Did That Debate Change Your Vote.


Ironically, "Becky" ignores the fact that it was the REPUBLICAN PARTY and corrupt REPUBLICAN "justices" on the SCOTUS who made "Citizens United" happen.
You ignore the DNC forcing Clinton in 2016 and going hard against Sanders, something that the DNC repeated in 2020 when pushing Biden. Also, Obama's early years when the Democrats controlled presidency, senate and house.

Sanders would have beaten Trump. The DNC preferred Trump as president than Sanders as president. How about the DNC's role in Trump becoming president and Trump's SCOTUS changes?

Even now, a lot of Democrats want Biden to step down, yet who forced Biden through the primaries this year, against the protests of progressives?
Okay say what ever you want. AT this point you can claim whatever you want but Israel winning means the end of the Palestinians. It is a stated goal and what exactly have those three done that is antisemitic. Not anti-Israel, anti-Jewish.

Rashida Tlaib is a "From the river to the sea” zealot. The others support her.

I’m curious: What do you believe "From the river to the sea" means???

The main problem if Biden bows out (which apparently he hinted he might), is that the nomination almost certainly will go to Kamala, who probably stands less of a chance of beating Trump than Biden. We are so fucked!!
And if they dumped Harris in favor of Newsom or Whitmer, that will piss off a lot of the black Democrats that Harris was "passed over". That section, i.e. Clyburn types, screwed over Sanders in 2020.

Short of a major Trump PR disaster or him being "put out of the way", it looks like anything the Democrats do from this point will be wrong. Stick with Biden who is seen as being in cognitive decline after a TV debate in front of tens of millions of Americans and foreigners, go with Harris who polls little better than Biden, or go for someone else like Newsom or Whitmer, and piss off the black vote.

Will the DNC have the humility to look inwards at themselves and ask "What did we do wrong here?", i.e. such as forcing Biden through the primaries, ridiculing concerns about Biden's cognitive abilities, calling critics "Russian bots" etc. or will they just double down and keep blaming progressives and Russians?
Rashida Tlaib is a "From the river to the sea” zealot. The others support her.

I’m curious: What do you believe "From the river to the sea" means???

From the River Jordan to the Mediterrean Sea, every Palestinian will be free. What else?
Not if the bed-wetters in the Democratic Party grow a spine and continue to have the back of President Biden after ONE bad DEBATE performance.

Notice how the MAGAts have rallied around: A convicted felon; an adjudicated sexual assaulter; an obvious traitor; an insurrectionist, and an orange POS that performed just as poorly at the debate by telling yuuuuuuge LIES, dodging maaaaaaany QUESTIONS, and making several RACIST comments while coming across as openly AUTHORITARIAN???

Democrats abandoning President Biden after ONE bad DEBATE would be sooooooo WEAK: Especially when one considers President Biden’s schedule leading up to the debate and the poor preparation from his advisors.
Hell, who the fuck in President Biden’s inner circle thought it was a good idea to schedule the debate so soon after President Biden was scheduled to be jetting to events all over the world and the country??? The guy IS 81 FFS.

Have you ever heard the saying "What is seen cannot be unseen"? The genie isn't going back in the bottle.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the June debate DNC/Biden's idea, along with him getting conditions like muting the microphone and no audience? So, the DNC forced Biden through the primaries, got a June debate with conditions that THEY wanted, and then after the debate wanted him dropped or try to put the genie back in the bottle, while gaslighting the critics.
Not if the bed-wetters in the Democratic Party grow a spine and continue to have the back of President Biden after ONE bad DEBATE performance.

Notice how the MAGAts have rallied around: A convicted felon; an adjudicated sexual assaulter; an obvious traitor; an insurrectionist, and an orange POS that performed just as poorly at the debate by telling yuuuuuuge LIES, dodging maaaaaaany QUESTIONS, and making several RACIST comments while coming across as openly AUTHORITARIAN???

Democrats abandoning President Biden after ONE bad DEBATE would be sooooooo WEAK: Especially when one considers President Biden’s schedule leading up to the debate and the poor preparation from his advisors.
Hell, who the fuck in President Biden’s inner circle thought it was a good idea to schedule the debate so soon after President Biden was scheduled to be jetting to events all over the world and the country??? The guy IS 81 FFS.


Sleepwalking into another Trump win then ?

“One bad debate”. “A cold”. “Jet lag”.

Lying to yourselves.
You ignore the DNC forcing Clinton in 2016 and going hard against Sanders, something that the DNC repeated in 2020 when pushing Biden. Also, Obama's early years when the Democrats controlled presidency, senate and house.

Sanders would have beaten Trump. The DNC preferred Trump as president than Sanders as president. How about the DNC's role in Trump becoming president and Trump's SCOTUS changes?

Even now, a lot of Democrats want Biden to step down, yet who forced Biden through the primaries this year, against the protests of progressives?
Sanders had no chance. He did not win enough primary votes.
Sanders had no chance.
A self-fulfilling prophecy by the DNC.

He did not win enough primary votes.
Nothing to do with superdelegates then, and the DNC pushing hard for Clinton?

Tell me why Estes Kefauver in 1952 and Eugene McCarthy in 1968 weren't the Democratic nominees? Why was Harry Truman the vice presidential candidate in 1944 instead of the incumbent Henry Wallace?
Sleepwalking into another Trump win then ?

“One bad debate”. “A cold”. “Jet lag”.

Lying to yourselves.

The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor was farting and falling asleep while SITTING in court in the middle of the afternoon, so…

Who is the one LYING / GASLIGHTING???


Also (and again):

The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor did poorly at the debate as well, in a different and MORE important way: "Black jobs"??? Demonizing / dehumanizing immigrants??? Insulting our military??? Trashing the country??? Making unhinged statements (LIES) about Democratic policies on abortion, taxes, immigration, etc??? Making unhinged comments (LIES) about the state of the union that President Biden inherited??? Making unhinged statements (LIES) about the January 6th insurrection??? Making unhinged statement (LIES) about the current U.S. economy???


Yeah, not impressed…

The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor was farting and falling asleep while SITTING in court in the middle of the afternoon, so…

Who is the one LYING / GASLIGHTING???


Also (and again):

The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor did poorly at the debate as well, in a different and MORE important way: "Black jobs"??? Demonizing / dehumanizing immigrants??? Insulting our military??? Trashing the country??? Making unhinged statements (LIES) about Democratic policies on abortion, taxes, immigration, etc??? Making unhinged comments (LIES) about the state of the union that President Biden inherited??? Making unhinged statements (LIES) about the January 6th insurrection??? Making unhinged statement (LIES) about the current U.S. economy???


Yeah, not impressed…


Yes, and a competent candidate would expose all that. But since Biden was busy being unhinged himself it all got lost in the wash.
A self-fulfilling prophecy by the DNC.
Voters didn't vote for him
That's what is required.

Nothing to do with superdelegates then, and the DNC pushing hard for Clinton?

Tell me why Estes Kefauver in 1952 and Eugene McCarthy in 1968 weren't the Democratic nominees? Why was Harry Truman the vice presidential candidate in 1944 instead of the incumbent Henry Wallace?
JFC, it's over. Why are you crying about shit from almost a decade ago?

Pick up your diapers and move on.

Are you still sad that your basketball team lost the semifinals in high school 20 years ago?
Yes, and a competent candidate would expose all that. But since Biden was busy being unhinged himself it all got lost in the wash.

President Biden was NOT unhinged.

President Biden was clearly exhausted : and once I reviewed his schedule (and travel schedule) leading up to the debate, it was painfully obvious why he was exhausted.

Whoever advised (or didn’t advise against) scheduling the debate on the heels of that hectic schedule should be fired.


President Biden’s advisors who prepared him for the debate inserted too much complex minutia into the President’s answers. The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor gave childishly simplistic and inaccurate answers (LIES) and it "passed muster" with many people. President Biden could have done the same - minus all the yuuuuuuge LIES that the rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor spewed like water from a firehouse.


President Biden was NOT unhinged.

President Biden was clearly exhausted : and once I reviewed his schedule (and travel schedule) leading up to the debate, it was painfully obvious why he was exhausted.

Whoever advised (or didn’t advise against) scheduling the debate on the heels of that hectic schedule should be fired.


President Biden’s advisors who prepared him for the debate inserted too much complex minutia into the President’s answers. The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor gave childishly simplistic and inaccurate answers (LIES) and it "passed muster" with many people. President Biden could have done the same - minus all the yuuuuuuge LIES that the rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor spewed like water from a firehouse.


