First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

I wonder what Christine Blasey Ford and her “beach friends” are saying right now 😂

Probably terrified about losing their right to something they'll never need.

I mean did you see her?? JFC..... I suppose someone might simp for that, but hey, that's on him!!
Its not dishonesty, its a provable fact. Its not like we don't see it in other places all the time. It was probably about ten years or so back they found a vaccine that would protect against certain kinds of cancer. Now wise men would have made the correct argument that men should be getting it as well since while it generally doesn't harm us we can be carriers. And the entire right came out screaming that safer sex would turn women into whores. As a collective conservatives would rather their female friends and family fucking DIE than maybe have more sex. Plan B got the same treatment when it came out. While they tend to be quieter you never see the right pushing easier access to birth control like IUDs, the pill and patch or hell handing ou free condoms.

This is because its not about a human life. They clearly know that its not. They lie about late term abortion which really doesn't happen often enough to care about, though I'll grant the Left is dishonest about rape and incest so there's that. Hell far too many on the Right think sex ed should be removed from schools We can look around the globe and prove that educated young people make bette choices. Lets face it condom use is a bit counter intuitive and many, many parents epsecially in religious areas of the country don't have the education themselves to properly teach their children. This is a self inflicted wound.
Conservatives are going to have to tell their kids “you can either be a parent or an incel.”

But since recent affluent generations have been shying away from parenthood they are more likely to go gay.

Be gay or pray, your choice America.
I find it comical that the reaction is about Roe. The draft opinion is just that a draft opinion and not a final ruling.

The real issue is the leak!!! compromising the deliberation of the court, the attempt by the left to influence a court decision by the use of coercion. Schumer is a disgrace to the senate, using his senate seat to politicize a court decision for his own benefit. Typical lefty unethical antics.
Conservatives are going to have to tell their kids “you can either be a parent or an incel.”

But since recent affluent generations have been shying away from parenthood they are more likely to go gay.

Be gay or pray, your choice America.
You need psychiatric help. Take an ativan before you suffer from spontaneous human combustion. :eek:
Surprising news tonight: Supreme Court decision leaked by someone with access to court files. This is purportedly the first time a decision has been leaked prior to the end of the Supreme Court term.

It overturns Roe V. Wade with Alito authoring the majority decision.
The leak is the only surprise. Most knew Roe was going down. If and when the person is found by the U.S. Marshal they will never work again in the legal profession again.
Its not dishonesty, its a provable fact.

Your ascriptions aren't provable facts, they are dishonest ascription.

Arguably because you can't actually debate for an untouchable absolute right to abortion.

This is because its not about a human life.

This is another ascription because you want to dismiss human life.

They clearly know that its not.

It is.

They lie about late term abortion which really doesn't happen often enough to care about,

That's your opinion, many feel happening at all is enough to care about.

Not everyone is as ok with the causal termination of human life as you are.


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They don't. Congress can literally pass a law tomorrow that overrides this decision.

Each branch has a role to play.
If Congress tried to codify Roe it would be ruled unconstitutional like the decision was. There is no federal power, judicial or congressional to impose it under the Constitution. The power lies with the states. The President who is insisting that Congress do this is a mentally impaired idiot. Take note as well that over 70% of the people in the country support abortion restrictions:
Yeah that's because they are either poorly informed or straight up lying.

No, we know its not a person. Just like we know apples aren't trees.
Conservatives are going to have to tell their kids “you can either be a parent or an incel.”


Better to teach them there are actions for their life choices, actions they must take responsibility for.

I think one of the biggest differences between the left and the right is that the right has fathers that teach them those things.

The left doesn't and instead encourages and celebrates self destructive degeneracy.

But since recent affluent generations have been shying away from parenthood they are more likely to go gay.

Then their line dies out... thanks!!!

Be gay or pray, your choice America.

Or just don't be an irresponsible fuckin' retard..... really not the impossible task Democrats seem to think it is.
If Congress tried to codify Roe it would be ruled unconstitutional like the decision was. There is no federal power, judicial or congressional to impose it under the Constitution. The power lies with the states. The President who is insisting that Congress do this is a mentally impaired idiot. Take note as well that over 70% of the people in the country support abortion restrictions:
Incorrect. Congress has the power to regulate businesses. And that is why Republicans will be seeking a 6 week ban as soon as they have control of Congress.
Yeah that's because they are either poorly informed or straight up lying.

No, we know its not a person. Just like we know apples aren't trees.

It isn't an autonomous person, but it is an individual and unique human life.

That apple is still a Malus domestica/pumpila etc.

No lie, just basic biology. Something Democrats and the left constantly reject.
I find it comical that the reaction is about Roe. The draft opinion is just that a draft opinion and not a final ruling.

The real issue is the leak!!! compromising the deliberation of the court, the attempt by the left to influence a court decision by the use of coercion. Schumer is a disgrace to the senate, using his senate seat to politicize a court decision for his own benefit. Typical lefty unethical antics.
Even AOC had a smarter response than the grifting idiot Schumer. She suggested a constitutional amendment that would leave the decision where it belongs, with the states. Probably wouldn't pass though.

Better to teach them there are actions for their life choices, actions they must take responsibility for.

I think one of the biggest differences between the left and the right is that the right has fathers that teach them those things.

The left doesn't and instead encourages and celebrates self destructive degeneracy.

Then their line dies out... thanks!!!

Or just don't be an irresponsible fuckin' retard..... really not the impossible task Democrats seem to think it is.

