dirty haiku

As there is nothing worse than a constipated poet ... I will endeavor to make it unnecessary to let me off a second time.

Sits back, feeling a small swell of pride that he managed to resist temptation and not make any cracks about making it necessary to get me off.

OK, I couldn't resist entirely. :rolleyes: :D

*Goes away to write a turd poem*

cascading pulse
ripples the landscape
.....everything collapses

day 32

toy carried away
on swift currents – eyes glisten
why did I say that?
day 33

fall trees blazing, foot
on the gas, your lips on my...
we're going to die
day 34

perfumed like a whore
kisses that taste of dark rum
night blooming jasmine
nothing is as simple
as a flower in full bloom
yet so beautiful
Day 35

sensual granite
river rocks left bare by drought
rounded like girl's hips
day 36

listen to the rain
rushing across still water
waiting for her touch
sensual granite
river rocks left bare by drought
rounded like girl's hips

listen to the rain
rushing across still water
waiting for her touch

you definitely have something going on with these. uh huh. ;)

(not a ku, for all sorts of reasons, but a short)
thunder grumbles
thick air shivers
first drops appear
you definitely have something going on with these. uh huh. ;)

(not a ku, for all sorts of reasons, but a short)
thunder grumbles
thick air shivers
first drops appear

a rose by any other name...
this smells very sweet.
day 37

appearing through mist
across the lake, a lone spruce
hard as stone at dawn
day 38

sunlight reflected
on ceiling - golden ripples
she glides over me