Erotica or pornography

I am very much a newbie here I have been writing my sort of poetry for years, I have so many ideas running through my mind that its sometimes hard to pin them down. Now I am trying out what is completely different to anything I have ever done before and it does matter to me what people think as a matter of fact some comments have slowed me down to a standstill. That worries me .. what if I can't write? It's all a confidence thing I suppose but if I lose my poetry what do I replace it with? I used to write so fast it was hard to put pen to paper fast enough ... perhaps it's not a bad thing that I have been slowed down but I would hate to think that because it's different I have to force it out .. I would rather never write again
goliathtamer said:
Accomplished Work
Erotica for those that read while sipping tea with their pinky pointy
Smut for the Overtly Frigid
Smut for those who are comfortable with their sexuality and not offended by the word Fuck...

we should add :
Erotic poetry for people who like to be clubbed to death by the words
" fuck, nipples, bite ,kiss, suck cock, beat, stab, grind, wet, moist, ripple, hard, soft, thrust, and velvet lined meat tunnel"
Tathagata said:
" fuck, nipples, bite ,kiss, suck cock, beat, stab, grind, wet, moist, ripple, hard, soft, thrust, and velvet lined meat tunnel"
Best poem you've ever written!
goliathtamer said:
I am afraid of you :) and therefore afraid of all fools for life. :p

Thank you for the advice Tzara, point well taken.

I think we should get back to the original thread but that again, is just my humble opinion, and I apologize for taking you on this detour.

I would like to seriously read other opinions. Further breaking down the choices of Erotica to allow people to view more of what they see as enjoyable or inspiring could be a good idea.

I do see problematic situations however, as said by another: who gets to decide what is smut and what is tea-sipping, finger-pointing, material. Is there anyone qualified that is willing to embark upon such a quest?


I'm glad you bounced back so fast. I felt bad about your reaction because I really do think your poem is good (I never say it if I don't mean it). And I think it's very difficult to write an erotic poem with graphic language because the words are so overused. I tend to like the subtly erotic poems better because I've read so, so many "fuck me" poems here that are just blah. It has desensitized me to this type of writing even more. It really isn't you or your poem. I would have explained that more clearly last night if I weren't so tired at the time. :)

You can't take comments like "your poem isn't poetry" seriously. You know what's poetry to you. We all get these comments on our poems. I've been told I'm a hack, I have no talent, etc., etc. And believe me if my poem isn't working, I know better than any of my readers. That's why I always say I discard the personal negativity in feedback, and try to keep what helps me learn to be a better writer.

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Angeline said:
I'm glad you bounced back so fast. I felt bad about your reaction because I really do think your poem is good (I never say it if I don't mean it).

I agree. I read it yesterday and thought it wasn't bad at all. Just too long.
WickedEve said:
I agree. I read it yesterday and thought it wasn't bad at all. Just too long.

that was my thought
The point was made in the first few stanzas, after that it just seemed to repeat itself
UnderYourSpell said:
Don't know if I should have submitted now ... subtle it aint

Have you read some of the stuff here? One thing I've learned is that no matter how graphic your poem is, there's always one moreso. And you can always pull it back if you post it and then decide it's too much. I'm going through a fairly contentious divorce and I've pulled back lots of poems I used to have submitted here because I really didn't want them read at family court lol. I've had to be really circumspect about what I write or say here because of that. Thank god it's almost final. :cool:
UnderYourSpell said:
Don't know if I should have submitted now ... subtle it aint

Don't worry about it
Sometimes what you think may be awful other people may love
and vice versa, by the way.

Doesn't have to be subtle either
it all depends on how you put the words together
Tristesse2 said:
Two poems caught my eye today this one and this one. Side by side they struck me as perfect examples of the two genre.

I see so many "fuck me, whip me, etc me" poems under the cloak of "erotic", perhaps it's time for a fifth category -

Erotic poems
Pornoprahic poems
Illustrated poems
Poetry with audio

Any thoughts?

the first i didn't find erotic, but i did find it sensual. the second was reaching for the erotic in places, but mainly failed to move me as a poem at all. sorry. got a bit bored reading it. i think it belaboured the point. if it was shorter, rougher, it might have better reflected the nature of the content.

porn can be poetic. i've read some fabulous porn that's poetic as hell. very wet-making.
Angeline said:
Have you read some of the stuff here? One thing I've learned is that no matter how graphic your poem is, there's always one moreso. And you can always pull it back if you post it and then decide it's too much. I'm going through a fairly contentious divorce and I've pulled back lots of poems I used to have submitted here because I really didn't want them read at family court lol. I've had to be really circumspect about what I write or say here because of that. Thank god it's almost final. :cool:

Yours will be the only divorce to mention Lester Young
Tathagata said:
Yours will be the only divorce to mention Lester Young

Yeah, I'll explain to the judge that I'm in love with a jazz musician who has been dead for 50 years. They'll grant the divorce and haul me away to the funny farm. :D

Angeline said:
Have you read some of the stuff here? One thing I've learned is that no matter how graphic your poem is, there's always one moreso. And you can always pull it back if you post it and then decide it's too much. I'm going through a fairly contentious divorce and I've pulled back lots of poems I used to have submitted here because I really didn't want them read at family court lol. I've had to be really circumspect about what I write or say here because of that. Thank god it's almost final. :cool:

Ha! I didn't think of that. I'm going to have to pull everything I've posted here. :mad:
I have told my husband I use a poetry messageboard .... I think he thinks you are all genteel !!!
UnderYourSpell said:
I have told my husband I use a poetry messageboard .... I think he thinks you are all genteel !!!

Apparantly those from the University of Texas are genteel.
Angeline said:
Yeah, I'll explain to the judge that I'm in love with a jazz musician who has been dead for 50 years. They'll grant the divorce and haul me away to the funny farm. :D


don't tell them about the count basie dreams then
UnderYourSpell said:
I have told my husband I use a poetry messageboard .... I think he thinks you are all genteel !!!

No, there are some Jews here too.
UnderYourSpell said:
I have told my husband I use a poetry messageboard .... I think he thinks you are all genteel !!!
I thought we were all genetel. :rolleyes:
champagne1982 said:
new alt. Jean Natelle.
Founder of the new wireless telephony company, JenaTel: Connect to your loved ones with JenaTel!
Counts to ten breathe deeply .. will NOT put very ewwww comment that springs to mind .. for fear of being ostracised
Tathagata said:
No, there are some Jews here too.

Don't forget the Buddhists. :p

The Basie dream was way cool. Wish I could have it again. I could do worse than having Count Basie advise me.
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