feedback for these poems

In this thread alone:

Originally posted by De Sade 04-12-2003 08:03 PM
In all brutal honesty, the public cant comprehend certain things so my writings are above most people's heads.
Originally posted by De Sade 04-12-2003 06:55 PM
just want to point out some things-
1. I've been writing since 12 y.o.
2. I revise all my material at least 5 times.
3. I wont change something at a certain point because the message gets blurred or buried.
Originally posted by De Sade 04-12-2003 09:45 PM
OH NO, A BARB!! I am a real writer and probably more talented than anyone you've ever met.
Originally posted by De Sade 04-13-2003 01:51 AM
I think what the problem is is that I am young and male and that makes you feel uncomfortable. Yes, men write poetry. Some even write poems that surpass the flotsam that is sold in bookstores. Imagine that!
Originally posted by De Sade 04-18-2003 10:37 PM
The reason I dont use punctuation is basically because I am lazy, not for any other reason than that. I like to keep my poems short and use small words because the masses dont understand big words. [...] As for my critics, they wish they had my creativity.
Originally posted by De Sade 04-25-2003 05:14 PM
I wont waste my talent on you fuckwits anymore. I get better feedback from people IRL.
Originally posted by De Sade 04-25-2003 07:34 PM
FYI, I plan to be published within a year so STFU.
Originally posted by De Sade 04-26-2003 04:39 AM
well, seeing as how I will be published within a year, I dont think you have room to criticize my writings.
Originally posted by De Sade 04-26-2003 05:05 PM
Yeah, I'll leave but only because you aren't worthy of reading my material. You'll be working at McD's while I am writing another novel and signing books.
Originally posted by De Sade 04-26-2003 05:29 PM
As for winning things, I have won 3 awards. Have you?
Originally posted by De Sade 04-26-2003 06:51 PM
My dreams will come true which probably makes you people angry. [...] I do however have friends in the publishing biz who tell me I should've been published years ago. They are worse critics than anyone here.
Originally posted by De Sade 04-26-2003 08:17 PM
maybe that is what the masses deserve?
Originally posted by De Sade 04-26-2003 09:24 PM
yes, I did call it literature and yes I do take it very seriously. Is there a problem with that?

Originally posted by De Sade 04-27-2003 01:05 AM
I have no ego.

How could we have made such a stupid mistake? I'm so sorry to have wrong you and your incommensurable talent. Will you ever forgive me?

And while you're at it, will you ever tell me, from the highness of your intellect, why do you find my work boring and clichéd? I wish I could write half as well as you and have a quarter of your imagination.
Re: In this thread alone:

Lauren.Hynde said:

And while you're at it, will you ever tell me, from the highness of your intellect, why do you find my work boring and clichéd? I wish I could write half as well as you and have a quarter of your imagination.
lol, ever hear of sarcasm? I never claimed to be a high intellect. I already told you why I find your poem cliched. Read my response.
You people seem very angry at the world. Why is that? No one wants to read your work?
Your response had nothing about chichés, and only an unsubstantiated very personal motive for finding that one poem boring.

Me? I couldn't be happier with the world.
Lauren.Hynde said:
Your response had nothing about chichés, and only an unsubstantiated very personal motive for finding that one poem boring.

Me? I couldn't be happier with the world.
it was feedback, take it or leave it. Personal motive? Dont even go there hon.
I already took it, hon. But you also mentioned my work was clichéd and boring. Show it to me.
Look it up. Your poem was about war, I said I didnt care for poems about war. You know what happened unless it was someone else posting under your name.
I know you said that. What does it have to do with 'boring' and 'clichéd'?

Do you even know what those words mean, babe?
Oh, good grief.

De Sade: stop by the pharmacy and pick up a couple cases of chill pills. Take six and wash them down with half a pint of vodka. Then go to the start of this thread and read it. Read every word. I realize you've deleted much of what you've said, but enough has been quoted by others that you should be able to sense the drift of things. Then submit a report of your findings.

The patience of the poets in this forum is simply astounding.

De Sade said:
hmm, 3 people on ignore. Ok, here is another poem. Rip it apart if that is what pleases you .

