First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

"The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives."
What matters is that a woman has a choice to have an abortion. SCOTUS hasn't ruled against abortions...just against Roe. Theyve left abortion up to the states. If the federal government wanted to create a national regulation regarding abortion, it would be an entirely different argument to be made both for and against it.

Whether or not they will has nothing to do with whether they can.

The core aspect of Roe, in terms of it's effect, has been the ability of a woman to have an abortion.
As I stated in another post, even the late Justice Ginsburg had problems with the wording of Roe. The Left's belief in the nation's collective stance on Abortion has always been inflated and in error. Placing the question of abortion in a place where the voices of its proponents have the most political impact is a gift to the abortion rights movement. Moral questions should be decided by the people themselves in those constituencies who hold those moral beliefs, that being in their state governments. This is the essence of the flexibility of federalism vs a "one size fits all" national standard few agree with.
If you’re a man and don’t want kids, never have sex with a fertile woman.

If you’re a potentially fertile woman and don’t want kids, never have sex with a man.

Bobo doesn’t understand this concept, he thinks any woman should risk an unwanted pregnancy to keep a man happy.
So what you’re insinuating is that men and women are brainless, incapable of making responsible decisions like using any of the many birth control products out there, planning ahead and being responsbile.
"The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives."
Which what we've been saying all along.
And therefore, the Constitution does not prevent States from regulating guns. The Constitution ONLY applies to the Federal Govt...not States. This will be the result of this opinion. I am cool with that. Let individual States decide
I'm referring to the leak itself, don't know what you're writing about. Politico got something and it's from the court and it's an actual draft, NOT A FINAL DECISION, don't know what you're referring to. Marshal's are investigating the leak along with the FBI. Must be something there.
At the time I wrote that post NOTHING had been confirmed.

That's changed and the leaked document has been confirmed as a draft which was circulated back in February.
If Congress tried to codify Roe it would be ruled unconstitutional like the decision was. There is no federal power, judicial or congressional to impose it under the Constitution. The power lies with the states. The President who is insisting that Congress do this is a mentally impaired idiot. Take note as well that over 70% of the people in the country support abortion restrictions:
Actually, all it would take is a federal law which affirmatively states that all health care decisions between a patient and medical provider, including decision regarding abortion and/or procreation, are within the restrictions placed on government in the 4th Amendment's "person" and "effects" and, absent reasonable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, no federal or state government can disavow any health care decision made by anyone when that decision is between a patient and their medical care provider.

I could easily draft that law in 1 paragraph which would also allow "reasonable regulation" in the name of ensuring the public welfare (standardized and universal medical accreditation, sanitation, etc) for all medical procedures. The current majority in the House and 50 senators with the VP as the override would make it a law.
Go ahead and try it. The Congress cannot codify Roe as it stands. As it stands, it is unconstitutional. It was the stupid left who wrongly decided this issue in the first place. There will be no congressional abortion law that doesn't include compromise. The left is not willing to accept compromise when it comes to abortion. Congress is not going to pass a law that the majority of Americans don't agree with and a majority of Americans favoring abortion restriction does exist. So tell Schumer to get on with it. We know exactly how he will overdo it and go off the deep end just before the election.
The majority of Americans want to keep Roe as is.
So what you’re insinuating is that men and women are brainless, incapable of making responsible decisions like using any of the many birth control products out there, planning ahead and being responsbile.
You seem to believe that contraception is 100% effective, but I doubt you realize how dangerous pregnancy can be for some older women who are still fertile. In many cases just the calcium depletion can be crippling.
And therefore, the Constitution does not prevent States from regulating guns. The Constitution ONLY applies to the Federal Govt...not States. This will be the result of this opinion. I am cool with that. Let individual States decide
This is crap.

There isn't a single word regarding abortion in the Constitution. Conversely, there's an entire amendment devoted to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Further, the 1st 10 Rights in the Bill of Rights (absent the 2nd Amendment for some weird reason) were made applicable to the States via the Incorporation Doctrine. The Second Amendment was made applicable to the States in McDonald vs. Chicago in 2010.

Your Constitutional opinion is nothing but crap.
This is crap.

There isn't a single word regarding abortion in the Constitution. Conversely, there's an entire amendment devoted to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Further, the 1st 10 Rights in the Bill of Rights (absent the 2nd Amendment for some weird reason) were made applicable to the States via the Incorporation Doctrine. The Second Amendment was made applicable to the States in McDonald vs. Chicago in 2010.

Your Constitutional opinion is nothing but crap.
There isn't a single word in the Constitution saying you have a right to private property either. This is the problem with Conservatives they worship a piece of paper from centuries ago and generally act like the FF were the fucking Borg. Its absurd that if something isn't in the Constition it isn't a right.
There isn't a single word in the Constitution saying you have a right to private property either. This is the problem with Conservatives they worship a piece of paper from centuries ago and generally act like the FF were the fucking Borg. Its absurd that if something isn't in the Constition it isn't a right.
Right? There are lots of ‘arms’ you aren’t allowed to have, why firearms? They aren’t even mentioned in the 2a.
Hell if we're supposed to take the Constitution word for word we are violating when we prevent other countries from getting nukes. As it is worded we believe these are basic human rights and while we cannot enforce the Constitution globally we are in charge of our own actions.
now that the religious right dictates law and there is no separation of church and state, it's time for churches to start paying taxes.
Are you trying to tell us that religion doesn't exist on the left side of the isle. Maybe tell Joe and Nancy, (Devout Catholics *SO THEY SAY*.. LMFAO ) that there on the wrong side of Dodge.
Are you trying to tell us that religion doesn't exist on the left side of the isle. Maybe tell Joe and Nancy, (Devout Catholics *SO THEY SAY*.. LMFAO ) that there on the wrong side of Dodge.
I wouldn't consider Joe on the Left. He's a Republican who when asked if women should control their lives said yes.
"If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office," Collins told NBC News. "Obviously, we won't know each Justice's decision and reasoning until the Supreme Court officially announces its opinion in this case."
yes, she believed creepy beer frat boy
You seem to believe that contraception is 100% effective, but I doubt you realize how dangerous pregnancy can be for some older women who are still fertile. In many cases just the calcium depletion can be crippling.
You seem to make a lot of shit up. Nothing is 100%, never said it was, God gave humans a brain, use it. If you're a bit older then I would suggest you be wary wary careful.

There are legitimate reasons for abortion just don't tell me being stupid is one of them.
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You seem to make a lot of shit up. Nothing is 100%, never said it was, God gave humans a brain, use it. If your a bit older then I would suggest you be wary wary careful.

There are legitimate reasons for abortion just don't tell me being stupid is one of them.
There is no God
Are you trying to tell us that religion doesn't exist on the left side of the isle. Maybe tell Joe and Nancy, (Devout Catholics *SO THEY SAY*.. LMFAO ) that there on the wrong side of Dodge.
Where did you retardedly extrapolate that from what he posted?
Obviously I must be ignorant cus I can't name a single the Left has to constrict freedom of speech, that honor goes to the Right.