Did That Debate Change Your Vote.

i'd happily still vote for President Biden, content in the knowledge he surrounds himself with people who know how to do their jobs and who give him good advice he weighs before coming to decisions about... and that if he should become incapable of carrying on, VP Kamala Harris has been learning how to step into his role on the job. If anyone's concerned she may not be quite ready for that, then she's probably got at least another couple of years under his wing to gain that extra insight age confers.

what are her chances of a) being voted the dem candidate amongst a wide field and then b) getting enough americans to vote for her to trump trump in the big election come November?
if President Biden can hold out at least long enough to win, then her role as his successor is guaranteed should anything untoward happen with him.
I understand. I would like a bit more or different approach with Gaza as well.

Trump will support turning it into rubble so Israel can come in and claim it.
Specifically, Trump will support the eviction of the Palestinians so that Jared Kushner can buy it up with his Saudi billions then turn it into a golf resort.

But, obviously no genocide.
I had already written off both candidates. Biden had some hard stumbles. He hung in there and looked less senile than I expected, but he's still done. His bosses will yank him or they're done too. "After birth abortions" reminded me Trump likes to talk BS like it's serious. I don't call it a lie because it's just too silly to be believed.

Since I voted for a winning presidential candidate only once in my life, I can accept my pick probably won't win.
How could you be on the fence, given the options? Seriously, can't you read the situation?

I know full well the situation but you have to understand I live in a very red state. Those electoral college votes (which are the only ones that really matter) are practically already in trump's pocket.

So that leaves me in a very interesting position.

I can add one to Biden's popular vote victory, but Hillary won the popular too but we had Trump not her behind the resolute desk for 4 years. So that's the loser's consolation prize. Best i can do is counteract one person's vote like rightguide or exwhyzee.

Or I can weigh my options and assess my position and vote my conscience.

I'm fully aware on what's at stake, but that's on voters in swing states to decide. So don't even suggest I'm being naive.
what are her chances of a) being voted the dem candidate amongst a wide field and then b) getting enough americans to vote for her to trump trump in the big election come November?
if President Biden can hold out at least long enough to win, then her role as his successor is guaranteed should anything untoward happen with him.
as back up to this:

The New York Times/Sienna College poll published last October suggested that if Biden were not on the ballot, then a hypothetical alternative could enjoy a lead over Trump.

Research by Stack Data Strategy in November found that Trump would still beat other prominent potential candidates Kamala Harris and California governor Gavin Newsom, were Biden to be replaced.

More recently, an Emerson poll from February showed Biden having the strongest chance against Trump when compared against Harris, Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

I know full well the situation but you have to understand I live in a very red state. Those electoral college votes (which are the only ones that really matter) are practically already in trump's pocket.

So that leaves me in a very interesting position.

I can add one to Biden's popular vote victory, but Hillary won the popular too but we had Trump not her behind the resolute desk for 4 years. So that's the loser's consolation prize. Best i can do is counteract one person's vote like rightguide or exwhyzee.

Or I can weigh my options and assess my position and vote my conscience.

I'm fully aware on what's at stake, but that's on voters in swing states to decide. So don't even suggest I'm being naive.

I completely understand how you feel, really every vote should be for someone and something we wholeheartedly believe in.
But it’s not only about the overall.
It’s also momentum. Right now, you’re in a solidly red state. If that’s ever gonna change, it takes every vote for people to think it’s worth getting out and voting next time, and for undecideds to think through how much their vote could count, rather than voting to type.
It can also influence such perceptions for congressional and other votes.
If the gop is stuck in this Trumpist decline, and won’t pull itself out of that, voters need to find any and every way to influence, however gradual a process that is.
So vote with your conscience, but imo conscience requires a Dem vote every time Trump or his cronies stand
I just can't accept that anyone would say that if Biden isn't running, they would vote for Trump rather than Harris or Newsom.

Biden has very little 'brand loyalty', he's the Democratic & 'Not-Trump' candidate.
perhaps not vote for trump but opt to vote for an independent or not bother voting at all?
mind you, from what i've heard from the 'undecideds' there would be those who'd choose trump over Biden which questions their intellectual capacity as well as their morals.
I know full well the situation but you have to understand I live in a very red state. Those electoral college votes (which are the only ones that really matter) are practically already in trump's pocket.

So that leaves me in a very interesting position.

I can add one to Biden's popular vote victory, but Hillary won the popular too but we had Trump not her behind the resolute desk for 4 years. So that's the loser's consolation prize. Best i can do is counteract one person's vote like rightguide or exwhyzee.

Or I can weigh my options and assess my position and vote my conscience.

I'm fully aware on what's at stake, but that's on voters in swing states to decide. So don't even suggest I'm being naive.
If you actually have a conscious, there's no question who you will vote for of the current options. I live in Bob Good's heavily red-gerrymanded congressional district, where it's a rabid Trumper running against a doubly rabid Trumper for the safe Republican seat. I will still vote against whichever of them gets the Republican nomination. It would be unconscionable not to.
If you actually have a conscious, there's no question who you will vote for of the current options. I live in Bob Good's heavily red-gerrymanded congressional district, where it's a rabid Trumper running against a doubly rabid Trumper for the safe Republican seat. I will still vote against whichever of them gets the Republican nomination. It would be unconscionable not to.