Biden proposed the date. Someone with his experience as a senator, VP, and President ought to be able to know what kind of schedule he can handle. If he can’t control his schedule, that’s a problem. If he can’t find 4 to 8 hours to prepare in the week leading up to the debate, that’s on him. He’s the fucking president. How much time did he need to prepare to attack a convicted felon, boast about his record, and articulate his vision? You and most others on his side could have done a better job with 15 minutes of preparation. The problem was and is that he can’t remember anything.
Okay say what ever you want. AT this point you can claim whatever you want but Israel winning means the end of the Palestinians. It is a stated goal and what exactly have those three done that is antisemitic. Not anti-Israel, anti-Jewish.
You’ve got it exactly backwards. “From the river to the sea” means utterly eradicating Israel which has been the stated goal of Hamas for decades.

Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2008 and left them alone except for fending off the Intifada. The recent Arab deaths are a direct result of Israel fighting back against the unprovoked attack on October 7th.

When the remaining hostages are rescued and Hamas is defanged, Israel is done.
Biden proposed the date. Someone with his experience as a senator, VP, and President ought to be able to know what kind of schedule he can handle. If he can’t control his schedule, that’s a problem. If he can’t find 4 to 8 hours to prepare in the week leading up to the debate, that’s on him. He’s the fucking president. How much time did he need to prepare to attack a convicted felon, boast about his record, and articulate his vision? You and most others on his side could have done a better job with 15 minutes of preparation. The problem was and is that he can’t remember anything.


BabyBoobs can’t spin other’s comments to mean anything other than what they ACTUALLY MEAN.

GASLIGHTING doesn’t work on decent, intelligent, strong minded people.


Side note:

I have no idea how I would have performed at that debate if I had been dealing with a schedule like President Biden’s leading up to that debate - and I’m not 81.

The fact that President Biden was able to LITERALLY rally THE VERY NEXT DAY, and present as capable and competent, leads me to believe that the debate WAS an EXCEPTIONALLY bad "one-off" performance.

Not saying President Biden will suddenly become the eloquent orator that President Obama was, or even as good as he himself was ten or fifteen years ago, nor that President Biden won’t have a few more unfortunate verbal stumbles, but I don’t anticipate anything like that debate FAIL happening again.



Side note 2:

Ironically, President Biden IS CAPABLE of improvement in the next debate and future public appearances (as evidenced by his rally in Raleigh), but the rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor IS INCAPABLE of being anything other than an rapey, racist, corrupt orange POS.


Last edited:
President Biden was NOT unhinged.

President Biden was clearly exhausted : and once I reviewed his schedule (and travel schedule) leading up to the debate, it was painfully obvious why he was exhausted.

Whoever advised (or didn’t advise against) scheduling the debate on the heels of that hectic schedule should be fired.


President Biden’s advisors who prepared him for the debate inserted too much complex minutia into the President’s answers. The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor gave childishly simplistic and inaccurate answers (LIES) and it "passed muster" with many people. President Biden could have done the same - minus all the yuuuuuuge LIES that the rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor spewed like water from a firehouse.



You’re blaming his advisors now ? For their bosses dementia ?

It’s their fault there’s a video of their charge - launched minutes after the debate they asked for - rambling, stumbling, losing his train of thought and randomly shouting out shit about Medicare whilst utterly unable to either get across his own talking points, nor attack Trumps blatant ignorance of facts ?

Listen, I get it you’re all in. I get it that you’d vote for Biden in a straitjacket over Trump, and I take your point.

But you’re ignoring what Bill Maher, and now at this late stage the entire party behind the scenes, recognise - which is that this election won’t be decided by people like you.

BabyBoobs can’t spin other’s comments to mean anything other than what they ACTUALLY MEAN.

GASLIGHTING doesn’t work on decent, intelligent, strong minded people.


Side note:

I have no idea how I would have performed at that debate if I had been dealing with a schedule like President Biden’s leading up to that debate - and I’m not 81.

The fact that President Biden was able to LITERALLY rally THE VERY NEXT DAY, and present as capable and competent, leads me to believe that the debate WAS an EXCEPTIONALLY bad "one-off" performance.

