dirty haiku

Day 105

the park as night falls
on a stone bench, lovers watch
the sickle moon swim
Day 106

can one more poem
about foliage bring back
spring's palette sooner?
Day 107

rain flattens golden
leaves to the pavement, her hair
clings to her bare back
Day 108

tree trunk caught between
rocks above waterfall, wonders
how did I get here?
Day 109

so many vines hang
off this tree that will hold it
upright while it rots
Day 110

looking for my sock
thinking: summer is better
for one night affairs
Day 111

girl in a puddle
as pretty as you, one step
she's gone, your rival
i always enjoy reading your series, nerk, even when i've not time to comment. your images take me places immediately.

one phrase of yours keeps lingering in my head, though subtly altered to:

rain flatters leaves

i might be using that sometime :D
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Day 112

cats sprawled in the sun
watch the birdbath, waiting for
the perfect moment
Day 113

rainy night, cold fog
turns each streetlight's glow into
its own gothic tale
i always enjoy reading your series, nerk, even when i've not time to comment. your images take me places immediately.

one phrase of yours keeps lingering in my head, though subtly altered to:

rain flatters leaves

i might be using that sometime :D

thank you chip, I always welcome your comments.
and your theft :mad:
really, this whole thread is like raw ore, anyone who can mine it for images should.
Day 114

hawk chased across sky
does the sparrow know that she
is out of his league?
Day 115

cold breath curls away
pale wisp under the full moon
it could be my ghost
Day 116

bury us in leaves
kiss me, say it is over
then go back to him
Day 117

watching the ocean
listening to a fly buzz
we are both so small
watching the ocean
listening to a fly buzz
we are both so small

Sorry no "Dirty Haiku" today. Just joined and wanted to say I love the poets corners.
Nerk; the imagery is great! (if I misspelled or used wrong grammar, punctation, please advise) I have read a lot of your stuff on these sites, educating when trying to master languages. Hope to submit soon, no pun interned

Ciao, Bellamusa
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you serve up these images like a chef delivering dainties on a plate

the trick to images is to slice them really thin and then make sure all the fluid drains out before you cook them. also, don't overcook the metaphors, or they lose their flavor. As you can see ;)

thank you chip, always a pleasure
Sorry no "Dirty Haiku" today. Just joined and wanted to say I love the poets corners.
Nerk; the imagery is great! (if I misspelled or used wrong grammar, punctation, please advise) I have read a lot of your stuff on these sites, educating when trying to master languages. Hope to submit soon, no pun intended!

Grazie, Bellmusa. :heart:

Ciao, Bella
haiku every day .. though some days i don't get to it til late.

like today.
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Day 118

leaves scratching pavement
twirled by wind, dizzy girls who
won't sit out a dance
Day 119

daddy long-legs on
my keyboard, too delicate
to write anything
leaves scratching pavement
twirled by wind, dizzy girls who
won't sit out a dance

I resemble that remark. Strong imagery for me. Sorry, no High Kaiku. Hope to have something worth offering to your thread in a day or so. Thank you for the link, it will help.

Ciao, Bellamusa
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Day 120

black clouds twist inward
hand clutching the sky, the storm
a jealous lover
Day 121

the wind creeps through cracks
in these old walls, whispering
of the one who left