First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

Like dems regulate everything else? Can you give a few examples of this everything?
Speech, guns, commerce, pushing to further degrade if not outright end private property.

There is literally nothing you guys don't want 200 trillion pages of micro print worth of regulation and a minimum of 500 government agencies in control of at all times.

Just look at California.... where you need a state licensed professional and an army of lawyers to secure all 183 permits from separate agencies just to wipe your own ass after a big ol' morning coffee shit.
they only write the one draft ruling? (excuse my lack of knowledge with this stuff)
ok, then--in effect--SCOTUS is doing a Pontious Pilate

it'll be down to mid-term voters, down to who holds the House and Senate. There's movement for dems to push through a women's rights bill addressing abortion NOW, with the expectation of doing away with the filibuster for it, but it's being touted as quite extreme and not likely to get the votes needed to push it through.

guess it'll all come down to voters in the end; even established laws of the land can be changed if the thinking of contemporary society differs wildly from when they were made. Roe v Wade was never codified, as so was always vulnerable. I can only hope for a modern, reasonable, accepted outcome when all's said and done but a lot has to change before that can happen. With a third of the country fighting for a sanitised version of their America and the re-installation of t by any means necessary, it's ugly as fuck.
The right has done a great job at fear mongering their base to the polls. The left has gotten complacent. (And historically, the right is more engaged and makes it to the polls more)

The key here is that everyone needs to participate, regardless if they believe it matters because it always matters. I will always preach that to everyone, even those I disagree with. Call your Congressmen and make sure they know how they would represent you. If you don't participate, then those you don't like will.
I tried to give a shit but it didn't work out.
Far as I'm concerned the leak is more important than the decision. At my age things tend to leak on their own, dont need any extra.
Does either the Oklahoma or Texas abortion Legislation provide exceptions for either rape or incest? No...they do not. Fuck off and stick to the topic

Doesn't give rapist and pedos any rights though, you're a liar.

And complaining about that, trying to shame Texas and Oklahoma for something that you support in Florida is directly related to what you brought up.

Your hypocrisy is off the fuckin' charts. :D
The right has done a great job at fear mongering their base to the polls.

And I'm betting just like the "bullshit fear mongering" you accused me of buying into, you can't point to a single specific example.

The key here is that everyone needs to participate, regardless if they believe it matters because it always matters. I will always preach that to everyone, even those I disagree with. Call your Congressmen and make sure they know how they would represent you. If you don't participate, then those you don't like will.

I doesn't matter if you're living in the wrong place for your politics in a totally non-competitive region.

Like a staunch conservative living in San Francisco...Pelosi's district. They might as well stay home on election day because their vote is piss up a flagpole.
And I'm betting just like the "bullshit fear mongering" you accused me of buying into, you can't point to a single specific example.

I doesn't matter if you're living in the wrong place for your politics.

I assure a staunch conservative living in SF is like a Democrat living in rural Kansas....might as well stay home on election day because your vote is piss up a flagpole.
I assure you that I still dgaf about your opinion. Cheers.
The Governor of CA is wasting no time taking advantage of what he sees as a business development opportunity. Laying down the groundwork for abortion tourism. Talking about enshrining abortion rights into the state constitution.
The Governor of CA is wasting no time taking advantage of what he sees as a business development opportunity. Laying down the groundwork for abortion tourism. Talking about enshrining abortion rights into the state constitution.
And the supreme court has indicated that they're cool with that.
The Governor of CA is wasting no time taking advantage of what he sees as a business development opportunity. Laying down the groundwork for abortion tourism. Talking about enshrining abortion rights into the state constitution.
Nevada did well with marriages and divorces both so good move.
The Governor of CA is wasting no time taking advantage of what he sees as a business development opportunity. Laying down the groundwork for abortion tourism. Talking about enshrining abortion rights into the state constitution.

As they should!!

Blue states should go full bore pro-abortion?? DO IT!!!

Get that social justice in there too.....MANDATORY ABORTIONS FOR WHITES!!!!!

Blue states industrialize terminating human life, and red states restrict it, everyone wins! States rights are wonderful like that.
Nevada did well with marriages and divorces both so good move.
Yes. There was never any question that abortion would remain legal and widely available in CA if Roe was struck down. It’s a big business here. I guess the incremental business opportunity will be determined by how much competition there is from other states and proximity to states with limited or access to abortion.
they only write the one draft ruling? (excuse my lack of knowledge with this stuff)
ok, then--in effect--SCOTUS is doing a Pontious Pilate

As many drafts as they need, basically. Getting five justices to agree on all the language in an opinion as long as this one can be a cumbersome process. (If I had to guess, I'd say Roberts is trying to get support for a less extreme and cocky opinion that does a lot of the same stuff; essentially the difference between getting anesthesia in a hospital and being hit over the head with a hammer.)

Of course, you can also have a majority decision without getting a majority to sign on to a particular opinion. A result like that in a case this important is something an institution that cares about being seen as legitimate would typically try to avoid, but it's a brave new world out there.
Having thought about this for the day...I have come to a change in heart. Let States decide what they want. Health care, gun laws, who gets benefits, how religion should be name it...if States have the right to decide women's rights...they can decide all rights. Let the scum of the World go. We can only save those that want saved.
I tried to give a shit but it didn't work out.
Far as I'm concerned the leak is more important than the decision. At my age things tend to leak on their own, dont need any extra.
You bastard you stole a perfectly good name

glad to see another Star wars fan here,
Speech, guns, commerce, pushing to further degrade if not outright end private property.

