dirty haiku

rising high above
warmth penetrating downwards
the sun kisses me
Biting down harder
juices dripping down my chin
Enjoying the peach
day 39

colors of sunrise
through tatters of mist - a glimpse
of her skin in lace
day 40

fern's fronds in the rain
sway and bounce - dancer searching
for the big spender
day 41

sound of coming rain
faster than understanding
remember that kiss
day 42

tall reeds jostling
men from town, come far to watch
the water lilies
thrown against a wall
crushed, shattered into pieces
like a glass, my heart
day 43

clothes piled on the shore
summer sweat stripped off her skin
by cold, cold water
day 44

After the Perseids

meteor shower
stars fall like panties in my
overcast bedroom
this smacks of wishin' on a star, har har :)
though i like 'overcast bedroom'. yes indeedy.

overcast night- no
falling stars, or panties
just wishful thinking

crap ... I think I improved it by trying to explain
day 45

still night, drinking with
the crickets
in the next yard
neighbors cum softly
day 46

her warm breath, soft lips
whisper - nothing to see but
fireflies in deep woods
day 47

bare trees, brittle grass
hard frost - warming your cold hands
under my sweater
day 48

passion fades and grows
Cicadas sing soft loud soft
all day, making out