Oh I'll vote dem down the line. In certain local elections the dems have a chance to pull off an upset here. It's just when it comes to president I'm still assessing my feelings on who to vote

I'll need to find out if Jill stein is on the ballot in Tennessee. If she isn't my feelings about Gaza will be fairly moot since my options will be Isreal sycophant 1, 2, or 3.
That's just the thing I like quite a bit of Biden's policies but abhor others like his handling of Isreal and the genocide going on in Gaza. I'm still on the fence whether that's a red line for me in November or not. Probably won't know for sure until I'm in the voting booth.

Your erroneous claims (imho) of a “genocide” in Gaza notwithstanding, what would you have had President Biden do differently in the wake of the Hamas terrorists’ October 7th rape, torture, murder, and kidnapping operation???


Should President Biden have dictated to the Israelis what their response could / can be???


Should President Biden have sided with Hamas???


Considering that Hamas had planned all along to conduct an operation so heinous that the Israelis would retaliate in kind, hoping that the Israeli response would inflame the region and potentially trigger a global jihad, do Hamas and the Palestinian "civilians" who were complicit in the 10/7 attack bear any culpability for the current situation???


As far as President Biden’s response is concerned: He has demonstrated great flexibility / adaptability in his approach to dealing with the situation, offering carrots to both sides while refraining from using the big stick to resolve things.


A "president” tRump would be ALL "big" stick against Hamas AND ALL Palestinians.

Anyone that watched that 💩 show has to wonder who’s running our country
Because he can’t put two words together
He’s not that way all the time as evidenced by his strong performance today at the Raleigh, NC rally. But he sure picked a bad time to fuck it up performance-wise last night.

It confirmed why I'm voting independent.
Yeah well, protest votes are wasted votes and take away from the real candidates in the race.
He’s not that way all the time as evidenced by his strong performance today at the Raleigh, NC rally. But he sure picked a bad time to fuck it up performance-wise last night.

I was watching to see how President Biden rallied from that stumble:

That rally in Raleigh was cause for optimism.


I was honestly surprised President Biden was in such strong form (and voice) less than one day after he sounded like he had a pretty nasty cold.

LOL at the Biden supporters. They basically forced him through the Democratic primaries as their nominee, and have ridiculed suggestions that he is senile for months and months. Now they panic after last night's debate and many want him replaced on the ticket. The DNC needs to face the consequences of their actions. They have worked overtime for years to stop politicians like Bernie Sanders becoming the Democratic nominee, because they fear Sanders more than they ever feared Donald Trump.

If it is Biden vs. Trump, I expect it to be a pretty big Trump win.
HA ha ha ha ha.

No, that debate continued to show what a nightmare the entire GOP is now.
Trump won easily on foreign policy and inflation in America. A complete massacre. I even got the feeling that Democrats don't care about those issues, as long as they continue to warmonger using our federal taxes. They are completely out of touch with the lives of ordinary Americans.

The Democrats just say "Trump lies". Well, of course. Do you think everybody can't see that already? Trump lies a lot, puts in bits of truth, and rages in a way that connects with people's anger and rage in the country at large towards elites. The elitists in the Democratic Party respond to that with elitist patronizing.
Trump won easily on foreign policy and inflation in America. A complete massacre. I even got the feeling that Democrats don't care about those issues, as long as they continue to warmonger using our federal taxes. They are completely out of touch with the lives of ordinary Americans.

The Democrats just say "Trump lies". Well, of course. Do you think everybody can't see that already? Trump lies a lot, puts in bits of truth, and rages in a way that connects with people's anger and rage in the country at large towards elites. The elitists in the Democratic Party respond to that with elitist patronizing.
Becky likes liars
Trump won easily on foreign policy and inflation in America. A complete massacre. I even got the feeling that Democrats don't care about those issues, as long as they continue to warmonger using our federal taxes. They are completely out of touch with the lives of ordinary Americans.

The Democrats just say "Trump lies". Well, of course. Do you think everybody can't see that already? Trump lies a lot, puts in bits of truth, and rages in a way that connects with people's anger and rage in the country at large towards elites. The elitists in the Democratic Party respond to that with elitist patronizing.

What did Trump say about foreign policy and inflation in America and which parts of it were correct?
perhaps not vote for trump but opt to vote for an independent or not bother voting at all?
mind you, from what i've heard from the 'undecideds' there would be those who'd choose trump over Biden which questions their intellectual capacity as well as their morals.
In the 1980 presidential debate between Carter and Reagan, Reagan asked "Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?". Trump should ask the same. The way I see it, only the very rich are better off today than 4 years ago. We didn't have wars in Ukraine and Gaza, didn't have crazy inflation etc.