First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

Lol....I'm sure some others who were born have killed themselves because they hated their parents and lives or want to...who knows

Luckily fetuses don't develop enough to be thankful or hateful or whatever other stupid thing you've attached to the abortion thing.
Or “children” as President Biden referred to them today. Might have been another senior moment.
They wouldn't know because their "life" hadn't started. Funny though, it could have ended the mother's but we don't worry about the actual living and breathing human, do we?
could've, should've, would've STFU with your bullshit.
More likely it makes no difference to him. While it technically is not a baby in the vast majority of cases sometimes mincing words takes WAY too much energy.
Lol....I'm sure some others who were born have killed themselves because they hated their parents and lives or want to...who knows

Luckily fetuses don't develop enough to be thankful or hateful or whatever other stupid thing you've attached to the abortion thing.
Talking about those that survive and have the gift of life, not talking about the ones that were murdered.
Nobody was murdered you miserable piece of trash. Its just a fetus or an embryo sometimes. They are not people yet. They simply are not. Not according to the science, not according to the Bible.

Yeah, the last few Popes have been relatively cool on abortion as "well there's no turning that back" But go ahead excommunicate him. It would hilarious. This is the part that is infuriating. Most people do change somewhat over the years. I don't care what he said in the 80's on abortion. That was forty odd years ago depending on when he said it. I don't care that he passed the three strikes law in the 90s. Everybody was freaking out, crime was REALLY bad in some areas. Even black leaders at the time were trying to get tougher laws and sentencing. Why? Nobody knows because it shows they didn't fundamentally understand how the drug war, and felonies have to be put on applications and restrictions on social services was the culprit.

I don't think it was all of them but someone had to be bright enough to put the pieces together. I think its probably rooted in the stupid American myth of pull yourself up by your bootstraps bullshit. Odd how almost every major city has Little China, Tokyo, Ireland so on and so forth. Your ancestors had a built in support system FFS.
Anyone concerned about the fate of unborn children should also be concerned about climate change.
If Roe v Wade is overturned, so be it. I am troubled about abortion on demand anyway. (I am, however, not a woman.) But if Roe v Wade is overturned it had damn well better be accompanied by a drastic increase in funds for education, birth control, pre-and post-natal care, both medical and psychological, and family care and support. Abortion should be made obsolete, not illegal.
Birth Control is next. There's radicals running for office that want to outlaw it.
Obviously I must be ignorant cus I can't name a single the Left has to constrict freedom of speech, that honor goes to the Right.

Joe Biden, and literally every Democrat congress critter currently sitting is trying to restrict and police speech right now.

No, disagreeing with leftist isn't trying to constrict any freedom of speech.
Joe Biden, and literally every Democrat congress critter currently sitting is trying to restrict and police speech right now.

No, disagreeing with leftist isn't trying to constrict any freedom of speech.
What police speech? Be specific
What police speech? Be specific

They call it the “disinformation governance board” which is where they govern (police) "disinformation"......speech they don't like.

Also in pretty much everything the left does in it's media platforms from Facebook to Twitter, heavily censored in their favor.
They call it the “disinformation governance board” which is where they govern (police) "disinformation"......speech they don't like.

Also in pretty much everything the left does in it's media platforms from Facebook to Twitter, heavily censored in their favor.
Oh that nonsense. Its not gonna do a fucking thing if that's what you're talking about you can drop that shit. However a government has an obligation to care for its citizens. I would say when your country is neither the most highly populate, not the densest population and you have the most deaths at over a million you fucking failed at your fucking job pretty fucking hard.
Oh that nonsense.

Yea... that nonsense.

Its not gonna do a fucking thing if that's what you're talking about you can drop that shit.

No it's not because it's going to get shit canned and your boy Biden and the vile anti-American Democrats supporting him are going to get put in check for that.

Doesn't mean they aren't anti-free speech fuckwits for trying.

However a government has an obligation to care for its citizens.

Censorship isn't care.

I would say when your country is neither the most highly populate, not the densest population and you have the most deaths at over a million you fucking failed at your fucking job pretty fucking hard.

Random off topic shit.

It depends on how big you are (if a million is a lot or not) and how those million died.
That's because you don't know what the fuck the left is.
I do. They pay pretty high taxes, make serious pushes for universal health care and usually accomplish it. They do have gun control laws which even in the states is clearly not unconstitutional. We had an assault weapon ban, I'm pretty sure armor piercing is still if not illegal a pain in the ass to get. Up until the prohibition you could get fully automatic weapons. Did we ever remove the ban on submachine guns? And thats before we starting explosives and knives. Correct me if I'm wrong but 2a mentions ARMS not firearms. Whether or not the FF knew about the Puckle Gun I've never seen any mention of it in any of their other writings. But grenades that look like cartoon bombs had been out for a while.

They get maternal and some paternal paid time off. They keep colleges affordale for the most part.

Biden could have wiped out student debt with his pen. Biden is a Republican who was asked if women should treated equally to men and thats a disqualifier for a Republican.
Yea... that nonsense.

No it's not because it's going to get shit canned and your boy Biden and the vile anti-American Democrats supporting him are going to get put in check for that.

