dirty haiku

as if on demand...

make the fucking leap!

i will consume you.
How can beauty change
from a soft petal to a
memory of death

*sorry..just thinking of the roses I kept from my mother's funeral*
How can beauty change
from a soft petal to a
memory of death

*sorry..just thinking of the roses I kept from my mother's funeral*

It's an elegant expression of complex feelings.
Thank you.
i am really enjoying watching how these are developing with time, nerk. your imagery here is quite vivid, capturing the moment.

let me bash my head
against the wall enough times
and I'll start to learn

Goofy 575 response aside, I do see some development, and the support of this group of poets has been a big part of it.

Thank you.

PS. as cute as the new avatar is - and it is super-cute - i do miss your cleavage

*wistful sigh*
Day 62

watching a bee crawl
deep in a lily – my tongue
still tastes your nectar
let me bash my head
against the wall enough times
and I'll start to learn

Goofy 575 response aside, I do see some development, and the support of this group of poets has been a big part of it.

Thank you.

PS. as cute as the new avatar is - and it is super-cute - i do miss your cleavage

*wistful sigh*

become one with
bricks, wall - understand
solidarity - love mortar


no smoothing over the judges :p
become one with
bricks, wall - understand
solidarity - love mortar


no smoothing over the judges :p


bricks, mortar become one wall
with love, understand?

I was hoping more for a bit of rough.
Before you judge me
walk a mile in my shoes
then we may hold hands
Haiku times two?
Love rises from the ashes of passion

The rising complete
Let the coupling begin
Then there is just love

Passion spent, wilted
Let the true joining begin
Like a phoenix fire
Certainly not.

Not at all.

No, really.

Maybe a little.

Well what if I was, huh?

*oogles at avatar*


too many syllables :p

i may be east london, but i'm no chav or 'ender, got that?

*pokes you in the eye with a daisy*
Day 63

pulling out the old
basil, finding lush new growth
thriving in its shade
there is no notice...

i hear the ice break in you.


as if you could.
Day 64

hide my face in your
soft flesh - let the sun find some
other meat to burn