Halloween 2015 Challenge Rules & Discussion

When does the outing happen?

tired of guessing? I wrote 4(poem), butters 3, and mags wrote 12 :D champers wrote the windingo piece, Angeline had the pantoum, the others... oh gm wrote Plato's cafe
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I will cop to #22. I think I've been fingered twice on that one, figuratively speaking. However, #11 is not mine.

Still curious about #9.
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I will cop to #22. I think I've been fingered twice on that one, figuratively speaking.

Still curious about #9.

ghoulish fingering brings
a lingering chill
a yearning for more
that corpsely encore :devil:

ok, i own up to #9

i want to know who wrote #40 - it's neat!
Smokin' poem, Butters. And I speak as a cat lover (see my AH profile.)

cheers, AH - was aiming for a grown-up, beyond-the-nursery rhyme thing, only this time the cat didn't get saved by the other boy. time's moved on, johnny's an adult - but is he haunted by guilt, or really haunted? :spookyemote: left that for the reader to decide, along with the whys of his early actions.
Tzara wrote 2.
Nope. I would have guessed you wrote it. You write terzanelles; I usually write villanelles.

Unless you're being extra tricky and pretending someone else wrote it when you in fact did, I'll guess GP, since Champie said her poem has not been mentioned yet.

Or maybe Seanathon. Or... :rolleyes:
Nope. I would have guessed you wrote it. You write terzanelles; I usually write villanelles.

Unless you're being extra tricky and pretending someone else wrote it when you in fact did, I'll guess GP, since Champie said her poem has not been mentioned yet.

Or maybe Seanathon. Or... :rolleyes:

Wasn't me. I thought about writing one but then I saw someone else did. This is going well. Lol.
I will not be exposing myself until Monday morning.

I meant to say everyone.

You may all expose yourselves at anytime.
No one knows who the Pantoum of the Opera is.

I only know it isn't me. Might be Champ. I'm just guessing though based on the people here who I know write form poems.

I think you should tell us how many poems each person wrote. Yknow throw us a crumb. :D
I only know it isn't me. Might be Champ. I'm just guessing though based on the people here who I know write form poems.

I think you should tell us how many poems each person wrote. Yknow throw us a crumb. :D

The pantoum is by Guilty Pleasures I'm quite sure of it.
AlwaysHungry - 1
Angeline - 3
Ashesh9 - 1
butters - 4
champagne1982 - 1
Elmer Glew - 1
GuiltyPleasure aka Tristesse2 - 4
Harry Hill - 5
greenmountainer - 3
legerdemer - 2
Lyricalli - 1
Magnetron - 12
Othermoose - 1
Piscator -1
Seanathon - 1
Trixareforkids - 1
todski28 - 3
Tzara - 1

I think I missed one ?..... :confused:
I think Tzara wrote 40. Ii is good, and different.
Not me. It's a double dactyl, and I think I recall gm has tried the form before, so that would be my guess. Just a guess, though. The form dominates the poem, so anyone who knows the form would necessarily sound the same.
44 "Windigo" is Champie's I think.
Seanathon is Canadian, too, so keep him in mind. And Magnetron is, I think, from Minnesota, which is kind of like the Canadian Minor Leagues. Especially rural Minnesota, which is where I have the impression he lives.

Or I could have been ingesting large amounts of intoxicants this evening and be way, way off.
AlwaysHungry - 1
Angeline - 3
Ashesh9 - 1
butters - 4
champagne1982 - 1
Elmer Glew - 1
GuiltyPleasure aka Tristesse2 - 4
Harry Hill - 5
greenmountainer - 3
legerdemer - 2
Lyricalli - 1
Magnetron - 12
Othermoose - 1
Piscator -1
Seanathon - 1
Trixareforkids - 1
todski28 - 3
Tzara - 1

I think I missed one ?..... :confused:

5 really?... I see piscador on the list didn't know he was in; he wrote 40