dirty haiku

what's good for the god
is good for silent obtuse
sacramental drips
Okay, I'll bother nerk next.

Nerk, that must be a cross between a jerk and a nerd.

Nerk isn't a Jerk
He is a Nerk, I must say
Nerd to the sweet core :rose:

'Tis a sweetened puss
'neath my ribald protrusion--
a silicone cock

aghast, I suck at this :cattail:
there is more to it...

transcending these boards
through alts

no words of their own
Day 98

these rich round hills, cut
by a straight white fence, just leave
the damn bra on, then
Day 99

broken branches caught
by living limbs, bound with vines
falling forever
Okay, I'll bother nerk next.

Nerk, that must be a cross between a jerk and a nerd.

Nerk isn't a Jerk
He is a Nerk, I must say
Nerd to the sweet core :rose:

'Tis a sweetened puss
'neath my ribald protrusion--
a silicone cock

aghast, I suck at this :cattail:

This made me spit my coffee. :D

Thanks, EH!
Day 100

dunes in the kitchen
talking salvage laws under
the blameless blue sky
Okay, I'll bother nerk next.

Nerk, that must be a cross between a jerk and a nerd.

Nerk isn't a Jerk
He is a Nerk, I must say
Nerd to the sweet core :rose:

'Tis a sweetened puss
'neath my ribald protrusion--
a silicone cock

aghast, I suck at this :cattail:

hear that, ladies?
I got me a sweet core.
this one keeps drawing me back - i am taken with the imagery :cool:

Always glad when something I write strikes a chord.
I think my obsession with what women wear comes from the fact that my first "porn" was catalogs.
Always glad when something I write strikes a chord.
I think my obsession with what women wear comes from the fact that my first "porn" was catalogs.


my next one up sister and i used to spend hours choosing a tall doll each from the pages, and then going through the books dressing them and kitting them out with buggies and baby equipment. meh, kept us out of trouble for awhile, anyway :D
Just want to say keep writing the nice erotic haiku. The form seems pretty strict, but you still manage to convey a lot of nice images.
Day 101

morning wood floors cold
the patio covered with
fallen pine needles
Day 102

which rain drop made the
river overflow? kiss me
again to find out
Day 103

birds griping at dawn,
blankets on the floor, shiver
tonight, windows closed
ah! this one, again, has that certain something, nerk! for me at any rate. :rose:

I went back and forth an embarrassingly long time between
"kiss me/again TO find out" and "kiss me/again AND find out"

I had to go with the one that sounded most like a TV show creating suspense before they cut to a commercial...

now how do you think
those Duke boys are going to
get in Daisy's shorts?

we'll be back after these messages
thank god for this thread

deep breaths

just here


the safe holds five.
Day 104

these waves cross endless
oceans to break on these rocks
chipbutty cumming

(the original last line was "these beautiful girls" but then I was skimming the threads and saw http://forum.literotica.com/showpost.php?p=35547028&postcount=3, so I surrendered to my inner Nerk and made this haiku an homage to another poet's sex-on-the-beach poem)
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