Not saying President Biden will suddenly become the eloquent orator that President Obama was, or even as good as he himself was ten or fifteen years ago, nor that President Biden won’t have a few more unfortunate verbal stumbles, but I don’t anticipate anything like that debate FAIL happening again.



Side note 2:

Ironically, President Biden IS CAPABLE of improvement in the next debate and future public appearances (as evidenced by his rally in Raleigh), but the rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor IS INCAPABLE of being anything other than an rapey, racist, corrupt orange POS.


Ok. Keep pretending what happened last Thursday was an isolated incident. Pretend others are to blame. Ignore the voices within your party that realize his cognitive decline can no longer be concealed. Ignore the daily onslaught of polls that confirm voters across party lines are losing confidence in the president in greater numbers by the hour. Whatever you do, pay no attention to the Just the Polls thread.

Stand by your man.
You’ve got it exactly backwards. “From the river to the sea” means utterly eradicating Israel which has been the stated goal of Hamas for decades.

Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2008 and left them alone except for fending off the Intifada. The recent Arab deaths are a direct result of Israel fighting back against the unprovoked attack on October 7th.

When the remaining hostages are rescued and Hamas is defanged, Israel is done.

Ironically from the River to the Sea wouldn't even destroy Israel but I don't hang on every single word any of them say. Israel wit Gaza however is a fucking lie. Almost immediately they went right back to invading. Israel was NEVER fighting back and any illusion that this is defense ended sometime around the turn of the year. At this point is sheer offense fot efor the fun of it.

Hamas never had fangs worthy of this kind of response to begin with and certainly don't now. The hostages don't matter and never really did.
You’ve got it exactly backwards. “From the river to the sea” means utterly eradicating Israel which has been the stated goal of Hamas for decades.

Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2008 and left them alone except for fending off the Intifada. The recent Arab deaths are a direct result of Israel fighting back against the unprovoked attack on October 7th.

When the remaining hostages are rescued and Hamas is defanged, Israel is done.

Ironically from the River to the Sea wouldn't even destroy Israel but I don't hang on every single word any of them say. Israel wit Gaza however is a fucking lie. Almost immediately they went right back to invading. Israel was NEVER fighting back and any illusion that this is defense ended sometime around the turn of the year. At this point is sheer offense fot efor the fun of it.

Hamas never had fangs worthy of this kind of response to begin with and certainly don't now. The hostages don't matter and never really did.
You’re blaming his advisors now ? For their bosses dementia ?

It’s their fault there’s a video of their charge - launched minutes after the debate they asked for - rambling, stumbling, losing his train of thought and randomly shouting out shit about Medicare whilst utterly unable to either get across his own talking points, nor attack Trumps blatant ignorance of facts ?

Listen, I get it you’re all in. I get it that you’d vote for Biden in a straitjacket over Trump, and I take your point.

But you’re ignoring what Bill Maher, and now at this late stage the entire party behind the scenes, recognise - which is that this election won’t be decided by people like you.

Yes it will.

Because I’m not a sycophantic cultist in the cult of Dark Brandon. I can easily adapt to changes and vote accordingly.


IF, for WHATEVER reason, President Biden would happen to step aside, I would throw my full support behind Vice President Harris. And (hypothetically) IF, for WHATEVER reason, Vice President Harris didn’t secure the post Biden nomination / candidacy, then I would vote for whichever Democratic candidate did.



Side note:

If the President Biden at that debate was the 24/7 365 President Biden, then it would have shown by now.

From all credible reports, President Biden IS capable and competent.

President Biden has an interview with ABC News coming up, and has a string of public appearances lined up as well.

Let’s see how those go.

President Biden’s rally in Raleigh was ALREADY fairly reassuring.




BabyBoobs seems to think that secondhand information based on opinions formed during and after President Biden’s UNQUESTIONABLY hectic and demanding schedule, that included MULTIPLE transatlantic and cross country flights, while he was simultaneously dealing with some UNPRECEDENTED crises, is definitive proof of "something".

And, oh yeah, that "something" usually happened later in President Biden’s incredibly hectic and demanding day.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣


Side question:

Does BabyBoobs think the articles about the rapey, racist, demented, corrupt orange traitor / convict are “right or wrong”???


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣
