dirty haiku

Day 134

sun shining through trees
the forest's dark mystery
will grow back next year
Day 135

sun shine on red leaves
will not let me forget lips
that touched my lips once
Travel Log

Travel Log... 11November10

Caught my tram for Liechtenstein from the Swiss side. I love the trams here, most of this trip is planned around the EuroTrams. EPass 10 days cheapest way to travel go. This mode of transport just gives me time between family, sometimes that a plus. Have to close, getting time for my stop in Feldkirch, I hope my cousins kid isn't late. It's freezing here in the Alps. I cant wait now to get to Schaan. Ohhh yahaaa... skiing is planned! Any snow... LoL

Ciao, Obsequium. :kiss:

Heavy dew,
Field laid to rest,
Pheasant feasts.
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if indeed
we we'd

basil would still need to drink

it comes with the deal
Day 136

knit of her sweater
keeps track of all the places
we kissed in the leaves
Dirty Haiku? I'll give you dirty ....

dirt forces the flower
bees run amok
man roars in the jungle.

ok fine - lol - not good
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Day 137

the eagle circles
in the distant sky, watches
dogs gnaw on old bones
Day 138

we watch frozen stars
sip steaming mugs of cider
icicles dripping
Travel Log

Travel Log... 15November10

On the road at some ungodly hour, headed back to Schaan. Great weekend! Perfect conditions, lots of snow time and no broken bones among us. Once there I won't have to move again till Wednesday. Good thing got a workout I'm going to feel for a day or so. Just sitting back enjoying the scenery thru the window and thinking of...

Ciao, Obsequium :kiss:

Barn swallow sings,
Wind blows down forgotten slopes,
Nights silence crumbles.

knit of her sweater
keeps track of all the places
we kissed in the leaves

I like this piece, I like the cadence of the tone. Very imaging in a rumpled kinda way.

Ciao, Obsequium :kiss:
"Always strive to excel, but only on weekends."
Richard Rorty *
worn photo album
soundless memories
old dog mouths bone

or, maybe

worn photo album
the clock ticks
old dog mouths bone
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Day 139

under the stone shelf
in the shallow pool the light
never penetrates
Travel Log... 15November10

On the road at some ungodly hour, headed back to Schaan. Great weekend! Perfect conditions, lots of snow time and no broken bones among us. Once there I won't have to move again till Wednesday. Good thing got a workout I'm going to feel for a day or so. Just sitting back enjoying the scenery thru the window and thinking of...

Ciao, Obsequium :kiss:

Barn swallow sings,
Wind blows down forgotten slopes,
Nights silence crumbles.

this catches the moment so nicely.
Day 140

big black cormorant
surrounded by little gulls
leading the field trip
Day 141

winter's ducks bobbing
on the river, last minute
flings before leaving
Day 142

heron screams echo
through the swamp, the interstate
is far behind us
Travel Log

Travel Log... 17November10

The scent of the air is charged with history here in this place. I'm in the Bouches-du-Rhône area of France now between Nimes and Marseille on the Mediterranean coast. Staying in a convent tonight, Cathedral of the Holy Saviour (Cathédrale Saint Sauveur) in Aix en Provence with my sister before heading out to Cannes tomorrow. The nunnery is so old, some parts dating back to the 10th century. St. Benedict is still in residence here, crypt under the church and convent.
In my cell (room) for the night, so quiet that breathing echos off the walls. Temptation strikes, I just cannot resist the urge to log onto Lit and write something naughty...

Ciao, Obsequium :kiss:

Tempest winds shroud,
Darkening cobble stoned hallow grounds,
Unbridled squall indulged.
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Day 143

on the rocky bank
thin sun and sharp wind promise
another cold night
Beautiful poetry, Nerk ;)

It makes me feel like laying outside in the nothingness-everythingness of nature :heart:

Two heads drift nearer
Like lilies stirred on a pond
The rest in darkness
Day 144

nowhere on this rock
for roots to grip, still trees grow
bent by the east wind