Doesn't mean they aren't anti-free speech fuckwits for trying.

Censorship isn't care.

Random off topic shit.

It depends on how big you are (if a million is a lot or not) and how those million died.

Yes censorship IS care and more of it comes from the Right than the left anyhow. There is nothing anti-American about it and its not even going to do anything important. The million died because misinformation 100% of which was right wingers and their still dying. That should have been enough to impeach Trump for criminal neglegence at least.
I do. They pay pretty high taxes, make serious pushes for universal health care and usually accomplish it. They do have gun control laws which even in the states is clearly not unconstitutional. We had an assault weapon ban, I'm pretty sure armor piercing is still if not illegal a pain in the ass to get.

Ok so you don't know what the left is..

The left is equity seeking, the right is ok with or pursuing/enforcing hierarchy.

There is right wing universal HC, it's called a public clinic/option. Democrats can't stand it, not totalitarian and soul crushing enough for freedom loathing leftist like yourself.

Up until the prohibition you could get fully automatic weapons.

You can still get fully automatic weapons, destructive devices, SBR's, SBS's, PCC's and suppressors.

Lots of people not living in civil rights loathing blue shit holes have all those things.

Did we ever remove the ban on submachine guns?

IDK... California is an authoritarian shit hole, run by anti-civil rights leftist, so probably not for you.

I live in a relatively free state and can buy whatever my pockets can handle.

Up to and including super sonic fighter jets and tanks.

And thats before we starting explosives and knives. Correct me if I'm wrong but 2a mentions ARMS not firearms. Whether or not the FF knew about the Puckle Gun I've never seen any mention of it in any of their other writings. But grenades that look like cartoon bombs had been out for a while.

Again, that's blue shit holes, most red states (and half the country as of last month) is constitutional carry and TN last week just rejected the NFA outright. You can carry whatever the fuck you want there.

They get maternal and some paternal paid time off.

Nope. They support that, they don't get it because this is a liberal democracy, not a socialist shit hole.

They keep colleges affordale for the most part.

No, they scammed millions into a national student debt crisis for useless degrees that idiots don't know how to use.

Biden could have wiped out student debt with his pen.

No, he could only make those that didn't fuck their life up by taking on a quarter million dollars of debt for low/non-marketable degree, pay for those that did.

All you can do is rob the responsible people and punish them for the idiots fuck ups..... because equity!!

Mass punishment for lefty stupidity.
Biden is a Republican

No, he's not, that's why he's doing the bidding of the woke left as a Democrat.

who was asked if women should treated equally to men and thats a disqualifier for a Republican.

Not at all, you're just lying.

And a lot of folks are seeing through that lie.

Republicans are fine with treating women equally to men, in fact I'm pretty sure it was the feminist who didn't want all that equality when it came to the draft and certain family court reforms. Not the republicans.
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Yes censorship IS care and more of it comes from the Right than the left anyhow.

No, and no.

The right is pro-free speech, it's the Democrats chief complaint about the right.

There is nothing anti-American about it

You mean other than it being directly antithetical to arguably our most cherished political value of free speech??

I know you think there is nothing anti-American about authoritarianism but you're wrong.

and its not even going to do anything important.

Right because 1A is going to shit all over it.

The million died because misinformation 100% of which was right wingers and their still dying.

Pelosi an Fauchi are right wingers now?? LOL

And it was an infectious disease, not misinformation.

That should have been enough to impeach Trump for criminal neglegence at least.

Diseases existing is not an impeachable offense.... not that it would matter to you.

You and yours will just impeach anything not (D).

They'll do it through Congress.

Sure, just like the Democrats are going to socialize our HC system.... LOL.

No, they won't, they don't have the juice for it. They will likely do very little to nothing about anything though congress.
The right literally just finished taking away Disney Worlds special status for exercising free speech so don't waste that bullshit on me. Which party had people up in arms over Kolin Kaepernick for more than a year. Which party is always screaming about "Oh the children" when there LGBT characters on television? Which party was primarily responsible for putting ratings on music and video games and I would bet movies as well. Don't lie to people who know their history.

Its not authoritarian to punish people for intentionally spreading bad information and if it is, fine. Then I am proud authoritarian. Again we lost over a million people because people refused to shut these people down.

Every person with a fully functional brain wants to socialize Health Care. Not dying shouldn't be based on your income. I know you like all conservatives have NO respect for human life but some of us do.

I don't remember what Pelosi was saying but Fauchi was giving truth from a doctor. We know for a fact that social distancing, masks, vaccines and handwashing fucking work. A president holding rallies at all, let alone with no masks should be considered a crime. Lots of diseases exist, few get this big and bad but they exist. But when you're the president your real job is protecting Americans. Utterly failing and on purpose no less SHOULD reach the level of high crimes and misdemors.

So you can just stop lying. The Left is universally more welcoming to free speech, unless it causes deaths. There is a line and I see no reason why that shouldn't count as screaming fire in a crowded building.

The 1A ain't gonna do shit to this Tzar because there is very little chance that it does more than just sit in a desk and get paid to look through media, social media so on and so forth. The only way the 1A will do a damn thing is gonna be when someone someone can prove there was harm done to them personally.