trying to tolerate his spasmodic dysphonia. There's no denying his cognitive ability is at a much higher level than Biden's however.
I think you meant Franklin Delano Roosevelt who had polio and used a wheelchair. Teddy Roosevelt had asthma but other than that was in good health and enjoyed a physically active life. FDR was 51 years old when first elected president and was still in his 60s when he left office. Not the same thing as an fragile octogenarian showing clear signs of declining mental and physical health.
Phil failed history class.
I think you meant Franklin Delano Roosevelt who had polio and used a wheelchair. Teddy Roosevelt had asthma but other than that was in good health and enjoyed a physically active life. FDR was 51 years old when first elected president and was still in his 60s when he left office. Not the same thing as an fragile octogenarian showing clear signs of declining mental and physical health.
I got the roosevelt part right. Either way my point was obvious.
My post was quite germane to the subject of "my thread" which was about Joe falling on his ass once again. All I did in that post was point out that Democrats choose lousy candidates, like your last one, Hillary Clinton, who was mean, fat, and out of shape, had also collapsed and had to be hoisted into her car during her campaign.
Correct... Then when challenged you went fishing...
As VP, she has not shown any signs of gaining confidence and voters of either party.
I'm not sure how to break it to you, but you do not have a particularly good grasp of what Democrats think about anyone or anything.
I'm not sure how to break it to you, but you do not have a particularly good grasp of what Democrats think about anyone or anything.
Most recent polls have her approval rating around 38% among all voters, mid 30s among independents, and mid 70s among Dems. That immigration assignment her boss gave her to boost her stature fizzled badly.

Democrats want to fix Kamala Harris' image problem. Some VP allies fear it’s too late.​
There's very little hope for 'Cackling' Kamala and the word salads she serves up.
Most recent polls have her approval rating around 38% among all voters, mid 30s among independents, and mid 70s among Dems.
In other words, your claim that she "has not shown any signs of gaining confidence and voters of either party" is wrong. Nice self-own there.