Corporate Media

We've had some issues with the media lately. Even for a while now. They are driving narratives and for them it is, essentially, clickbait over country. We saw it with HRC's buttery males. And now they are literally going all in on the Biden stories. Regardless of truth - and they have been caught in multiple lies now. Not just Fox or OAN. But CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NY Times, WaPo, Sinclair ... corporate media. (I'm not arguing the legitimacy of the discussion, only that they are pounding it into the ground. Even Beryl didn't budge it. People still without power, Abbot MIA but not a peep. Anyway...)

Currently a lot of the media outlets are owned by active Trump supporters. Those who aren't, are still multi millionaires and billionaires.

From what I am seeing, they are putting their business interests and profit above everything else. Even over the very country they exist in. I'm not prone to conspiracy theories however it is more than just a coincidence at this point that Trump's BING BONG BOOP moments aren't being shown far and wide but we are endlessly discussing Biden's alleged impending embrace of life as a piece of broccoli. Regardless that his administration is still clocking victories. Even Project 2025 - the most searched political topic is barely making a showing. Maybe one article per site. One. Maybe.

If this is the "news", then they are failing us.

Who agrees with David Zazlov? That we need more deregulation and more consolidation?
"Not just Fox or OAN. But CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NY Times, WaPo, Sinclair ... corporate media."

I'd suggest ANYONE using ANY of these as a primary source of "news"... Go as fast as you possibly can and buy a Great Pyrenees.
I think it's more likely that even the media knows they can't whitewash all the lies at the DNC convention. It truly was nothing but lies.
Pssst! Miss, your biased slip is showing. Everyone can see your... lies!
Huh, AP is supposed to be one of the (slightly left leaning) media gold standards. Maybe the headlines were actually the same, and a bit of a dry joke, since everyone knows if trumps lips are moving he’s lying.
I think the media has given up on Trump's daily Gish Gallop of falsehoods, and have rationalized that as "Trump's gonna Trump".

Any "tough questions" posed to Trump is met by either a pivot to white grievance talking points and/or "you're a terrible person". Did you see that hissy fit I posted the other day of Trump lasting exactly one question with Piers Morgan, who had the temerity to opine that Trump actually lost (gasp) in 2020? Trump tried three times to pivot to stolen election than started screeching "you're a fool! You're a fool!" over and over (HisArpy style) then ripped his lapel mike off and order the cameraman to stop filming as he lurched unsteadily to his feet.
I think the media has given up on Trump's daily Gish Gallop of falsehoods, and have rationalized that as "Trump's gonna Trump".

Any "tough questions" posed to Trump is met by either a pivot to white grievance talking points and/or "you're a terrible person". Did you see that hissy fit I posted the other day of Trump lasting exactly one question with Piers Morgan, who had the temerity to opine that Trump actually lost (gasp) in 2020? Trump tried three times to pivot to stolen election than started screeching "you're a fool! You're a fool!" over and over (HisArpy style) then ripped his lapel mike off and order the cameraman to stop filming as he lurched unsteadily to his feet.
Just the kind of world leader you want carrying around the nuclear football codes.