First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

You seem to make a lot of shit up. Nothing is 100%, never said it was, God gave humans a brain, use it. If your a bit older then I would suggest you be wary wary careful.

There are legitimate reasons for abortion just don't tell me being stupid is one of them.
So thanks to the new SCOTUS ruling there are going to be cases where someone who is using birth control and already has osteoporosis will end up pregnant. FTB, let her die, right?

Exceptions to your rules seem anecdotal until it happens to someone you care about.

Someone mentioned that abstinence was the best way to avoid pregnancy - many rape victims will heartily agree.
This is crap.

There isn't a single word regarding abortion in the Constitution. Conversely, there's an entire amendment devoted to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Further, the 1st 10 Rights in the Bill of Rights (absent the 2nd Amendment for some weird reason) were made applicable to the States via the Incorporation Doctrine. The Second Amendment was made applicable to the States in McDonald vs. Chicago in 2010.

Your Constitutional opinion is nothing but crap.

Also not mentioned in the Constitution: judicial review.
Where did you retardedly extrapolate that from what he posted?
well, it was a stretch, then, all common sense broke down when he tried to inject separation of church and state and the religious right, that made my eyes water so I answered his incoherent statement with another and you being the retard that you are ya couldn't resist vomiting all over our conversation. Did you feel left out or something?
Well, God created everything, even stupid people, R U stupid?
Who is this God you're speaking of what is their name?

Cuz as far as I'm aware that is no God there is no devil there is no silly little myth that you keep on telling yourself

There is no heaven or Hell there is nothing but the world we live in today you naive fool
Many large companies are offering to cover expenses for those needing to travel for abortions. I suppose it’s cheaper than parental leave benefits.
The Holy Bible makes it clear that you aren’t alive until you take your first breath.
So thanks to the new SCOTUS ruling there are going to be cases where someone who is using birth control and already has osteoporosis will end up pregnant. FTB, let her die, right?

Exceptions to your rules seem anecdotal until it happens to someone you care about.

Someone mentioned that abstinence was the best way to avoid pregnancy - many rape victims will heartily agree.
The old SCOTUS ruling was unconstitutional. The legislative bodies at the state level will give the people of each state a say on how abortion laws will be legislated.

I find it very speculative on your part that a medical facility would deny anyone critical medical attention. Sounds more like hair on fire bullshit.

For teens, yes.. abstinence is best.
Half the adults I know were born from teenagers.
now that the religious right dictates law and there is no separation of church and state, it's time for churches to start paying taxes.
I am good with that. We can start at 40% and no tax write off for religious donations
The old SCOTUS ruling was unconstitutional. The legislative bodies at the state level will give the people of each state a say on how abortion laws will be legislated.

I find it very speculative on your part that a medical facility would deny anyone critical medical attention. Sounds more like hair on fire bullshit.

For teens, yes.. abstinence is best.
You haven't been paying attention to abortion clinics in Texas.

Do you have an agenda that doesn't consider women to be capable of making decisions for themselves that you don't approve of?
well, it was a stretch, then, all common sense broke down when he tried to inject separation of church and state and the religious right, that made my eyes water so I answered his incoherent statement with another and you being the retard that you are ya couldn't resist vomiting all over our conversation. Did you feel left out or something?
Ah, you made a dumb ascription and now have to lash out like a petulant child.
Well, FUZZY the baby killer is back from hibernation. LMFAO
And the anarchist racist never left.....strange I don't find that very funny....btw should I pull up those threads? You know the one where I state I am not in favour of abortion, but I am in favour of the woman having the right to choose? And of course the ones where you profess support for the planned kidnapping and possible execution of Governor Whitmer?
remember this from 2016? t said women who had abortions should be punished

Trump also said that, under the law, said punishments should not apply to the person who got the woman pregnant.

Matthews also asked Trump what would happen if he banned abortions. Trump replied: "You'll go back to a position like they had, where people will perhaps go to illegal places. Yeah, but you have to ban it."
Roberts has ordered an investigation by the Marshal of the Court, legal experts are skeptical of any criminal wrongdoing surrounding the leak.

One of the major stopgaps that could prevent a criminal referral to the DOJ is that Supreme Court opinion is not classified, a facet that usually serves as the root of leak investigations, according to Omar Ochoa, an attorney based in Edinburg, Texas.
"There are certain agencies where disclosure of confidential information is actually a crime, like national security information, but I'm not aware of anything like that in the Supreme Court in terms of disclosing confidential information," Ochoa told the Washington Examiner.
person responsible would most likely lose their job

still unconvinced this is leaked by a dem (though i'd absolutely understand the reasoning behind that); could as easily been leaked by a repub who couldn't wait to share what they consider a tremendous victory and gloat about it
So much better than being aborted. I bet those individuals are thankful their lives didn't end prematurely.
They wouldn't know because their "life" hadn't started. Funny though, it could have ended the mother's but we don't worry about the actual living and breathing human, do we?
So much better than being aborted. I bet those individuals are thankful their lives didn't end prematurely.
Lol....I'm sure some others who were born have killed themselves because they hated their parents and lives or want to...who knows

Luckily fetuses don't develop enough to be thankful or hateful or whatever other stupid thing you've attached to the abortion thing.