Chaos... to be continued

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Nothing much. Being tired and the grey weather dragging me down. Then I had an odd incident in FetLife and although that group isn't really important to me, or the whole damn FetLife (I could probably just as well skip it altogether), my highly sensitive nerve system decided to overreact to the point of tears. It's really weird to realize you are overreacting and yet not being able to do anything about it. Took quite a while to calm down even mostly, but I'd still just want to cuddle for the rest of the day.

And for some reason just this weekend my inbox has gone oddly silent after being very busy for weeks. Bad luck to have it happen right now.

I'm sorry, that's rough. ((((((hugs))))))
I am not sure I have even tried any American. But our Fazer makes some excellent chocolate.

Edit. Excellent as in better than any Swiss I have tasted...
WOW! I have had Swiss chocolate in Switzerland and it was awesome! Yours must be incredible!
WOW! I have had Swiss chocolate in Switzerland and it was awesome! Yours must be incredible!
Swiss is too sweet to my taste. Fazer has a good balance.

It isn't just me thinking it's good, either. I remember exchange students raving about it in the university.
Nothing much. Being tired and the grey weather dragging me down. Then I had an odd incident in FetLife and although that group isn't really important to me, or the whole damn FetLife (I could probably just as well skip it altogether), my highly sensitive nerve system decided to overreact to the point of tears. It's really weird to realize you are overreacting and yet not being able to do anything about it. Took quite a while to calm down even mostly, but I'd still just want to cuddle for the rest of the day.

And for some reason just this weekend my inbox has gone oddly silent after being very busy for weeks. Bad luck to have it happen right now.
Fetlife is 1000% worse than Lit with the crazy, selfish, demanding people. Deleted my account there (I couldn't remember so I had someone check and they couldn't find me, so I'm pretty sure I did. lol). I was just messaging Nat this morning about hating feeling that my emotions were out of control and not being able to do anything about it. Crying when I have no reason to, but I feel such sadness deep within my soul I'm sobbing like my beloved pet/friend/family member just died. It sucks. It really, really sucks. But that's when we have jokes about boobs/melons and melon-choly, which I think would be the absence of boobs? lol
Fetlife is 1000% worse than Lit with the crazy, selfish, demanding people. Deleted my account there (I couldn't remember so I had someone check and they couldn't find me, so I'm pretty sure I did. lol). I was just messaging Nat this morning about hating feeling that my emotions were out of control and not being able to do anything about it. Crying when I have no reason to, but I feel such sadness deep within my soul I'm sobbing like my beloved pet/friend/family member just died. It sucks. It really, really sucks. But that's when we have jokes about boobs/melons and melon-choly, which I think would be the absence of boobs? lol
Some folks here really like Fet, some don't. I didn't so I left and since I never spent much time there any way it was stupidly easy. What I miss is the old Tumblr before they went nuts on naughty content.

IDKWTS about the mood swings, but people sure do have them, sometimes to the point of their becoming delibating. Just don't be afraid to mention them to your PHP.
Fetlife is 1000% worse than Lit with the crazy, selfish, demanding people. Deleted my account there (I couldn't remember so I had someone check and they couldn't find me, so I'm pretty sure I did. lol). I was just messaging Nat this morning about hating feeling that my emotions were out of control and not being able to do anything about it. Crying when I have no reason to, but I feel such sadness deep within my soul I'm sobbing like my beloved pet/friend/family member just died. It sucks. It really, really sucks. But that's when we have jokes about boobs/melons and melon-choly, which I think would be the absence of boobs? lol
Apparently also some very abrupt and odd moderators with no tolerance to anything... but there's not much I really miss from there. Won't delete my account yet, as I have found one local fellow babygirl which I am yet to see offline. Maybe after meeting her and going to local munches (one every Tuesday, actually, so maybe next week already).

When I am really down, jokes don't really get through. Even when I give a laughing reaction it's very superficial. Like in reality just smiling faintly instead of laughing. Probably something to do with me still only recovering from depression. Concerning boobs... well I have mine and I don't need others.
Fetlife is 1000% worse than Lit with the crazy, selfish, demanding people. Deleted my account there (I couldn't remember so I had someone check and they couldn't find me, so I'm pretty sure I did. lol). I was just messaging Nat this morning about hating feeling that my emotions were out of control and not being able to do anything about it. Crying when I have no reason to, but I feel such sadness deep within my soul I'm sobbing like my beloved pet/friend/family member just died. It sucks. It really, really sucks. But that's when we have jokes about boobs/melons and melon-choly, which I think would be the absence of boobs? lol

That was my day yesterday, crazy crying and sadness for no actual reason that I can tell.

It gets super old. The only good thing is that it passes.
Some folks here really like Fet, some don't. I didn't so I left and since I never spent much time there any way it was stupidly easy. What I miss is the old Tumblr before they went nuts on naughty content.

IDKWTS about the mood swings, but people sure do have them, sometimes to the point of their becoming delibating. Just don't be afraid to mention them to your PHP.
What I think is best with FetLife is that it's easier to meet people from Europe there. I'm afraid I might need to look around Europe to find a matching lifetime partner...

Other than that... well a few interesting people to follow, and their longer writings are easy to find even after years. But other than that it's like FB and that's what I DON'T like about it.
Fetlife is 1000% worse than Lit with the crazy, selfish, demanding people. Deleted my account there (I couldn't remember so I had someone check and they couldn't find me, so I'm pretty sure I did. lol). I was just messaging Nat this morning about hating feeling that my emotions were out of control and not being able to do anything about it. Crying when I have no reason to, but I feel such sadness deep within my soul I'm sobbing like my beloved pet/friend/family member just died. It sucks. It really, really sucks. But that's when we have jokes about boobs/melons and melon-choly, which I think would be the absence of boobs? lol
I am sorry you are blue. chocolate?

I was mildly annoyed and pleased with my brief joining. Annoyed, my local selection is mostly 20-22 year old "doms" and "masters". I really had the urge to make see if I could make them cry. I didn't but how is a kid dominating anything but a video game, sigh.

What impressed me, well I was rather quickly called out in a thread I had commented on for being me. like me here. like the person accused me of faking myself by using my account here. I appreciated it. He was wrong, it was easy to clear up, but if he wasn't, he would have shut me down fast.
Never been to Fetlife but hard to believe there are worse weirdo pervs than this smut center.
I think there are more black-and-white views around there than here. More abrupt behaviour, because in principle it works like Facebook with types of posting and in how the groups work. So you can stay in you own "page" if you want to.
was s
I think there are more black-and-white views around there than here. More abrupt behaviour, because in principle it works like Facebook with types of posting and in how the groups work. So you can stay in you own "page" if you want to.
Dude yeah i am sure it is great for some folks but this place is about as freaky as I wanna get you know.
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