dirty haiku

oh, only 1k? ffs. my fingers'd drop off!

aye, 1 haiku+1k words of prose or longer poetry a day is my deal with myself, before I get to start blogging or anything clever. I try to use little words though ;)
Day 65

wind darkens water
sails swell, surging over waves
"find a quiet cove"
wind darkens water
sails swell, surging over waves
"find a quiet cove"

another beautiful one! Love the image of the wind moving over the water. I found myself on the beach @ Point Reyes...cloudy, dark skies and wind moving over me as the sneaker waves hit the shore...
does it not die,

it becomes
a shift,

Day 66

these wise virgins watch
young owls on wide limb - one spreads
silent wings and flies
Day 67

girls stroll down the beach
in bikinis, who can write
poems watching them?
Day 68

lick sweet melon juice
off my chin, hide in the shade
let the burgers burn
Day 69

tongue parting her lips
in the eddy, a leaf spins
lips around his shaft

Day 69, it seemed obligatory.
obligatory, perhaps, but that middle line? its image? that is wonderful!
thanks chip
but you made me look at the damn thing again

should've gone

lips around his shaft
leaves spinning in an eddy
tongue parting her lips
thanks chip
but you made me look at the damn thing again

should've gone

lips around his shaft
leaves spinning in an eddy
tongue parting her lips

i preferred the middle line before, tbh. a cleaner read/image - its previous simplicity more at home with this stylised form. and then the gerunds ... using them both make it clunky to my ear.
Day 70

fix your lipstick, smile
sweet - from here, a vulture soars
just like an eagle
'alright now
stand back.

she was beyond him now,​

dude in aisle three
Day 71

when she cums, her nails
leave bloody stripes on my back
bear marking a tree
Day 72

rocky shore, waves spent
lust sends a fine spray over
lovers at cliff's edge
Day 73

ant carries crumb back
to the hill - bring a present
back to your lover
Day 74

wonders at low tide
spiral shell, bikini top
who left them behind?
not a dirty, just small

some poems
like winter-trees
need no leaves
some poems
like winter-trees
need no leaves

like some girls
need no pants

(no, I'm not JUST being annoying, here, I'm playing renga)
(but mostly being annoying)
(that is a wonderful poem you've written)
like some girls
need no pants

(no, I'm not JUST being annoying, here, I'm playing renga)
(but mostly being annoying)
(that is a wonderful poem you've written)

ah, renga, tanka... all the fun of the syllables, eh?

and not annoying in the least; this is your thread. it (the poem) feels off to me, though ... i keep wanting to alter the line sequence or wording. i have the image in my head, but remain unsure about the words themselves.


a winter tree
small poem
need no leaves

small poem
a winter tree
need no leaves

grrrr. any suggestions? i don't want it to sound like i mean all poems, just some that work best bare
First off, I really liked it as written first time out, so any suggestions I offer are just ideas I'm kicking out. In general, I think these sorts of poems try to avoid simile, but in this case, I think it wants it. I tried to rework it minus the like, but it doesn't work as well. It felt over-poetic, too conscientiously avoiding the obvious.

some poems
need no leaves
winter trees

In any order, these three lines as they are (minus the like) strike me as taking the minimalism-at-all-costs aesthetic to a bad place. IMHO, the "like" likes being in the poem, and the poem likes it.

I think the thing that these poems want is immediacy and specificity.

these poems
like winter trees
needs no leaves

or maybe even

like a winter tree
this poem
needs no leaves

personally, I think it'd be fun to do a group renga thread in the traditional way, without mucking around with syllables: just a short 3 line poem, followed by another poet's 2 line addition, followed by another related 3 liner, etc, etc.
and each time you write, you have to take a shot of sake.

ah, renga, tanka... all the fun of the syllables, eh?

and not annoying in the least; this is your thread. it (the poem) feels off to me, though ... i keep wanting to alter the line sequence or wording. i have the image in my head, but remain unsure about the words themselves.


a winter tree
small poem
need no leaves

small poem
a winter tree
need no leaves

grrrr. any suggestions? i don't want it to sound like i mean all poems, just some that work best bare