First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

Yes, I had a good laugh at the notion that the Republicans are the party that supports free speech.
Republicans are fine with treating women equally to men, in fact I'm pretty sure it was the feminist who didn't want all that equality when it came to the draft and certain family court reforms. Not the republicans.
The left is not equity seeking, that is a bold faced lie. And the way the Right treats the super rich shows you guys are the ones who have zero problems with heirarchy. I don't mind it to a point but it is what it is.

While I call BS you can get all that equipment there is a certain amount of jumping through hoops that SHOULD qualify as a ban.

California is the most prosperous in the nation. We produce about a quarter of the food in this nation. I don't know what percent of the oil we do but I think were only behind Texas. IF this is a shit hole I would love to see what you consider success.

Bullshit you could own a tank. How do I knwo, when Arnold brought his over he had to decommision it first and if that man couldn't swing it you sure as fuck couldn't. However you're stance on arms shows that you value freedom more than life. There is and should be limits on freedom.

I've never heard either of them saying shit about wanting maternal and paternal care. I highly doubt either of them want it.

I live in a free state that isn't a racist shit hole. And I've learned of the years that freedom comes with a price tag of racist as fucking hell.

The schools were the ones doing the scamming along with the Boomer generation who KNEW price caps work but decided to fuck the nation in the name of freedumb.

We don't rob responsible people, god you're such a lying piece of shit.

Even if it was the women who didn't want the draft we both know which team was howling in anger when women started taking up non desk jobs in the military. So again stop lying.

Republicans clearly not interested in treating women like adults. We're about to strike down abortion. If you don't have agency over your own body that's as authoritarian as it gets.
I was watching this clip on youtube form Fox (because I try to see what everyone has to say on an issue):

McEnany: This kind of leak has never happened

Sean Hannity chimed into the discussion and at 3:54 into the clip came out with this jewel:

"...Roe was bad law. It enumerated rights to people that weren't in the constitution...." WTF?

In essence, he's saying women aren't represented by the constitution. WTF?

Later McEnany states (at 5:36): That Ruth Bader Ginsburg"thought it was better left to the states. She was a critic of Roe. She was a proponent of abortion rights generally. She thought the democratic process was the way..." WTF is she talking about? In one breath she claims RBG was a critic of Roe, in the next that she was a proponent of abortion rights. WTF?

I don't mind listening to opposing view points, but I can not and will not listen to such idiotic drivel. I don't think they even take time to listen to themselves and understand what they said FFS.

The left is not equity seeking, that is a bold faced lie.

It's literally the key defining feature of the left.

Pursuit of equity is what makes the left, the left. From participation trophies to universal HC to all out communism.... the left is always chomping at the bit for equity.

And the way the Right treats the super rich shows you guys are the ones who have zero problems with heirarchy.

That's exactly what I said, thank you for acknowledging the right wing is right wing.

I don't have problems with economic and social hierarchy. I don't resent other people being more socially/economically successful than me. If I did and wanted them torn down ( taxed at high rates and hit with "fuck you" regulations) to make things more equitable I would be a Democrat LOL.

I don't mind it to a point but it is what it is.

You just got done saying CEO's making more than 300% the average workers pay is theft.

You support hosing the rich with taxes and 'fuck you' regulations rather consistently throughout the years.

You support universal HC.... wouldn't be shocked if you supported some kind of UBI.

Affirmative action!!! REPERATIONS!!!! ..... pursuit of equity.

Equal pay act!! Pursuit of equity.

Given freedom and thus hierarchy vs. equity you always side with equity and cry "WACISM!!" any time there is inequity in most if not every issue. You've been at it straight solid for years on here.

From my POV you have a SERIOUS fuckin' problem with social and economic hierarchy.

While I call BS you can get all that equipment

It's not BS, just look outside of California. You can go to Nevada and rent them recreationally.

They have huge events every year in Utah, Arizona, Texas and N. Dakota.

Privately owned jets and tanks have been around forever, money is the only real restriction on that.

California is the most prosperous in the nation.

Only for the elites.... everyone else is getting fucked.

IF this is a shit hole I would love to see what you consider success.

