dirty haiku

Day 122

cold suburban night
smelling wood smoke, imagining
lonely wilderness
Day 123

chickadee will sing
all winter, til I forget
these other birds' songs
ah! that is what most of these remind me of - small but weighted sighs
Day 124

dark night for tiny
vampires to stalk, but why must
they bring their parents?

Been sneaking a peek now and then, big fan... So I thought I'd try my hand at this.

Inspiration watch every move,
Little chameleon playing in my threads,
Perdominance corrected her vision.


Obsequium :kiss:

"I staked my claim and made my mind a nation.
Border closed to all tourist".
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Travel log

Travel Log... 02November10

Just arrived in Munich, settled myself in my hotel room for the next week of business and visiting a few old friends, stepped out onto the balcony and...

Dark velvet sky shines,
Migrating winged bird over the ocean fly,
Seductions breeze holds course.

Obsequium :kiss:
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Day 125 & 126

Yes, I was a bad boy and the one I wrote yesterday never made it out of the notebook. The paper one, I mean.

stones from the old wall
tumble down hill, looking for
the stream that shaped them

leaves cover the trail
rocks and roots lurking under
forgive me, ankle
I quite like this

Just arrived in Munich, settled myself in my hotel room for the next week of business and visiting a few old friends, stepped out onto the balcony and...

Dark velvet sky shines,
Migrating winged bird over the ocean fly,
Seductions breeze holds course.

Obsequium :kiss:

such a strong mood, it's a glimpse of something wondrous.
Thunder mistakes my love
bright is the neon
my cunt is split by two
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Day 127

in the park at night
she appears then disappears
under each streetlight
Day 128

rain confuses light
today, a handsome man wound
up in my mirror
Travel Log

Travel Log... 04November10

Still in Munich, had dinner last night with an old friend. Great company, great food, great play and great...

Mighty oak tree shakes,
Minks burrows securely beneath it's roots,
Crest fury, storm breaks.

Mmmm...Obsequium :kiss:
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Travel log

Travel Log... 05November10

Can't sleep, still a little zone disoriented. So, I try to look over my meeting notes. Nothings getting through without sleep. I need to calm my mind and just relax...

Soft pink hooded bud,
Gardeners fingers strumming notes the body plays,
Glorious rose left bloomed.

Goodnight, Obsequium:kiss:
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I want you to know that I tried, I tried really hard to not do this

Two men enter
one man leaves
*snerk worthy*

Can't sleep, still a little zone disoriented. So, I try to look over my meeting notes. Nothings getting through without sleep. I need to calm my mind and just relax...

Soft pink hooded bud,
Gardeners fingers strumming notes the body plays,
Glorious rose left bloomed.

Goodnight, Obsequium:kiss:
like the idea behind this, O - perhaps you could retain all it says without so many syllables, retaining the organic nature of the imagery but maybe losing the music allusions? entirely up to you, m'dear - all i has are suggestions.


soft pink bud
a gardener's fingers
a glorious rose blooms