There is literally nothing you guys don't want 200 trillion pages of micro print worth of regulation and a minimum of 500 government agencies in control of at all times.

Just look at California.... where you need a state licensed professional and an army of lawyers to secure all 183 permits from separate agencies just to wipe your own ass after a big ol' morning coffee shit.
The left does virtually nothing about freedom of speech. More often than not we're defending it. We wouldn't be fucking with Commerce at all of thee owners weren't essentially fucking slave owners. They are so pro private property that the primary complaint is that housing is artifically high because rich people buying up tons of rental homes which drives prices out of the range of average people. Owning a home was once the American Dream, but you're really dreaming if you the average person is ever going own a home again.

We don't want 200 trillion pages of microprint, that's just what's necessary for laws to work on anything these days. That army of lawyers you speak of will always find some bullshit that wasn't very specifically stated in the law. They a great example is oil companies INTENTIONALLY build their pipelines under minority housing. We STILL haven't fixed Flint because if you don't literally hold a gun to people's heads they will find away to screw you. Oh we didn't build intentionally in a primary black neighborhood. Just we could have gone straight but instead we wiggled around this white neighborhood. Just like the whole pipeline. The shorter route was a threat to white people water, the chosen route was longer. If it was "perfectly safe" you'd think nobody would care where it was.

Who knows what gas mileage would be at today if Bush had just let California set its own emission standards? He did correctly surmise that if California and maybe New York raised emission standards that it would be officially a nation wide ban because nobody is gonna make cars that two of the most populated states won't let you sell in.

I know that they've hypnotized you and conservatives into thinking that all regulations are bad, but that's not reality.
Both Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett said in their confirmation hearings that they considered Roe to be "settled law". Which means they lied in their hearings. And should be impeached.
Incorrect. Congress has the power to regulate businesses. And that is why Republicans will be seeking a 6 week ban as soon as they have control of Congress.
Go ahead and try it. The Congress cannot codify Roe as it stands. As it stands, it is unconstitutional. It was the stupid left who wrongly decided this issue in the first place. There will be no congressional abortion law that doesn't include compromise. The left is not willing to accept compromise when it comes to abortion. Congress is not going to pass a law that the majority of Americans don't agree with and a majority of Americans favoring abortion restriction does exist. So tell Schumer to get on with it. We know exactly how he will overdo it and go off the deep end just before the election.
Not sure if this has been posted yet:

The original Roe v. Wade ruling was leaked, too

There were actually two Roe-related leaks​

There have indeed been leaks at the court before, albeit of a different scale. One of them actually was about the case at the heart of today's conversation: In 1973, the original Roe decision was leaked to the press before the court had formally announced it.

Jonathan Peters, a media law professor at the University of Georgia, noted in a Twitter thread that there were actually two Roe-related leaks in the 1970s.

First, the Washington Post published a story about the court's internal deliberations, including a June 1972 memo from Justice William O. Douglas to his colleagues that was mysteriously leaked.

Seven months later, Time magazine published the final decision and vote details just hours before the court was due to announce it — the result of an early scoop and a delayed ruling.

A Supreme Court clerk named Larry Hammond told Time staff reporter David Beckwith, a law school acquaintance, that the Roe ruling was coming, according to lawyer and author James Robenalt, who detailed the incident in a Washington Post column on Monday.

Hammond gave Beckwith the information "on background," and it was only to be reported once the opinion came down from the court. But the ruling was slightly delayed, and that week's magazine ended up hitting newsstands a few hours too soon.

Leaks of any kind are rare at the Supreme Court, and Totenberg says there hasn't been such a massive breach in modern history. She called it a "bomb at the court" that undermines everything the body stands for internally and institutionally, including its members' trust in their law clerks and in each other.
Go ahead and try it. The Congress cannot codify Roe as it stands. As it stands, it is unconstitutional. It was the stupid left who wrongly decided this issue in the first place. There will be no congressional abortion law that doesn't include compromise. The left is not willing to accept compromise when it comes to abortion. Congress is not going to pass a law that the majority of Americans don't agree with and a majority of Americans favoring abortion restriction does exist. So tell Schumer to get on with it. We know exactly how he will overdo it and go off the deep end just before the election.
What matters is that a woman has a choice to have an abortion. SCOTUS hasn't ruled against abortions...just against Roe. Theyve left abortion up to the states. If the federal government wanted to create a national regulation regarding abortion, it would be an entirely different argument to be made both for and against it.

Whether or not they will has nothing to do with whether they can.

The core aspect of Roe, in terms of it's effect, has been the ability of a woman to have an abortion.
Both Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett said in their confirmation hearings that they considered Roe to be "settled law". Which means they lied in their hearings. And should be impeached.
And charged with perjury.
thank goodness i'm past the age of needing to worry about having more children :cool:

If you’re a man and don’t want kids, never have sex with a fertile woman.

If you’re a potentially fertile woman and don’t want kids, never have sex with a man.

Bobo doesn’t understand this concept, he thinks any woman should risk an unwanted pregnancy to keep a man happy.
Both Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett said in their confirmation hearings that they considered Roe to be "settled law". Which means they lied in their hearings. And should be impeached.
It’s settled till it’s unsettled. They’re entitled to change their minds on any issue.