Can We Get More "Ethnic" Diversity on the Literotica Site?

I find racism fascinating. I mean really, the amount of time and energy people spend hating someone for the colour of their skin could be better spent elsewhere. Most racists are so because they don't know what else to do. Maybe their parents were racist and they didn't bother to question it.

The real fascinating people though are guys like Hitler, or Klan leaders. People who spend A LOT of time and energy justifying their beliefs and actions in a needless argument.

We are constructed 99.9999% the same. The few changes to the DNA code give us some physical individuality as well as some psychological. It weirds me out that people put others down because of what they look like.

People behave like ants. You know, follow the leader. Eventually the few leaders out there create a foundation for a society and the rest of the work ants make that society stronger. They have absolutely no idea why, they just do it.

Societies have what is commonly called "group think". Group think leads to beliefs, laws, religions, etc. Group think is also responsible for racism and even anti-racism. No one is safe from it, save for the genuin sociopaths. Sociopaths are often leaders because they can break away from group think.

I'm losing my train of thought. Have to write an exam today...

At any rate, Go on and argue as you will. You spend all your time fightin the colours or the whiteys and I'll observe.

Incidently, I'm a mutt of many nations. It's pretty much impossible for me to be racist because then I'd just end up hating myself. :rolleyes:

I like pretty gene pools

I myself am a mutt.

Japanese, Native American, African American, Swiss, Dutch, Lithuanian, Latvian, English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh and Russian.

And these are only the proven links in the family history (some of which branches go back to 500 A.D., some ven further.)

So like sterling said, I would end up hating myself..LOL.

Blessed be,


I hear what you are saying.......once I get the scanner and the like I will post. I feel you are just saying you would like to more of us post as well. That is up to us to do. ok all you people of color let's see some sexy pics! lol

astralkiss said:

I myself am a mutt.

Japanese, Native American, African American, Swiss, Dutch, Lithuanian, Latvian, English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh and Russian.

And these are only the proven links in the family history (some of which branches go back to 500 A.D., some ven further.)

So like sterling said, I would end up hating myself..LOL.

Blessed be,


mmmm sexy genes.... Can I try em on? I'm sure I'd look good in your genes :D

Hmmm....Irish, English, Scottish, French, Spaniard, Afro-american, cree, ojibwa, and sodo. Yep, as far back as I can trace that is what I can find. That's about three hundred years worth.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
You're entitled to your beliefs, but that is not racism. An example of racially motivated violence, yes. Racism, no. Racism has a societal component, where a majority culture is engaged in the oppression of a minority based on apparent racial diferences. The gang member who hit Mr. Denny with a brick was committing wanton violence upon him, but he was in no position to, for example, deny him a mortgage for no reason, prevent his children from going to certain schools, collude with real estate agents to steer him away from certain neighborhoods, etc ...

Also, a gang member hitting someone with a brick in the midst of an civil uprising is world's apart from duly sworn officers of the law executing an unarmed University student, or A group of Yokels, on a complete whim, waylaying a man (whom one of them knew socially and had been friendly with) and dragging him to his death behind a truck, dismembering him in the process. None of it is good, but the level of diabolical evil is shifted a couple of standard deviations to the right in these examples.

This has nothing to do with Political Correctness ... which much like Liberal has taken on a bad connotation in the fascist jingoistic climate of present day America. That simply isn't what the word means.

Moreover, he didn't kill Mr. Denny.

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
Function: noun
Date: 1936
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
- rac·ist /-sist also -shist/ noun or adjective

I believe that racism occurs within all races, and that racism extends to racially motivated violence as well. That is how the term has been used contextually in our society.

Instead of Reginald Denny, I could use the Crown Heights riots in Brooklyn which lasted three days and resulted in the death of Yankel Rosenbaum, but the motivations were the same, and just as racist in my opinion.
zipman7 said:

I believe that racism occurs within all races, and that racism extends to racially motivated violence as well. That is how the term has been used contextually in our society.

Racism has at it's heart the preservation of inequity. This jibes perfectly with the dictionary denotation of the word. That's how the term is used contextually in my society. In these United States, racial minorities are in no position to impose inequity upon the racial majority.

Instead of Reginald Denny, I could use the Crown Heights riots in Brooklyn which lasted three days and resulted in the death of Yankel Rosenbaum, but the motivations were the same, and just as racist in my opinion.

It's funny how all of your examples of "racism" have a back-drop of civil unrest which was already in full swing when the specific incidents occured. This is very different from someone, out of the blue, deciding to kill someone simply because of their race. As, I'm sure, you know the crown heights incident took place in the back-lash of a child having been run down in the street.

I'm not in any way defending the people who murdered Yankel Rosenbaum. I think that they should be locked up, and have the key thrown away (assuming the incident was actually as the media reported it ... which, as with the Central Park "Wilding" case isn't necessarily so.)
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Racism has at it's heart the preservation of inequity. This jibes perfectly with the dictionary denotation of the word. That's how the term is used contextually in my society. In these United States, racial minorities are in no position to impose inequity upon the racial majority.

