Chaos... to be continued

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Who decides the appropriate level of sensitivity? What is ok or not ok to be offended by? Kinda a shitty term, for people who are not ok with shit you are. Just sayin.
I think anyone can be offended about anything. You never really know because what’s offensive to one isn’t to another. I think it’s more about the intent. I don’t think the majority of people go around deliberately trying to offend people.

The ‘just saying’ could be seen as passive aggressive. That’s offensive to some people.

It’s all open to interpretation but I really don’t think the majority of people set out to upset others x

Just my two pennies worth and I shall shut up now 😂😂
hi, nice to meet you too. My name is Justa (aka Rachel) I am a boring flighty middle age American chick, who sometimes entertains herself with whorey mannerisms or by bringing chaos where ever she can? Ideally, I manage both at the same time, but ya know, life gets in the way sometimes. And you?

Well whatdayaknow?
Do mine eyes deceive me?


Great to see you again! ♥️♥️

Settle back in. Some of the names have changed, and the thread title often does as well, but it's still us! 🥰😍😘
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