dirty haiku

day 56

when she comes for me
butterflies cling to tall stalks
dancing as wind howls
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now so do i
really buxom butterfly women

...powerless to resist...

*in my happy place*

A happy place indeed, butterflies, transformation.......initiation.

I am going to give it a go... my very first Haiku.... be gentle :)

Butterfly fluttering
Heart song emerges
From the quiet Cocoon
A happy place indeed, butterflies, transformation.......initiation.

I am going to give it a go... my very first Haiku.... be gentle :)

Butterfly fluttering
Heart song emerges
From the quiet Cocoon

Day 57

wildflowers devour
gardens left too long alone
her resolve crumbles
Day 58

winter bends bamboo
down low - for no reason up!
it springs, shakes off snow
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head resting on grass
hands gripping your shoulders tight
pausing for a kiss
Day 59

drag a pine needle
behind her knee – watch as she
pulls against the rope
famished, I devour
what I see before my eyes
your beauty sates me
Day 60

fingers on your thigh
as you rise - willow branches
touching the river
find the haiku that...
they write sans attribution.

there's the story.
Day 61

lean back against me
each wave sinks our feet deeper
watching the ocean
Dark and inviting
Her passion invites me in
Our pleasure as one

Not subtle, no reference to seasons or cutting but still follows the 5-7-5 form of English Haiku
Dark and inviting
Her passion invites me in
Our pleasure as one

Not subtle, no reference to seasons or cutting but still follows the 5-7-5 form of English Haiku

Has an immediacy I can rarely achieve.
Nicely done.
No law against repeating a word in haiku, but maybe
inviting to enticing? alluring?
since invites appears again in the next line?
Actually I used it twice on purpose to indicate who was the person actually in charge of the interlude. Enticing would have been nice as well though. I wished to convey the idea that the woman was aware and doing this intentionally and that possibly the male was drawn in thinking wrongly that he was the prime motivator. that is the nice/sad thing about this format. You offer it out and then as soon as someone else reads it you lose control as their mind sees it differently.
Actually I used it twice on purpose to indicate who was the person actually in charge of the interlude. Enticing would have been nice as well though. I wished to convey the idea that the woman was aware and doing this intentionally and that possibly the male was drawn in thinking wrongly that he was the prime motivator. that is the nice/sad thing about this format. You offer it out and then as soon as someone else reads it you lose control as their mind sees it differently.

I always get a smile from it, myself. Once it's out there, it belongs to who reads it.