If you’re a wife don’t give you husband any pussy unless you want more kids.
everyone's getting a bit too excited about this, prematurely (not that if the ruling stands there's not enough to get excited-angry-about)

first off, the draft was dated February. Seems to be written in order to be prepared for the eventuality this comes to pass. It's not a given as of yet, and judges may change their minds (if they've already decided) before this is resolved sometime expected in the summer(?). The article states they are 'prepared'... which is not the same thing as 'this is the actual ruling'. They are prepared for the eventuality. It also states a passage about returning the decisions on abortion to the lawmakers (as opposed to the law-rulers)... which could be a good thing if it were to be hashed out properly, with potentially a 15-week window for abortion except in extreme cases, and codified into the law of the land once and for all. Of course, it could also be a complete and utter mess in the interim, where one state has rules wildly different to another one...but we're already seeing that now.

the leak, while not what one would expect from SCOTUS, could be for several reasons and not necessarily by a Dem-leaning individual:

the leak will do more than one thing. It will
a) galvanise the pro-choice people to come out and vote mid-term
b) galvanise the anti-abortionists to celebrate and (potentially) come out and vote mid-term
c) convince the more religious to back trump/far right-wing candidates over the more moderate
d) convince the less religious republicans to back the regular GOP-backed candidates
e) make a big splash across the media, creating discussion, awareness and impetus to actually get this whole mess sorted into a proper nationwide law.

for me, personally, i am all about freedom of choice when it comes to abortion, though my preferences are abortions by 12 weeks unless there are good reasons to perform one later; free (or almost free) access to contraception, including the 'morning after pill' a misnomer but hey); a much more cohesive education on how to avoid pregnancy; and vastly improved care for the pregnant and those supporting young children. But this is America, and whilst many would agree with those things it's not likely to happen any time soon because religion and money.
I enjoy how the right is getting exactly what they want, and they are still finding a way to demonize De
everyone's getting a bit too excited about this, prematurely (not that if the ruling stands there's not enough to get excited-angry-about)

first off, the draft was dated February. Seems to be written in order to be prepared for the eventuality this comes to pass. It's not a given as of yet, and judges may change their minds (if they've already decided) before this is resolved sometime expected in the summer(?). The article states they are 'prepared'... which is not the same thing as 'this is the actual ruling'. They are prepared for the eventuality. It also states a passage about returning the decisions on abortion to the lawmakers (as opposed to the law-rulers)... which could be a good thing if it were to be hashed out properly, with potentially a 15-week window for abortion except in extreme cases, and codified into the law of the land once and for all. Of course, it could also be a complete and utter mess in the interim, where one state has rules wildly different to another one...but we're already seeing that now.

the leak, while not what one would expect from SCOTUS, could be for several reasons and not necessarily by a Dem-leaning individual:

the leak will do more than one thing. It will
a) galvanise the pro-choice people to come out and vote mid-term
b) galvanise the anti-abortionists to celebrate and (potentially) come out and vote mid-term
c) convince the more religious to back trump/far right-wing candidates over the more moderate
d) convince the less religious republicans to back the regular GOP-backed candidates
e) make a big splash across the media, creating discussion, awareness and impetus to actually get this whole mess sorted into a proper nationwide law.

for me, personally, i am all about freedom of choice when it comes to abortion, though my preferences are abortions by 12 weeks unless there are good reasons to perform one later; free (or almost free) access to contraception, including the 'morning after pill' a misnomer but hey); a much more cohesive education on how to avoid pregnancy; and vastly improved care for the pregnant and those supporting young children. But this is America, and whilst many would agree with those things it's not likely to happen any time soon because religion and money.
Roberts confirmed authenticity.
I enjoy how the right is getting exactly what they want, and they are still finding a way to demonize De

Roberts confirmed authenticity.
confirmed authenticity of a draft of the ruling they are prepared to make as a given, or as one of several potential outcomes they must be prepared for? some of these rulings are 50, 70 pages long. takes time to think it all out on paper.
confirmed authenticity of a draft of the ruling they are prepared to make as a given, or as one of several potential outcomes they must be prepared for? some of these rulings are 50, 70 pages long. takes time to think it all out on paper.
The outcome won't be different. The language will be
^^^ Is pissed Republicans prohibited teachers from being sexually explicit with 4-9 year old kids in Florida public schools.

So it lies about what republicans are doing, while also projecting it's own desires.
Does either the Oklahoma or Texas abortion Legislation provide exceptions for either rape or incest? No...they do not. Fuck off and stick to the topic
If you’re a wife don’t give you husband any pussy unless you want more kids.

So nuke your marriage and family life because red states won't do what Democrats told them to do???

I'm sure that will work wonders, women worldwide will no doubt get right on that.... LOL
The outcome won't be different. The language will be
they only write the one draft ruling? (excuse my lack of knowledge with this stuff)
ok, then--in effect--SCOTUS is doing a Pontious Pilate

it'll be down to mid-term voters, down to who holds the House and Senate. There's movement for dems to push through a women's rights bill addressing abortion NOW, with the expectation of doing away with the filibuster for it, but it's being touted as quite extreme and not likely to get the votes needed to push it through.

guess it'll all come down to voters in the end; even established laws of the land can be changed if the thinking of contemporary society differs wildly from when they were made. Roe v Wade was never codified, as so was always vulnerable. I can only hope for a modern, reasonable, accepted outcome when all's said and done but a lot has to change before that can happen. With a third of the country fighting for a sanitised version of their America and the re-installation of t by any means necessary, it's ugly as fuck.