For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

Funny how it's only Christianity's recognition of that link, huh?
That's because it's Christianity and not Judaism or some other religion. Nobody is forcing you to accept Christianity or its beliefs but there is this:

Christianity is currently the world’s largest religion, with over 2 billion followers, which is more than 30% of the global population. It is followed by Islam, with approximately 1.8 billion followers. Hinduism comes third with around 1.1 billion adherents. These religions are part of the world’s ongoing faiths that have shaped human history and culture123.
I mean... no? It wasn't?

You can make an argument that everything in Western philosophy after a certain point has some basis on Christianity, in that it either embraces it or rejects it -- but even then, the "founding fathers" were far more interested in the values of the "Great Enlightenment", which is about as far from "Pro-Christian Values" as you can get in Western philosophy.

Like, what -- do you think the French "Cult of Reason" was based on "Christian values", too?

Also, stop saying "Judeo-Christian" values. Judaism has nothing to do with this (outside of the weird fetish some Christians have with Hebrews).
Before you get all excited why don't you understand what the term means and what it doesn't mean?
If they do it's their religious belief that does so. They aren't claiming to be Jews. They like all other religions on earth have their own religious beliefs and strictures as well as interpretations of history.
Ya bring up judeo-Christian values in a sentence with some of these lit posters and they react like you just splashed a vampire with holy water. :D
If they do it's their religious belief that does so. They aren't claiming to be Jews. They like all other religions on earth have their own religious beliefs and strictures as well as interpretations of history.
The problem is Christians believe their rules apply to everyone whether they believe in Christ or not. Like with abortion. The Jewish consensus is that human life begins at birth. Christians misread Torah to claim that it begins at the moment of conception.
Well, the Jews did conspire with their Roman oppressors to crucify one of their own so I guess there's a message in that as well. I don't see myself or the Christians putting "weird Christian shit on Jewish people." because as I stated and you didn't understand, "the relationship between the two is rooted in Christianity’s recognition of Jewish scripture as part of its own Bible and the shared historical and theological link."
The "Christ-killer" slur has been used to justify antisemitism for millennia.
That's because it's Christianity and not Judaism or some other religion. Nobody is forcing you to accept Christianity or its beliefs but there is this:

Christianity is currently the world’s largest religion, with over 2 billion followers, which is more than 30% of the global population. It is followed by Islam, with approximately 1.8 billion followers. Hinduism comes third with around 1.1 billion adherents. These religions are part of the world’s ongoing faiths that have shaped human history and culture123.
I don't think you actually asked the Jews before you stuck the word "Judeo" in front of Christian, dude.

They don't actually share any values with y'all. You just keep ripping off their shit because Christianity is boring as fuck.

This is like if Muslims went around saying "Judeo-Christian-lslamic Values". What the hell does that even mean?
Ya bring up judeo-Christian values in a sentence with some of these lit posters and they react like you just splashed a vampire with holy water. :D
Listen, there in the distance one can hear the incoming cadence of a regimental chorus of hob-nailed boots.;)
The "Christ-killer" slur has been used to justify antisemitism for millennia.
Nazi propaganda vilified Jews, portraying them as deceitful, manipulative, and responsible for economic crises, political instability, and cultural decay. Many Christian people saw them as the "money changers" that Jesus drove out of the temple saying "My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you make it a den of robbers." In the end, it was the Christian world that came to their defense towards the end of WWII and beyond to today.
I mean... no? It wasn't?

You can make an argument that everything in Western philosophy after a certain point has some basis on Christianity, in that it either embraces it or rejects it -- but even then, the "founding fathers" were far more interested in the values of the "Great Enlightenment", which is about as far from "Pro-Christian Values" as you can get in Western philosophy.

Like, what -- do you think the French "Cult of Reason" was based on "Christian values", too?

