For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

Read their quotes.

And what you point out about morality is my exact point. There are moral laws God imprints on the human conscience. We can warp it, but it's originally there in a pretty pure form. One of those moral laws.... Don't murder babies in the womb.
I don't remember that bible quote
Pomp and circumstance signifying nothing. The USA not a "Christian nation", no matter what you wish.
I don't say it's a Christian nation. I say it's a secular nation whose moral laws are based and founded on Biblical Christianity. There is a difference.
Read their quotes.

And what you point out about morality is my exact point. There are moral laws God imprints on the human conscience. We can warp it, but it's originally there in a pretty pure form. One of those moral laws.... Don't murder babies in the womb.
There is no God, only Zul. God didn't imprint anything on me, because he doesn't exist. You will never agree with me about that, which is fine. Like I said, I don't begrudge you your beliefs, no matter how silly I think they are. But I'm certainly not ever going to buy into them.
I don't say it's a Christian nation. I say it's a secular nation whose moral laws are based and founded on Biblical Christianity. There is a difference.
Fine. Then we can agree that America was founded on a set of common-sense principles that are found in the Bible as well as the documents of other religions and the laws of societies that have nothing to do with religion.
I don't remember that bible quote
Oh it's there. "Thou shalt not murder."

The Bible constantly refers to the baby in the womb as a child. It says God formed that child, that God authored its life, that God placed a calling on it, and it even records the baby in the womb jumping for joy in the presence of Jesus the Messiah in the womb. There is no Bible distinction between the baby in the womb and the baby just born. And since the Book was Authored by the One Who made Life and created the baby, I think I'll go with His opinion over your warped view.
Fine. Then we can agree that America was founded on a set of common-sense principles that are found in the Bible as well as the documents of other religions and the laws of societies that have nothing to do with religion.
There were no documents of other religions considered. Sorry. That is simply historically inaccurate.
They agreed NOT to mention a diety in the Constitution

That’s how government is supposed to work!
Again, you ignore their explicit and widely published letters and statements on the subject. You are wrong.
There were no documents of other religions considered. Sorry. That is simply historically inaccurate.
I'm not saying they considered other religions' documents. I'm saying that the principals are such common sense for a functioning society that they are universally known and accepted, regardless of religion. Or do you think the Bible was the first religious document that said that killing other people was bad?
Goddamn, you're retarded. Show me a statute that even implies it's illegal to ask someone else a question. ANY question. Or have you completely forgotten about the First Amendment? Fuck, you are impossible.

My vote, BY LAW, is "private" and asking how I voted invades my privacy. Most normal people understand that without needing to be quoted chapter and verse.
I'm done with the whole topic of religion on here. It's all a bunch of bullshit anyway.
Oh it's there. "Thou shalt not murder."
Which part mentions pregnancy or the womb?

Is there an appendix that defines murder?

The Bible constantly refers to the baby in the womb as a child. It says God formed that child, that God authored its life, that God placed a calling on it, and it even records the baby in the womb jumping for joy in the presence of Jesus the Messiah in the womb. There is no Bible distinction between the baby in the womb and the baby just born. And since the Book was Authored by the One Who made Life and created the baby, I think I'll go with His opinion over your warped view.
It was actually created by men who said it was from your god.
Except in the case where you're forcing a woman to be a parent.

No woman is "forced" to be a parent. Abortion is available if done within the boundaries of he law as well as the option of giving the baby up for adoption.

Cue Adrinal Glands with her "women don't own their own bodies" bullshit rant.
Again, you ignore their explicit and widely published letters and statements on the subject. You are wrong.
Of course we do. As we ignore the internal debates of committees and the public speeches of Cheetos. They aren't law and don't have any relevance. Perhaps they were just posturing or maybe they're the US' first batch of lobbyists. Why you so revere the opinions of old men who lived in the 1700s is beyond me.
My vote, BY LAW, is "private" and asking how I voted invades my privacy. Most normal people understand that without needing to be quoted chapter and verse.
So then anybody who asks you something that they don't know about you is breaking the law? Seriously, there is no treatment for your mental retardation.

And by the way, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy when you're posting on a public chat forum, dumbass.
Of course we do. As we ignore the internal debates of committees and the public speeches of Cheetos. They aren't law and don't have any relevance. Perhaps they were just posturing or maybe they're the US' first batch of lobbyists. Why you so revere the opinions of old men who lived in the 1700s is beyond me.
Because they were far wiser than uninformed fools like you who live in 2024.
So then anybody who asks you something that they don't know about you is breaking the law? Seriously, there is no treatment for your mental retardation.

And by the way, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy when you're posting on a public chat forum, dumbass.

Lol, ask me about a general something and you're golden. Ask me about my private acts and you're not.

Most normal people understand the difference.

Somehow I'm getting the impression that you're not "normal."
Lol, ask me about a general something and you're golden. Ask me about my private acts and you're not.

Most normal people understand the difference.

Somehow I'm getting the impression that you're not "normal."
Do you masturbate?

I'll be waiting for the cops to knock on my door.
The fundamental problem on the constitutional front is that your side has twisted freedom OF religion to freedom FROM religion. That has always, in the history of the world, been one of the first steps of tyranny.
No woman is "forced" to be a parent. Abortion is available if done within the boundaries of he law as well as the option of giving the baby up for adoption.

Cue Adrinal Glands with her "women don't own their own bodies" bullshit rant.
Abortion is certainly restricted and may not be available within the boundaries of the law in the near future because some people believe that your parenting starts in the womb, at conception, but only for the mother.
The fundamental problem on the constitutional front is that your side has twisted freedom OF religion to freedom FROM religion. That has always, in the history of the world, been one of the first steps of tyranny.
There is no such thing as freedom from religion.

If you Garner enough to support to ban abortion, then policy might be adjusted. Courts probably won't allow it and you'll complain....but that's how our government works.
Not every invasion of privacy is a crime.


Sorry, had to take a breath there.

Harpy, I'm done with you. Anyone who genuinely believes that asking another person a "private" or "personal" question is breaking the law is beyond help or redemption, and not worth my time or effort. I will not be engaging with you anymore on this or any other topic. You simply aren't worth it.