Florida is looking great, Texas isn't bad but they should put the woke left further in c

Bullshit you could own a tank. How do I knwo, when Arnold brought his over he had to decommision it first and if that man couldn't swing it you sure as fuck couldn't. However you're stance on arms shows that you value freedom more than life. There is and should be limits on freedom.

Again, look outside that authoritarian shit hole state of yours. In other states you can own a tank, you can own a fuckin' F-16 fighter jet. A rich dude in Florida has two of them and an F/A-18.

I agree, and as a liberal that limit is at harm/damage.

I live in a free state

You left California??? Wow.

The schools were the ones doing the scamming along with the Boomer generation who KNEW price caps work but decided to fuck the nation in the name of freedumb.

Schools were doing the scamming with the authority and support of the Democrats in the federal government.

We don't rob responsible people, god you're such a lying piece of shit.

Then pay your own student debts off and support a flat tax and the end of welfare.

Advocate people take some shred of personal responsibility for their own actions/choices.....some ownership of their fuck ups.

Oh wait, that would make you right wing.

Even if it was the women who didn't want the draft we both know which team was howling in anger when women started taking up non desk jobs in the military. So again stop lying.

You mean when the military made double standards for women and started allowing substandard non-hackers into the ranks of combat troops??

Yea, because it's mostly the other team that she's going to get killed for the sake of political correctness and equity.

You could stop the bitching by having equality, you know, make women meet the same standards as the men instead of giving them handicaps. But lefties aren't interested in treating women like adults.... so they lowered the standards for them.

Republicans clearly not interested in treating women like adults.

Of course they are, that's why they are bitching about the Democrats coddling them and giving them special treatment and privileges.

We're about to strike down abortion.

No, some red states are going to regulate abortion.

Democrats don't get their way in places they lose the democracy game....Boo fuckin' hoo.....

If you don't have agency over your own body that's as authoritarian as it gets.

I agree, you should tell your comrades in the COVID gestapo that.
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I would never leave California and we are as free as we need to be. Hell there probably be a few more restrictions.
I would never leave California and we are as free as we need to be. Hell there probably be a few more restrictions.

Ok so not a free state.

In fact one of and depending on the year the least free most over-regulated state.

Minnesota is moderate blue, and it's practically libertarian by comparison.

I have ALL the guns.

Business licenses are a cheap near instant affair.

I can drive racecar on the road... no fuckin' smog checks... just a 4" dump right off the turbo, fuck emissions bullshit and turbo lag.

Red states get even more free..... thus my spot in Montana where it really is libertarianish.
I knew you were crazy. I have all the guns! That's more important than people earning enough to live. Business licenses are free in Cali, I've started more than one business. All I had to do was go the bank and register a name. Took me all of five minutes.

Smog checks should be happening federally. The fact that you don't care about the environment is a problem because it might hurt you, its very likely that it puts places underwater sooner or later. That's the kind of stuff where when you choice affect other people all that bullshit about individuals goes out the fucking window.

You guys get more land cus no sane person want's to live there. The fact that your largest city isn't even as big as my county ffs. You're a wasteland and like all conservatives and libertarians you take my money because you don't have a choice. But you always vote for people who are going to take less money from people and give less than you.

Your poverty rate depending on the year is higher than mine as it is now. You guys are basically dead weight.
Yes. There was never any question that abortion would remain legal and widely available in CA if Roe was struck down. It’s a big business here. I guess the incremental business opportunity will be determined by how much competition there is from other states and proximity to states with limited or access to

I was watching this clip on youtube form Fox (because I try to see what everyone has to say on an issue):

McEnany: This kind of leak has never happened

Sean Hannity chimed into the discussion and at 3:54 into the clip came out with this jewel:

"...Roe was bad law. It enumerated rights to people that weren't in the constitution...." WTF?

In essence, he's saying women aren't represented by the constitution. WTF?

Later McEnany states (at 5:36): That Ruth Bader Ginsburg"thought it was better left to the states. She was a critic of Roe. She was a proponent of abortion rights generally. She thought the democratic process was the way..." WTF is she talking about? In one breath she claims RBG was a critic of Roe, in the next that she was a proponent of abortion rights. WTF?

