Blurt Thread III - Emporium of Unexpected Exclamations & Revelations

"Hi. Just checkin' if you still love me."

Why does my cat insist on pawing at my face and neck.

Because beauty and vulnerability bring out the best and worst in all animals.

I wish you a speedy recovery from your health problems. Those of us who are older know that we face the possibility of a stroke and more. It's unfair and hard to understand how it can happen to someone who's so young, vibrant, and raising a family who need her. Best wishes.
"Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen.”
~ Benjamin Disraeli​
I was just reading about preppers a minute ago. Do you also have 10,000 rounds and a clean water supply for when the spiders come?

The spiders will most assuredly come. Sure as day follows night, we all know this to be inevitable. The only question to decide is whether or not Rainshine will be prepared when her eight-legged friends arrive.

Thermomix that shit!

Spiders - protein of the future! :D
The spiders will most assuredly come. Sure as day follows night, we all know this to be inevitable. The only question to decide is whether or not Rainshine will be prepared when her eight-legged friends arrive.

Spiders - protein of the future! :D

miles long? there was a 70's gay porno star whose performing name was miles longue. he was.
That's not all that's out, Rainshine.

Rockin out?

I don’t like spiders and snakes. (Actually I don’t mind snakes either but spiders can all die in a fiery hell.)

Saw a 6’3”, absolutely gorgeous, Irish escape artist last night, who was handcuffed and hanging from the ceiling by his teeth. Kind of appreciated that trick on a multitude of levels. May have been drooling a bit. Also would like one of those to hang in my living room. Quite decorative.
I’m off on an 8 hour car trip through the mountains to deliver a slightly less sick Babyminx back to college (4 hither, 4 yon) and it’s snowing. *sigh*. So wish me luck. If I don’t make it, avenge my death. I know y’all will come up with something.

Rainy, I have an email set to send you if I’m not back at a certain time containing all my various online accounts and passwords to delete, or publish, whatever. :D. I didn’t just give them to you because I only fear your sense of humor more than my own. :rose:
well, that was surprising. the flyers for this week's newspaper included a catalog with 2 pages of sex toys. fairly vanilla and average by lit standards--but was surprised to see a rabbit and a "lifelike" dildo, but quite surprising i'm sure for most newspaper readers.
I came for some quoth-ing but found no ready opening.