First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

Because the SCOTUS ruling will send women who get abortion to prison. Got it. The hyperbole gets crazier by the hour.
If they do so in a state that forbids it, yes, it will

Unless somehow you believe differently
The Commies are out in force in L.A. to protest the abortion decision:

In the strictest sense that is still two people just one has no actual interaction or responsibility. Besides unless there were complications that could kill the woman I think everybody would agree no abortion for you!
In the strictest sense that is still two people just one has no actual interaction or responsibility. Besides unless there were complications that could kill the woman I think everybody would agree no abortion for you!
Sean, yes I agree with you, the donor signs off on the sperm, and the woman signs off on the donor, so there zero legal rights for the donor. A point of which goes right over wrongway's diminutive head.

sleazy gaetz, suspected sex trafficker of a minor, posted this:
“How many of the women rallying against overturning Roe are over-educated, under-loved millennials who sadly return from protests to a lonely microwave dinner with their cats, and no bumble matches?”

The misogynistic message was heard loud and clear, especially when he fails to see that abortion is often a healthcare issue for many women. Besides bodily autonomy, abortion access “is key for individuals to have control over their economic security and future opportunities,” “increases women’s educational attainment, financial security and labor force participation,” “reduces childhood poverty,” and “is crucial for racial, economic and geographic equity,” per the Joint Economic Committee Democrats.
Should have read your entire post before I started. Its far more likely to be the economics than health. Rape, incest and late term (which is almost always medical) make up about 5% combined. Those topics are brought up just to get people emotional.
Yes, abortion is a health care issue for women, but it's also a "we can have sex with women without having to worry about 18 years of consequences" issue for men.

If the end of legal abortion forces women to have to become more choosy about sex outside of a committed relationship, it's going to be a "be careful what you wish for" scenario for an awful lot of wingnut men whose interest in the platform of the religious right does not extend to its feelings about premarital and extramarital sex.

Of course, for most of the crowd here, that's a very moot point.
Not sure how much pickier women will be. We passed laws because this has been happening for probably all of history. Keep your legs together is almost like don't eat all the ice cream.

Mitch McConnell Is Hoping People Just Forget He’s to Blame for Abortion Rights Being Obliterated

Like a group project with some of the worst people in the world, there are many people to blame for the likely overturning of Roe v. Wade. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, for one, who wrote the draft opinion claiming the landmark decision “was egregiously wrong from the start.” The other conservative justices who are expected to vote to strike it down. Donald Trump, who followed through on his pledge to exclusively appoint justices who would destroy a woman’s right to choose. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, who for some reason believed those justices when they suggested they wouldn’t do that. Antiabortion activists. The antiabortion lobby. We could go on. But while scores of people have played a role, one could argue that, in this group project from hell, there is no who deserves more blame here than Mitch McConnell.

As Politico noted on Tuesday, “there’s a direct line from the Senate minority leader’s decision to hold a high court vacancy open in 2016 to the potential demise of Roe six years later.” If you can’t remember that far back, or had to bury it in the deepest recesses of your mind as a coping mechanism, a quick refresher: After conservative Justice Antonin Scalia died in February 2016, Barack Obama had the opportunity, seeing as he was president, to nominate a justice to fill his seat. Yet before the 44th POTUS even mentioned the name Merrick Garland, McConnell was already vowing to block any and all nominees. “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice,” McConnell insisted. “Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.” That argument was obviously absurd given that the American people already had had a voice in the selection of the next Supreme Court justice, and they had it when they voted for Obama, who still had almost an entire year left on his second term. But in the grand tradition of Republicans just making shit up to suit their needs, McConnell held fast to what he would later claim was a historical precedent going back hundreds of years—wherein “no Senate ha[d] confirmed an opposite-party president’s Supreme Court nominee in a presidential election year”—and refused to even hold a confirmation hearing for the guy who would ultimately become Obama’s pick to succeed Scalia. Which, of course, allowed Republicans to effectively steal a Supreme Court seat that should have gone to a liberal. Then, roughly four years later, like the shameless hack he is, McConnell would have Amy Coney Barrett confirmed and sworn in with less than two months before the 2020 election, despite his previous “election year” rule.

Of course, that’s just a fraction of the work the Kentucky lawmaker put into sending the US on the path to a post-Roe world.

Per Politico:

During his Trump-era drive to remake the courts, confirming more than 230 judicial nominees over four years, the Senate Republican leader didn’t exactly emphasize that his goal was to strike down the 1973 Roe decision. Yet his use of hard-nosed tactics that predecessors might have flinched at, from blocking then-President Barack Obama’s appointee to installing Barrett just days before the 2020 election, left little chance at another outcome.

In some ways, McConnell was able to hack the traditional system for wielding congressional power. By focusing on the judiciary during his six years as majority leader, four of them alongside former President Donald Trump, he achieved what he never could have through legislation—without having to budge from his opposition to killing the legislative filibuster…. Rather than mount a laborious effort to secure the votes to change Senate rules and restrict abortion access, he instead focused on unifying his conference around presidential nominees. During his time as GOP leader, McConnell has suggested that he’s found it’s far more effective to confirm appointees with simple majorities than try to enact change through the messy legislative process. During a 2018 interview, he observed that lifetime judicial appointments “are the way you have the longest lasting impact on the country.”
what exactly does this mean?
asking because i'm pretty sure there's a whole lot of thought goes into the actual wording of this stuff and that just caught my eye.
written by Justice Samuel Alito, that said the rulings in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey “must be overturned.” The Supreme Court said the leaked draft ruling is “authentic,” but stressed that it does not reflect the final decision from the bench.
Not sure how much pickier women will be. We passed laws because this has been happening for probably all of history. Keep your legs together is almost like don't eat all the ice cream.
Think there are a lot of Republican men who are going to get an unpleasant surprise when women now turn to doing that a lot.
I see your as dumb today as wrongway. Maybe go check into how that sperm donor thingy works....I just don't have the patience to educate you further today.
I’m sure it doesn’t come from a box of Betty Crocker cake mix. LMFAO
WTF are you typing about now? Did you take a double dose of stupid today?
Just saying human DNA comes from a human. We all know a pregnancy doesn’t only happen with coitus, but the DNA stuff (egg & sperm ) comes from two different people, a male and a female. Class dismiss.
Just saying human DNA comes from a human. We all know a pregnancy doesn’t only happen with coitus, but the DNA stuff (egg & sperm ) comes from two different people, a male and a female. Class dismiss.
Yet only one must deal with the consequences while the other can skip town