I don't mind listening to opposing view points, but I can not and will not listen to such idiotic drivel. I don't think they even take time to listen to themselves and understand what they said FFS.

He meant rights not in the constitution not women.
RBG didn't like Roe. Its easy enough to look up. Its even in the leaked draft. I think its even been brought up in this thread.
I can't wait until Insulin is banned in some states. Might as well get those losers out of our state too.
I can't wait until Insulin is banned in some states. Might as well get those losers out of our state too.
A little off the deep end don't ya think. The states would get a voice in abortion laws, that's the democratic process.
A little off the deep end don't ya think. The states would get a voice in abortion laws, that's the democratic process.
The states would get a say in insulin as well.

Also...ban fat people access. We only want skinny people
The states would get a say in insulin as well.

Also...ban fat people access. We only want skinny people
You're usually level headed on issues why are you playing the *fire fire hair on fire *. Even if the draft becomes a final ruling it would seem more appropriate and effective to channel all that energy within the states that actually ban abortion. I will never be convinced that arbitrary abortion is good for our republic but I also believe there are situations where abortion is appropriate. As far as the right to choice, well that same argument can be used for people who decide to engage in sex, choose responsibility over stupidity, use protection, use your brain. I guess I'm old fashion.
You're usually level headed on issues why are you playing the *fire fire hair on fire *. Even if the draft becomes a final ruling it would seem more appropriate and effective to channel all that energy within the states that actually ban abortion. I will never be convinced that arbitrary abortion is good for our republic but I also believe there are situations where abortion is appropriate. As far as the right to choice, well that same argument can be used for people who decide to engage in sex, choose responsibility over stupidity, use protection, use your brain. I guess I'm old fashion.
I don't "channel energy". I lobby for policies I support and against those I don't and I vote for candidates who align the best with my positions.

As for "engaging in sex", the abortion argument makes that a woman's job can fuck anyone they want for any reason. Women must be the one to choose sex responsibly. Sounds about right
I don't "channel energy". I lobby for policies I support and against those I don't and I vote for candidates who align the best with my positions.

As for "engaging in sex", the abortion argument makes that a woman's job can fuck anyone they want for any reason. Women must be the one to choose sex responsibly. Sounds about right
If you ever read any of my past post you would know I hold the male even more responsible. Men that walk away from their mess are nothing but subhuman trash. I see it in the hood all the time, fuck-em and leave or use the system to get fed subsidies because the more kids the more money. Eventually these kids grow up and end up on the streets.
If you ever read any of my past post you would know I hold the male even more responsible. Men that walk away from their mess are nothing but subhuman trash. I see it in the hood all the time, fuck-em and leave or use the system to get fed subsidies because the more kids the more money. Eventually these kids grow up and end up on the streets.
Yes, we see your racism, it's extremely clear.
If you ever read any of my past post you would know I hold the male even more responsible. Men that walk away from their mess are nothing but subhuman trash. I see it in the hood all the time, fuck-em and leave or use the system to get fed subsidies because the more kids the more money. Eventually these kids grow up and end up on the streets.
This ruling keep men fucking as much as they want. Until you hold the ones who deposit into as many women they want, abortion should absolutely be an option

But yah, some of those kids grow up and become just like Daddy.

And some idiots believe that the issue only exists in the "hood" . Speaking of hoods☝️☝️☝️☝️
This ruling keep men fucking as much as they want. Until you hold the ones who deposit into as many women they want, abortion should absolutely be an option
They're fucking as much as they want now and knowing abortion is readily available they leave it up to the woman to take care of business. Girls won't rat on their fuckbuddies, that one problem. Legislating laws holding men just as responsible is a start.
But yah, some of those kids grow up and become just like Daddy.

And some idiots believe that the issue only exists in the "hood" . Speaking of hoods☝️☝️☝️☝️
Well, abortion issues will never be solved on LIT. I have my beliefs and you have yours and I'll leave it at that.