It's funny how all of your examples of "racism" have a back-drop of civil unrest which was already in full swing when the specific incidents occured. This is very different from someone, out of the blue, deciding to kill someone simply because of their race. As, I'm sure, you know the crown heights incident took place in the back-lash of a child having been run down in the street.

I'm not in any way defending the people who murdered Yankel Rosenbaum. I think that they should be locked up, and have the key thrown away (assuming the incident was actually as the media reported it ... which, as with the Central Park "Wilding" case isn't necessarily so.)

I think using a definition of racism based on societal equity is way too narrow of a focus. I don't believe it is about the preservation of inequity, but rather about the hatred of people who are different from ones' self. By defining racism in such narrow terms, you place every minority in the position of being a victim, and limit the application of the term to be something that only Caucasion people do. This is clearly not the case, and does any discussion of racism a disservice.

If you think choose to believe that people of color do not engage in racism, that is your right. However, I think that racism is practiced by all races, by all people, all over the world.

On a side note, I find it rather ironic to discuss racism with you while you have that AV, which I find extremely offensive and is as "Racist" and hate-filled as anything you might be preaching against.
zipman7 said:
On a side note, I find it rather ironic to discuss racism with you while you have that AV, which I find extremely offensive and is as "Racist" and hate-filled as anything you might be preaching against.

Makes me glad I have all avatars shut off. I got tired of seeing most of them long ago.

There are three topics I refuse to discuss anytime zip, race, politics, and religion.

However, I have read most of your comments, and your views mirror mine most of the time. I have learned a lot over the years, and I have found that though men and women's minds may change, their hearts rarely do.

zipman7 said:
I think using a definition of racism based on societal equity is way too narrow of a focus ...

Of course you do.

On a side note, I find it rather ironic to discuss racism with you while you have that AV, which I find extremely offensive and is as "Racist" and hate-filled as anything you might be preaching against.

There is nothing racist nor hate-filled about my AV. It is, in fact ... as you well know ... a small protest against the racist foreign policy of The United State, and Israeli Apartheid.

Don't confuse disgust with the racist actions of the Israeli government with anti-Jewish sentiment. Not all Jews are Zionists (some don't even believe there can be an Israel until the temple is rebuilt, and not all Zionists are racists. The Likud party is both crazy rightwing Zionist and racist.
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Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Of course you do.

There is nothing racist nor hate-filled about my AV. It is, in fact ... as you well know ... a small protest against the racist foreign policy of The United State, and Israeli Apartheid.

Don't confuse disgust with the racist actions of the Israeli government with anti-Jewish sentiment. Not all Jews are Zionists (some don't even believe there can be an Israel until the temple is rebuilt, and not all Zionists are racists. The Likud party is both crazy rightwing Zionist and racist.

A swastika is a symbol of anti-semitism, and offensive to people like myself, who lost a lot of family during the Holocaust. It is one of the most universally recognized symbols for hatred that exists. In addition, it is a symbol for genocide, the kind that happened in Germany and Europe for the Jews, Gypsies and Homosexuals. If you were using it to comment on a country that had practiced Genocide (Rwanda comes to mind) it would be much more appropriate. Using it to make a statement about our country's policies is an exageration that cheapens and desensitizes people to the horror of Genocide. I thought you would be articulate enough to convey your displeasure or political opinions through words alone, and leave the sensationalism to the less educated.

You have every right to display that AV and use it to make whatever political statements that you believe in. However, you do so at the expense of those who find it offesive and disturbing. .

I would be more than happy to discuss the reasons for the Israeli's actions that I agree with and disagree with, but I don't think that this thread is the place to do it.
Through a combination of bombardment and starvation the United States has killed somewhere over 100,000 Iraqis since the Gulf War, and now Bush is gearing for another racist war in Iraq, a state that is no threat to the U.S. in any way. Meanwhile the Likud Party ruled state of Israel is engaged in full-on ethnic cleansing in the occupied territories. I believe the combination of Bush and Sharon are every bit as evil and dangerous to the world as pre-WWII Hitler.

I assure you that I'm every bit as offended that my tax dollars may be used to fund Israeli Apartheid as you are by my AV. Arab and/or Palestinian lives are no less precious than German Jewish ones were 60 years ago.
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Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Through a combination of bombardment and starvation the United States has killed somewhere over 100,000 Iraqis since the Gulf War, and now Bush is gearing for another racist war in Iraq, a state that is no threat to the U.S. in any way. Meanwhile the Likud Party ruled state of Israel is engaged in full-on ethnic cleansing in the occupied territories. I believe the combination of Bush and Sharon are every bit as evil and dangerous to the world as pre-WWII Hitler.

I assure you that I'm every bit as offended that my tax dollars may be used to fund Israeli Apartheid as you are by my AV. Arab and/or Palestinian lives are no less precious than German Jewish ones were 60 years ago.

1) The economic boycott was done by the U.N., not the U.S. And if anyone is to blame, it is the Iraqi ruler who has used millions to satisfy his ego in building enormous Mosques and increasing his millitary capability at the expense of his people.

