First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

Just saying human DNA comes from a human. We all know a pregnancy doesn’t only happen with coitus, but the DNA stuff (egg & sperm ) comes from two different people, a male and a female. Class dismiss.
Which has nothing to do with a sperm donor donating sperm. Also this issue was addressed earlier on, that you are too stupid to remember reading it, or you were just dumb enough to jump in and quote me, not understand the context, only points towards your ignorance, as I said, "did you take a double dose of stupid". I get it can happen, we all get forgetful as we age.

Post 308/309 to be specific.
Honestly..I'm just curious how long it will be before the abortion issue returns for another round
Which has nothing to do with a sperm donor donating sperm. Also this issue was addressed earlier on, that you are too stupid to remember reading it, or you were just dumb enough to jump in and quote me, not understand the context, only points towards your ignorance, as I said, "did you take a double dose of stupid". I get it can happen, we all get forgetful as we age.

Post 308/309 to be specific.
It still takes 2 people, a male and a female, even if it’s a test tube baby it still takes two people make a baby whether human carry or tube.
It still takes 2 people, a male and a female, even if it’s a test tube baby it still takes two people make a baby whether human carry or tube.
This was addressed earlier, hell I even pointed out the this point, I think you are just trolling, hell even I don't think you are as stupid as you're appearing to be right now....*chuckles*
This was addressed earlier, hell I even pointed out the this point, I think you are just trolling, hell even I don't think you are as stupid as you're appearing to be right now....*chuckles*
We already discussed that and the answer is 'yes and no'
Think there are a lot of Republican men who are going to get an unpleasant surprise when women now turn to doing that a lot.
Their have been polls on this but it just means they need to keep their mouths shut about which party they are in.
The report also emphasized that a galvanizing factor could be President Joe Biden's push to codify abortion rights into law, under the Women's Health Protection Act.

"The Rev. W. Franklyn Richardson, chairman of the Conference of National Black Churches, said a push for such legislation could prompt the 'awakening' strongly needed in the African American community as the midterm elections approach," said the report. "'This could turn out to be a great motivator for people who are sitting by the side, saying it doesn’t matter what happens,' said Richardson, who also is chairman of the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. 'I think it will mobilize people like nothing else. I’m expecting great mobilization of the African American community and in communities where people recognize the importance of giving a person a choice.'"
We already discussed that and the answer is 'yes and no'

Their have been polls on this but it just means they need to keep their mouths shut about which party they are in.
I wouldn't think so. A man's actual political stance isn't going to change the risk to the woman of having sex--with lots of examples coming out that condoms and Plan B are risks as well.
Well it seemed like you were implying that Republican men were going to find it harder getting partners, not men as a whole.
Well it seemed like you were implying that Republican men were going to find it harder getting partners, not men as a whole.
My message was to the men responsible for pushing this--that I think they aren't going to be getting nearly as much action (even from their wives) as they did before they did what they did. It wasn't to men in general. It was to those Yahoos who are pushing it.

So, yes, I was addressing Republican men.
Which is why every time Dems win the Right hold's their breath until we bow to them and gain nothing in return. What I didn't see in there is anything that states that the SCOTUS has any right to privacy.
Mooooove those goalposts!
My message was to the men responsible for pushing this--that I think they aren't going to be getting nearly as much action (even from their wives) as they did before they did what they did. It wasn't to men in general. It was to those Yahoos who are pushing it.

So, yes, I was addressing Republican men.
If Justice Alito had only known that his wife was going give him less pussy, he never would have penned that draft.
So, the question about modern technology, what a "person" is in the 14th Amendment, and when the viability of life begins, and the rights of that life, will never be litigated again and the issue will be settled? We've had 50 years of strife and have divided the nation over those questions that wouldn't be settled by a blanket statement about personal health. American history has never supported the wholesale slaughter of the unborn, never. My thought is we are never going to get to the point where the American people don't get to vote on this subject.
The question never arises if the court decides that the 4th Amendment's Right to privacy extends to all medical decisions between a patient and medical provider. The 14th never comes into the picture because "person" as currently defined in the law requires that the child be "born alive."

What you're advocating is not only changing the law regarding Roe, but also a complete revamp of the legal system in order to fit your views. How is this not different than those who support Roe as written? Is your position that mob rule ok if it's your team which comes out on top and that the US runs on mob rule now?
I wouldn't think so. A man's actual political stance isn't going to change the risk to the woman of having sex--with lots of examples coming out that condoms and Plan B are risks as well.
You are wrong. Republicans have no morals. The risk is inherently higher. But it is their choice...fuck a retard...have a retard.
Because the SCOTUS ruling will send women who get abortion to prison. Got it. The hyperbole gets crazier by the hour.
Actually, this isn't true and the fact that it isn't true is why abortion supporters aren't talking about how the draft decision in Dobbs puts the question back under State control rather than Federal control.

Someone on one of the talk shows mentioned that the number of States which potentially will outlaw abortion ranges from 0 to 3. Those States, if any, which do so will face legal challenges and keep this issue tied up for a few more generations.
Actually, this isn't true and the fact that it isn't true is why abortion supporters aren't talking about how the draft decision in Dobbs puts the question back under State control rather than Federal control.

Someone on one of the talk shows mentioned that the number of States which potentially will outlaw abortion ranges from 0 to 3. Those States, if any, which do so will face legal challenges and keep this issue tied up for a few more generations.
The number of states severely restricting abortions once the ruling comes down is in the double digits. And if you believe that the envelope isn't being moved towards outright banning of the procedure, you haven't been paying attention to the people creating the legislation being considered.
Actually, this isn't true and the fact that it isn't true is why abortion supporters aren't talking about how the draft decision in Dobbs puts the question back under State control rather than Federal control.

Someone on one of the talk shows mentioned that the number of States which potentially will outlaw abortion ranges from 0 to 3. Those States, if any, which do so will face legal challenges and keep this issue tied up for a few more generations.
I was just repeating some of the predications being loosely tossed around by some who are enraged by the pending decision that will soon put the question in the hands of democratically elected representatives in statehouses rather than nine unelected justices.
The number of states severely restricting abortions once the ruling comes down is in the double digits. And if you believe that the envelope isn't being moved towards outright banning of the procedure, you haven't been paying attention to the people creating the legislation being considered.
^ Chief Rumormonger.
I was just repeating some of the predications being loosely tossed around by some who are enraged by the pending decision that will soon put the question in the hands of democratically elected representatives in statehouses rather than nine unelected justices.
The hand wringing and shrieking are more important to them than facts right now.
The hand wringing and shrieking are more important to them than facts right now.
It’s interesting that so many of the screamers fear things that are extremely unlikely to materialize. The good news as time passes, they will come to realize that their deep anxiety was unwarranted.