Also, stop saying "Judeo-Christian" values. Judaism has nothing to do with this (outside of the weird fetish some Christians have with Hebrews).
Interestingly enough, a lot of Enlightenment ideas can be traced to the influence of Native American political thinkers. It's telling that after centuries of European despotism, continental thinkers suddenly rediscovered liberty and democracy right after they were exposed to Native American polities. It's more accurate to say that the United States was founded on American values than "Judeo-Christian" ones.
Nazi propaganda vilified Jews, portraying them as deceitful, manipulative, and responsible for economic crises, political instability, and cultural decay. Many Christian people saw them as the "money changers" that Jesus drove out of the temple saying "My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you make it a den of robbers." In the end, it was the Christian world that came to their defense towards the end of WWII and beyond to today.
The Holocaust was a continuation of a Christian tradition of pogroms going back hundreds of years. The only difference was the scope of the industrialized slaughter.
Interestingly enough, a lot of Enlightenment ideas can be traced to the influence of Native American political thinkers. It's telling that after centuries of European despotism, continental thinkers suddenly rediscovered liberty and democracy right after they were exposed to Native American polities. It's more accurate to say that the United States was founded on American values than "Judeo-Christian" ones.
Total bullshit.
The Holocaust was a continuation of a Christian tradition of pogroms going back hundreds of years. The only difference was the scope of the industrialized slaughter.
All by undemocratic totalitarian thinkers cloaked in religion. The United States of America changed all of that.
That’s actually an example of trump’s low cunning. He’d already done the work dog whistling and working up the proud boys and other white nationalists into a frenzy on the run up to J6. Then he aims them toward the capital building and tosses in a self serving, but insincerely because he’s already unleashed his idiots, “peacefully and patriotically” sentence so he and MAGAts like you can say “Nuh uh.”
He can hardly get a word out from behind the wall of lying Democrat media, their Communist judges with their gag orders.
The problem is Christians believe their rules apply to everyone whether they believe in Christ or not. Like with abortion. The Jewish consensus is that human life begins at birth. Christians misread Torah to claim that it begins at the moment of conception.
Their rules are going to apply where they are the obvious majority just as Judaism prevails in Israel. Before Islam Christianity was indeed the predominant religion in the Middle East before the rise of Islam. The region that encompasses modern-day Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel/Palestine, and parts of Iraq and Iran, among others, was home to numerous Christian communities.

After the death of Jesus Christ, Christianity spread throughout the Eastern Mediterranean region, including what is now the Middle East, primarily through the efforts of his apostles and other early missionaries. Early centers of Christianity included cities like Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem.
All by undemocratic totalitarian thinkers cloaked in religion. The United States of America changed all of that.
And that is why the fundamentalist Christians must never be allowed to rule the United States. They've already shown they don't have any respect for democracy by attempting to overturn the 2020 election, and install the loser in the White House. They repeatedly claim the 2nd amendment allows them to rise up against our democratically-elected leaders and violate our laws with impunity.
And that is why the fundamentalist Christians must never be allowed to rule the United States. They've already shown they don't have any respect for democracy by attempting to overturn the 2020 election, and install the loser in the White House. They repeatedly claim the 2nd amendment allows them to rise up against our democratically-elected leaders and violate our laws with impunity.
"no no, this time it's gonna be different. not like those five hundred times before. just give us all the power and it'll be so cool you'll see. trust me bro"
Their rules are going to apply where they are the obvious majority just as Judaism prevails in Israel. Before Islam Christianity was indeed the predominant religion in the Middle East before the rise of Islam. The region that encompasses modern-day Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel/Palestine, and parts of Iraq and Iran, among others, was home to numerous Christian communities.

