How about I task you?

TMV said:
To coddle your insistent fantasies,You have not even one other tactic except to turn words into dung and then sit there and bellow that it is me who is spouting my own downfall. It would puzzle most and infuriate the infrequent. But I don't take what you have to say at any face value because, no matter how you dress it up..., a lie is just a lie. Even though you feel that you have changed tactics, it is all the same. Spin Doctor them back at the speaker and maybe he will be embarrassed by the exposure. But it is your exposure, not mine.

You litreally have only one excuse for your needs and desires, a tired rendition of the same old stories. Copy-cats. You have yet to put forth one original idea or debate. You just keep on jumping up and down like the puddle is splashing the world. And yet, you're the only ones getting wet.

If you had an ounce of true intelligence on an above par scale, you would examine all that has gone on here and delve into your own motivations. Because you obviously haven't a blue-eyed Godess' notion what motivates me. Blind, ah yes, "Your Blind". You see the next feast in front of you and forget that that you, were the one who refused to farm.

As for Mr. Reminds Me. Nice little retort, however it stills bears the same stench of "Look at yourself Mr. Denial". Sad, as I have been rummaging around in own backyard for decades..., and still do. Even here. I know many and most of my flaws.

But unlike those others, I am well aware of my skills, and well aware of the toys that most of humanity likes to play with. And it is few that I find that deal with their own fears. They love to expunge their fears on those, of whom are different.

And now, Normal Jean, that was a clue. This is not a hog wallow unless we make it so. After all, who better to teach about flaws, then one who continually searches for his flaws every day. One who faces his fears as he finds them. Pride????????!!!!!!!!! Thanks to people like those that think they have me on my back, I have been on my back for most of my life, thanks to the fear-swallower's. But I have learned that if you cower before them, then they take more and more. Never allowing you to stand on your own. A backbone is for more than keeping the body vertical or horizontal. It's for standing in the midst of a storm, and smiling. I haven't come back here because of a reputation..., I came back here as a mark! Filth has it's place! Yet it is never satisfied there. It suffers everyone else to abide in it. Excuse me..., I have to sweep the floor.

IM sorry, TMV. What was a clue? IT was a very poor metaphor. and this place isnt/ wasnt a hog wallow till you started slinging mud at people who were behaving rather adultly, hehe ( yep., I made up that word, lol)

and I dont understand you well enough to engage you in conversation... and , it seems to me that regardless of what anyone here has to say, you throw it back at them, even Liar, who took the time to read your work and was much kinder than I woudl have been in the faceof your insults.

I told you of place you can go and get nothing BUT FB on your work, which you obvioulsy do not want to fight and argue. Hence you are wasting people's time. ( did I use that apostrophe right? ) That is the only pig pen full of shit I can see where you are concerned. Anyone who takes such delight in discourd belongs , belongs.......well hell, I dont know where they belong. Im going along with Champ and putting this thread on "" iggie"",

I tried to understand you and have failed. I hope this fact doesnt make me suicidal. nah, it wont. I just wish you the best, I really do.
Again..., the reverse innuendoes...........

How much of a damage do think I am? And please don't answer that! Itseems quite understandable that it is truly rhetorical. You are so bland as to be tasteless. The same inevitable "bitch" slap. If you iwsh to tire me out and bore me to death with your lack of imagination, I've been belittled by better. And obviously, I don't tally with this unctious, fruedian drivel. But for some reason, I find that your blithe fencing, with your authoritarian titles to be somewhat endemic of the net pissing on those that ask simple and direct questions of it's twisted information.

The Web! The great information highway! Not with people like you in control of true learning facilities. More like a dis-information highway. Emphasis on "Dis". Normal Jean..., you asked a simple question and then twisted it like it was a knife. But your blade, like your wit, was rusty and bitter. It broke before it could do your bidding. It lost it's temper..., and it's purpose.

Still you insist that I have come here to harm you..., stepped out into this to fussilade wuth you all as if you were the single minded target that I seek. But then, You came to give me youe bile..., I remain here strictly as fence. That you shall not pass. I can't be scorned for what I have been assailed with!

You know..., I knew some very bright and thoughtful people here the last time I was here. And as you said Ms. Jean, they have left for greener pastures. But they are not greener because the manure is thicker, they are greener because they are well tended. I might ask the same of you. How well have you tended your garden? I think you rely too much on the same festooning that you have all your life. I noticed the "Biff and Buffy" comment recieved no response. Should I mark that? Don't worry..., I have.

Oh and once more, Thank you for helping me with my typing skills. It is so pleasant to be working the board this quickly. In no time, I'll be up to 80 WPM! I recieved my laptop back from HP and it is nice to speed over the keyboard like this.