2) To say that Israel is engaged in full-on ethnic cleansing shows that you do not understand the conflict nor it's scope and are mrerely repeating the arab/muslim propoganda so prevalent in the anti-U.S. literature from Europe and across the middle-east.

3) I think you're ridiculuos comparison of Bush and Sharon to Hitler is yet another example of sensationalism and exageration.

There are plenty of political threads in the GB, and I would be more than happy to discuss any of the topics above with you, although from your posts, I tend to doubt that you would keep an open mind in them.

However, this is the BDSM board, and I think that the topic has shifted greatly from it's original intent, about "ethnic diversity on Lit." If brnsuga or you feel that there is a lack of diversity that should be addressed, why not pm laurel with a question or a request, rather than turing this into a political thread?
2) To say that Israel is engaged in full-on ethnic cleansing shows that you do not understand the conflict nor it's scope and are mrerely repeating the arab/muslim propoganda so prevalent in the anti-U.S. literature from Europe and across the middle-east.

:confused: I see an alarming number of Americans and some Canadians very much against arab/muslims. I don't get it. Yes, there are some fanatics within the muslim community with loud mouths and trigger happy fingers, but there are also trigger happy loud North Americans. Why are you fanatical people so friggen loud and violent?

I concur with cbm on the Bush-to-Hitler idea. The US and Israel are similar to Germany and Italy back in the day. I scared to death of GBW. Dumb fuck is picking fights with everyone! Why must he do that?

On a note (that should be more on topic) I love arabian women!
sterlingclay said:

I concur with cbm on the Bush-to-Hitler idea. The US and Israel are similar to Germany and Italy back in the day.

That is the stupidest fucking drivel I've ever fucking heard.

PBW "When the FUCK did this suddenly become BD-Politics-SM Talk Forum??!!!"
P. B. Walker said:
That is the stupidest fucking drivel I've ever fucking heard.

PBW "When the FUCK did this suddenly become BD-Politics-SM Talk Forum??!!!"

I think on the first page of this forum. May have had something to do with Hanns (edit: actually, I think it was UCE with a naive ouch that sparked CBM, among others. I've tried numerous times to get it back on track but felt obligatied into adding my two cents worth. *shrugs* Politics is a brick wall) but I can't remember.

But I know what you mean. Where's the whips'n'chains and ethnic diversity on this thread?

About the politics thing... you can't expect 400 million North Americans to believe in the same nonsense, so we'll leave it at that and talk about latina dommes

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will unsubscribe from this forum. not fun anymore and yes i'm african-american and proud of it but i come here for fun.
I think CBM's av is the best I've seen in a while.

And much less offensive than UCE's.

Lancecastor said:
I think CBM's av is the best I've seen in a while.

And much less offensive than UCE's.


Considering that you think Hanns is one of the best posters here, your opinion on this hardly surprises me.
zipman7 said:
Considering that you think Hanns is one of the best posters here, your opinion on this hardly surprises me.

As always zipman, you put it in perspective. :)

Papa C said:
will unsubscribe from this forum. not fun anymore and yes i'm african-american and proud of it but i come here for fun.

With all the political chestpuffing going on on this forum, this is the post that has had the biggest effect on me. This forum really isn't fun anymore, and I think its time to put all this political stuff to rest and talk about what we all came here to talk about.
Marquis said:
With all the political chestpuffing going on on this forum, this is the post that has had the biggest effect on me. This forum really isn't fun anymore, and I think its time to put all this political stuff to rest and talk about what we all came here to talk about.

I actually agree with you Marquis, it is sad to see someone leave because of off topic, personal bullshit. And until that dickhead CBM start spewing his drivel, I thought the bullshit that OO person was posting was nonsense. But one has to wonder now... this place is starting to go to hell in a handbasket.

PBW "Welcome to General Board II"
Eventually, all turds sink to the bottom. Once everyone who has to get the last word in, gets it in.
WriterDom said:
Eventually, all turds sink to the bottom. Once everyone who has to get the last word in, gets it in.

Unfortunately, there's always that one last peskie floater... lol.

PBW "Ok, so I'm a floater... ;) at least I didn't leave a skid mark. lmao"
zipman7 said:
I think you're ridiculuos comparison of Bush and Sharon to Hitler is yet another example of sensationalism and exageration.

Of course you do. Their victims are neither Jewish nor White.

There are plenty of political threads in the GB, and I would be more than happy to discuss any of the topics above with you, although from your posts, I tend to doubt that you would keep an open mind in them.

I didn't start this thread, nor did I steer it toward a geopolitical discussion. As to my mind, I assure you that I'm open to any reasonable Idea. A Palestine ethnically cleansed of Palestinians is not reasonable ... That's a repeat of Warsaw and the trail of tears.

However, this is the BDSM board, and I think that the topic has shifted greatly from it's original intent, about "ethnic diversity on Lit." If brnsuga or you feel that there is a lack of diversity that should be addressed, why not pm laurel with a question or a request, rather than turing this into a political thread?

I find it quite interesting that you've singled out Brnsuga and myself in a thread that many other Lit posters notably you have fully participated in.
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