Abortion is not just a hood issue but as good place as any to start.
They're fucking as much as they want now and knowing abortion is readily available they leave it up to the woman to take care of business. Girls won't rat on their fuckbuddies, that one problem. Legislating laws holding men just as responsible is a start.

Well, abortion issues will never be solved on LIT. I have my beliefs and you have yours and I'll leave it at that.

Abortion is not just a hood issue but as good place as any to start.
Focusing on the hood is important thought....because those people....amiright? But also, you have to get the proper fit else the pointy part looks funny
Well, abortion issues will never be solved on LIT. I have my beliefs and you have yours and I'll leave it at that.

Abortion is not just a hood issue but as good place as any to start.
How about letting an individual decide what medical treatment they want. Hmmm??? Otherwise get in line for that vasectomy, if your that concerned about abortion. Or maybe it should be a lobotomy if government decides they don't like how you me that seems fair if government can tell women what they can or cannot do with their own bodies!
I knew you were crazy. I have all the guns!

You know I'm crazy because I'm more free than you are??


No... freedom isn't crazy, it's liberal and American :D

That's more important than people earning enough to live.

Nope. People being allowed to make enough to live is capitalism.

That's why I'm not a lefty, because people earning enough to live is important.

Business licenses are free in Cali, I've started more than one business. All I had to do was go the bank and register a name. Took me all of five minutes.

Registering your name isn't a business license or a permit from the state of California to engage in commerce.

Smog checks should be happening federally.

No they shouldn't, they should happen in blue states where authoritarian assholes make sure personal vehicle ownership is only for the rich, kicking the poor/working class while they are down.

Wd don't do that sick shit here.

You guys get more land cus no sane person want's to live there.

Being a citiot doesn't make you sane. Quite the opposite.

The fact that your largest city isn't even as big as my county ffs. You're a wasteland and like all conservatives and libertarians you take my money because you don't have a choice. But you always vote for people who are going to take less money from people and give less than you.

I take your money because you force/throw it at me.... like idiots.

If you were smart you would keep your money in CA, where you desperately need it.

The only thing we actually want from you and those like you is for you to mind your own fucking business for once. Manage your dumpster fire shit hole before trying to tell us in our well manicured, peaceful, clean society how to manage ours.
Your poverty rate depending on the year is higher than mine as it is now.

Not even close and you have nearly 30% of the homeless/poor/junkies.....your cities are filthy with human waste and garbage, unfit for even the pigeons. My city is beautiful and clean, little to no degenerates... no dumpster juice and bum piss stank for 100 miles in every direction here.

We may be in "poverty" but we live better because incompetent/corrupt Democrats haven't run our cost of living up to totally insane levels.

You don't need to make 150k/yr to be POOR.....1,3M for a shit shack house on a postage stamp? Not here... average lower class shit hole CA prices buy insane baller mansions outside of CA.

You guys are basically dead weight.

Yet you are hung up on us, can't even take care of yourselves you're so obsessed with controlling us.
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There isn't a single word in the Constitution saying you have a right to private property either. This is the problem with Conservatives they worship a piece of paper from centuries ago and generally act like the FF were the fucking Borg. Its absurd that if something isn't in the Constition it isn't a right.

Maybe you should go and read the 4th Amendment and then try to say that.

Here, I'll help you pinpoint the relevant part:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects...

Now, ask yourself what are "houses, papers, and effects" if not "property"?

Property is of 2 types.

Personal property:
Personal property is a class of property that can include any asset other than real estate.

Real Property:
fixed property, principally land and buildings.

Thus, the 4th Amendment QUITE CLEARLY conveys a "right to private property" in that the security of said property is within the constraints of that Amendment and your constitutional opinion to the contrary is a load of crap.

Maybe you should go and read the 4th Amendment and then try to say that.

Here, I'll help you pinpoint the relevant part:

Now, ask yourself what are "houses, papers, and effects" if not "property"?

Property is of 2 types.

Personal property:

Real Property:

Thus, the 4th Amendment QUITE CLEARLY conveys a "right to private property" in that the security of said property is within the constraints of that Amendment and your constitutional opinion to the contrary is a load of crap.

He's an anti-American socialist, is it' really surprising to you he doesn't recognize private property rights???