After the death of Jesus Christ, Christianity spread throughout the Eastern Mediterranean region, including what is now the Middle East, primarily through the efforts of his apostles and other early missionaries. Early centers of Christianity included cities like Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem.
Israel doesn't impose Judaism on the people live there. There are large Muslim and Christian communities within its borders. Both Christianity and Islam are colonizer religions, imposing their values on the people they conquer, converting or killing those who won't toe the line. But you shouldn't generalize from their bad examples to Judaism.
Israel doesn't impose Judaism on the people live there. There are large Muslim and Christian communities within its borders. Both Christianity and Islam are colonizer religions, imposing their values on the people they conquer, converting or killing those who won't toe the line. But you shouldn't generalize from their bad examples to Judaism.
The Jews write the laws in Israel, do they not? Is it not a Jewish-dominated society?
And that is why the fundamentalist Christians must never be allowed to rule the United States. They've already shown they don't have any respect for democracy by attempting to overturn the 2020 election, and install the loser in the White House. They repeatedly claim the 2nd amendment allows them to rise up against our democratically-elected leaders and violate our laws with impunity.
If they are the majority the rules they create and get through the process will be the law of the land. The history of the United States began with an armed citizen uprising that resulted in a revolution that overthrew the King of England, who first attempted to censor speech and then made an attempt in Concorde to disarm the colonists. Hence the First and Second Amendments and the national promise it would never happen again.
Israel doesn't impose Judaism on the people live there. There are large Muslim and Christian communities within its borders. Both Christianity and Islam are colonizer religions, imposing their values on the people they conquer, converting or killing those who won't toe the line. But you shouldn't generalize from their bad examples to Judaism.
Yeeeeeah but uh... It kind of does? Like, I ain't gonna lay the blame for this at the feet of Judaism itself -- but Israel absolutely punishes you for being part of the wrong ethnic group. You don't have to look very hard to find evidence; Wikipedia is enough.

I also suspect there's a pretty strong argument to be made that Israel is and always was a colonial project -- I lack the historiographical chops to back this up, but I know plenty of folks who DO have those chops, and are happy to say so at great length (many of whom are, themselves, Jewish!).

I realize this gets pretty tangled on account of Christianity's long-standing hard-on for anti-semitism -- but, if anything, the even BIGGER hard-on evangelicals have for Israel is probably a pretty strong clue that they like what they see (and what they see is colonialism. Well, that and the validation of their fucked up headcanon regarding the end times).
He can hardly get a word out from behind the wall of lying Democrat media, their Communist judges with their gag orders.
He can get plenty of words out. He just can’t get the words out he wants because he wants to say shit the judge says is not ok during trial. Simple as that. Communist judges, puhlease.
Yeeeeeah but uh... It kind of does? Like, I ain't gonna lay the blame for this at the feet of Judaism itself -- but Israel absolutely punishes you for being part of the wrong ethnic group. You don't have to look very hard to find evidence; Wikipedia is enough.

I also suspect there's a pretty strong argument to be made that Israel is and always was a colonial project -- I lack the historiographical chops to back this up, but I know plenty of folks who DO have those chops, and are happy to say so at great length (many of whom are, themselves, Jewish!).

I realize this gets pretty tangled on account of Christianity's long-standing hard-on for anti-semitism -- but, if anything, the even BIGGER hard-on evangelicals have for Israel is probably a pretty strong clue that they like what they see (and what they see is colonialism. Well, that and the validation of their fucked up headcanon regarding the end times).
African Americans are discriminated against in the United States. Does that make the U.S. an "apartheid state"?

Israel is not perfect, but their many enemies always try to make the country sound worse than it is by using loaded language like "apartheid" and "genocide".

Israel was founded in 1948 by a mix of indigenous Jews and Jews fleeing from persecution in nearby Arab states and Europe. In contrast, many Palestinians are descended from Arab settlers brought to Judea by the Ottoman Empire to dilute the indigenous population. They left their homes in the Levant during the partition with the promise they would get ALL of Israel after their fellow Arabs exterminated the Jews. Much to the surprise of the attackers, the Jews fought back and established Israel, leaving the Palestinians in the lurch.

But the genocidal dreams of the Palestinians have persisted, leading to periodic atrocities like October 7th, the Intifada, and the Munich Olympics.