dirty haiku



consumed in your consumption;

but you chose to speak
to know your name...

seven woulds
to know your name!

you remain haiku
Day 84

ants travel so far
to taste this flower's nectar -
how they must hate bees
Day 85

gold dragonfly lands
on lily's petal - he flies
away so quickly
Originally Posted by greenmountaineer

isn't it? it even incorporates that certain oriental feel ...

i think this is his best so far.

Yes, while at the same time, it has a sentence structure that is pleasing to the ear. While I enjoy some haikus because of concise language and interplay between nature and mystery, I find a steady diet a little too much because Japanese syntax is so different. Nerk "aced" it as far as my Anglophone ear is concerned.
Day 86

a path leads into
a dense jungle of tangled
wildflowers and stops
a path does not stop.

disrespects it.


not 'your path'
Day 87

at night, unfinished
pages whisper - dry leaves spinning
across the pavement
Day 88

giddy with moonshine
crickets serenade you through
the open window
Day 89

the old stone dam once
held water back, now the stream
breaks it down, released
Day 90

earth so dry the rain
puddles up on the surface
lonely woman's smile
a path that leads me
down below your hearts center
my breath stirs your fire
earth so dry the rain
puddles up on the surface
lonely woman's smile

really nice juxtapositioning, nerk

i don't like the word 'up' in there, though. for me it's padding where you don't need any. it works better without. imo
makes me want to tinker and that's a bit rude of me, uninvited - oh hell, here's what i'm 'seeing' (please forgive my messing it about)

earth so dry
rain puddles on the/its surface
a lonely woman's smile

again, you've managed to imbue this with something that feels asian, or oriental :rose: