Gone for a bit..

Svenskaflicka said:
What is it about us, that some leave Europe for Americans, and soem Americans leave USA for a European..? ;)
As someone who is easily enchanted by furren men (even those who speak English English) I think it has to do with needing more than language to communicate. One employs more of one's self to the task and voila!

Svenskaflicka said:
And here I thought it was a matter of Oranges...:confused:

Oranges???? Good heavens, I need coffee before I read lit......

Whisper :rose:

Ps. Our dog is not psycho....she's just "enthusiastic".
whispering_surrender said:

Nice. You're sharing your dog with the man.

Are you sharing your man with the dog?

"C'mon dog, let's take our man for a walk."
"DOG!! You are not allowed to eat our man's hand!"
damppanties said:
Nice. You're sharing your dog with the man.

Are you sharing your man with the dog?

"C'mon dog, let's take our man for a walk."
"DOG!! You are not allowed to eat our man's hand!"

I am sharing him with the dog, although not entirely voluntarily.....she just sort of pushes her way in. And she's spoiled, since she has him all to herself whilst I'm at work.....

Whisp :rose:
whispering_surrender said:
Oranges???? Good heavens, I need coffee before I read lit......

Haven't you heard the story of the oranges?

I must have told it in AH atleast 3 times already!
OK, by popular demand: The Oranges - part IV!

After God had created the world with its trees and flowers and animals, he made a huge bunch of oranges. He cut them all in half, and threw them out over the world.

The orange halves felt alone and incomplete on their own, and so each of them started looking for their second half, the one that would complete them and make them feel whole.

Whenever you feel all alone, whenever you despair of ever finding true love, remember that it takes two halves to make one whole. There can never be just one, or it won't exist. There are always two.

The fact that you exist, is the evidence that there is another half out there, your second half, looking and longing for you, too.

It sure has kept my hope up in dark moments.

Who has found her second half:heart:

Oh, and another thing: both raphy and I have found our respective loves far away in Boston. Remember, with a world this big, it's naïve to expect your second half to be located at a comfortable walking distance from yourself. You have to look worldwide!
damppanties said:
All that is fine and good, but why oranges?! :confused:
Anything like my Ex and I can tell you.

All bright apeel on the outside, the pits inside.

Oh, yes . . . and tart! :eek:

Actually, a similar myth was featured in the film, "The Butcher's Wife" but there it was credited to Aristotle or Socrates. :(

Hmm... maybe it was Plate, or Chico, perhaps Groucho.

I know it wasn't Harpo. ;)
Why oranges?

Because bananas cut in half, crawling all over the world to find their second half, would remind people too much of crawling maggots, and that would make the story much less romantic!:(
whispering_surrender said:

Ps. Our dog is not psycho....she's just "enthusiastic".

Yes, psychotically enthusiastic :)

I love her to bits, she's the more adorable puppy, seriously. I'll try and get a picture up.
Svenskaflicka said:

Oh, and another thing: both raphy and I have found our respective loves far away in Boston. Remember, with a world this big, it's naïve to expect your second half to be located at a comfortable walking distance from yourself. You have to look worldwide!

Aah, the wonders of the Age of Communication...
damppanties said:
Nice. You're sharing your dog with the man.

Are you sharing your man with the dog?

"C'mon dog, let's take our man for a walk."
"DOG!! You are not allowed to eat our man's hand!"

Curiously enough - We got in yesterday after going out for lunch and the dog ran straight to ME for petting. I think whisper was most offended ;)
Svenskaflicka said:
You would have preferred if it was whisp who came running to get patted, huh?;)

whisper gets petted any time she wants to, and Kimber the puppy knows this ;)

I think whisper was just offended that the dog ran to me, not her. She spent about 5 minutes just staring and saying "She ran to you.. ran right past me and ran to you!!"

I laughed, lots. and then i got beaten up
Svenskaflicka said:
Whip? Cane? Handcuffs?

I think whisp should be happy - the puppy has accepted you as its daddy!:heart:

In all seriousness, she is - And I am too :)
I'm not sure what to make of the fact that my kitty runs under the bed whenever Hubby comes to visit, while at the same time, whenever my male friend B comes over, she crawls up in his lap to be patted.

She's usually scared of men, but curious of women.

Perhaps she thinks B isn't very manly.
whispering_surrender said:
I'm happy about lots of things lately.....that's merely one of them. *smiles*

Whisp :rose:
Get a room, you two.

Oh wait, you already got that...