Not the agnoies of life but the reassurance everyone will die
He pulls his shoul up over his lap evenly
His friends are gone but he cant recall when
Yet he is wishing to be again

I think you should write a poem called "the AGNOIES of life" --because I'm curious to know what an agnoi is :p And what the fuck is a "shoul"? By the way, "cant" (without the apostrophe) means: Whining or singsong speech, such as that of beggars. This is the definition in the American Heritage dictionary. I think I should write a poem called Sadie's Cant. :D
Re: what???

Xtaabay said:
I think you should write a poem called "the AGNOIES of life" --because I'm curious to know what an agnoi is :p And what the fuck is a "shoul"? By the way, "cant" (without the apostrophe) means: Whining or singsong speech, such as that of beggars. This is the definition in the American Heritage dictionary. I think I should write a poem called Sadie's Cant. :D
I think you should unload a guninto your cranium. As for you Byron, I am losing patience with you as well.
Oh dear...

Sadie my man, you are giving the old y chromosome a bad name. It's Sunday and sunny where I am. Give it a rest.

Re: Re: what???

De Sade said:
I think you should unload a guninto your cranium. As for you Byron, I am losing patience with you as well.

What's a "guninto"? :p
Re: Oh dear...

darkmaas said:
Sadie my man, you are giving the old y chromosome a bad name. It's Sunday and sunny where I am. Give it a rest.

I am glad everything is cheery and perfect in Canada. This is reality, join us. btw, the name is not Sadie. As for the chromosome remark, how did you get to be so witty, did your younger sister teach you?
xtaabay, it is called a typo. I suppose you never did that.
"success is the ultimate revenge"- old proverb

Just keeping track of these old proverbs. There are new ones coming out every day...
Xtaabay said:
What's a "guninto"?

Looks like spanish or portuguese. Let's ask Lauren.

Always trying to be helpful,
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Re: Re: Oh dear...

De Sade said:
I am glad everything is cheery and perfect in Canada. This is reality, join us. btw, the name is not Sadie. As for the chromosome remark, how did you get to be so witty, did your younger sister teach you?
xtaabay, it is called a typo. I suppose you never did that.

I sure do, which is why I CHECK my stuff before I post it. That way, I don't get stuck sitting at a table, looking at a steaming plate of wontons and gunintos and wondering where I went wrong. :D
Lauren.Hynde said:
"success is the ultimate revenge"- old proverb

Just keeping track of these old proverbs. There are new ones coming out every day...
I'll keep track of your witty comebacks. So far its 0.
Teach us Portugese so darkmas can have something to do.
darkmaas said:
Xtaabay said:

Looks like spanish or portuguese. Let's ask Lauren.

Always trying to be helpful,
It looks like a diminutive form of the brasilian adulteration of the quimbondo word for thief or pederast...

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speaking of typos...

De Sade said:
I'll keep track of your witty comebacks. So far its 0.
Teach us Portugese so darkmas can have something to do.

As I said, I happen to correct my typos. Let's give you some practice at this: Its should be it's, and darkmas should be Darkmaas. :p

Re: Re: Re: Oh dear...

Xtaabay said:
I sure do, which is why I CHECK my stuff before I post it. That way, I don't get stuck sitting at a table, looking at a steaming plate of wontons and gunintos and wondering where I went wrong. :D
Hey, that's being mean! He reviews everything he writes eight times before posting. :mad:

Lauren.Hynde said:
It looks like a diminutive form of the brasilian adulteration of the quimbondo word for thief or pederast...


Hahahhaa! Well, I'm sure Sadie already knew that, since he's so very wise. :D
Just a question...


Did we ever resolve the spelling of fuckwhit?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh dear...

Lauren.Hynde said:
Hey, that's being mean! He reviews everything he writes eight times before posting. :mad:

oh yeah... I'm sorry. I forgot about that. I guess what he REALLY needs is to go back to basics and take some elementary classes on spelling and punctuation. I feel bad now. It's never nice to make fun of the mentally challenged. Sorry Sadie. :p
Re: Re: Re: Oh dear...

Xtaabay said:
I sure do, which is why I CHECK my stuff before I post it. That way, I don't get stuck sitting at a table, looking at a steaming plate of wontons and gunintos and wondering where I went wrong. :D
Oh, I get it now. It all started with a simple typo and from there you judged my abilities as a writer. Ok, thanks for clearing up the reasons for your hostility. You are not perfect, any of you.