Now..., what insidious phrase or word will you sling at me with my own meaning contorted? The world needs to know!!!! :) :)) :D :nana: :nana: :nana:

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TMV said:
How much of adamadge do think I am?
I talked to Adamadge Do - I call him Madge, we're friends - and my estimate is that you are about three-fifths of Adamadge's thought. Am I close?
Lauren Hynde said:
Good God! Poetry!

That's concrete poetry, bubeleh. All the rage these days, I hear. :D

If you wish to answer me, see me on Yahoo IM, A. The best thing I've done this week is put the latest troll on ignore (and thank you Carrie for the idea though you won't see this either), and I'm about to reactivate it. I usually don't think ignorance is bliss, but sometimes. . .

"Oh please, please follow me!" Angeline

I would say that I tire of the game..., but then you would gregariously gloat. So then, he, he, I think I'll still work the thread! Go ahead, put me on iggy, wouldn't hurt me one iota! :D And then I can do some real work, the kind that no one wants to hear.

"I believe it is time for humankind to repose, take it easy. We have made so much progress in the last 300 years! We have deservedly earned our comfort and respect. We don't need to take any more steps into the future, as we have made so much progress that we must catch up with it! We control our lives and the continents like no one has ever before! There is no more need to push our skill's to any other level! Let it be that we may enjoy our luxuries and plush literature! Our grand art that shines in our hall's! The music that softens our trial's.

Evolution takes millions of years before it decides on the next step to enable us to forge into the future! So it makes more than enough common sense to rest before our next exodus into inventing the future! Just let the future, come to us."


It's already started, and you are blind to it. "What are you bulloxing about?" You ask? How many times must I say the same sentence? Search for yourself..., any evidence anyone else gives you, is too easily dismissed. But I will tell you this; Brace yourselves! the repetitive cycle of the "Great" civilizations has come to it's conclusion once again. Did you think it was going to last forever? Of course you did..., it's what the authorities always tell you! As they've always comforted the other "Great Societies" before they allowed the corruption to lay waste to them.

No, I'm not a doom-sayer. I'm a man with my eye's wide open. And prepared to suffer. As will those fool's of whom divine and prognosticate, that perfection is the inevitable pinnacle of our labors. And yet, there is less and less in Gross production every year. But then you love to listen to the lies. How much American production is made in foreign markets? When was the last time that Minimum wage was a living wage? When was the last time that an American inventor was independent and not locked into a corporate contract? When was the last time there was an innovation of massive social consequence, made by a single individual? When was the last time that you had a thought that you were sure was yours alone?

When is the next revision going to be made by evolution? It's closer than you think..., if you want to think. Evolution doesn't have a schedule. It has a mission. But then the form of the completion of that vision, is as evolutionary as the form itself, is made!

If you're waiting to grow the next step in the future of humankind..., well, disappointment is tough.

"I thought that I could see the future. But it fooled me and snuck up behind me."

The Mystery Valiant​

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TMV said:
I find it curious that Anonymous chooses to centre his signature and has the strange habit of making plurals with apostrophes. Hm. Who do we know that does these things as well? Curiouser and curiouser.
TMV said:
No, I'm not a doom-sayer. I'm a man with my eye's wide open. And prepared to suffer. As will those fool's of whom divine and prognosticate, that perfection is the inevitable pinnacle of our labors. And yet, there is less and less in Gross production every year. But then you love to listen to the lies. How much American production is made in foreign markets? When was the last time that Minimum wage was a living wage? When was the last time that an American inventor was independent and not locked into a corporate contract? When was the last time there was an innovation of massive social consequence, made by a single individual?
All interresting things to ponder. Not sure why I should use a poetry forum to ponder them though. And obviously ignorant of you of you to think we're ignorant of those perspectives. I repeat what I said before; the gentleman presumeth too much.
When was the last time there was an innovation of massive social consequence, made by a single individual?
1990 comes to mind. Berners-Lee and Calliau. Oh sorry, that was two individuals. I hope that still counts. :)

Is this a Eastern thing or what? It is the umpteenth time that I heard of this rule of no "Apostrophe's" in plurals! and as it seems to happen in other peoples writting, it puzzles me even more! I have been taught (as well as others, obviously) that when you mean to denote the plural after a subject, you are to use an apostrophe to show a plural as belonging to the subject. And I have seen it used in many writings in such fashion. And yet you keep harping on it!! And still, though you do upset me, I can't truly understand how you can mark a plural without an apotrophe! Otherwise, it becomes a singular adjective.

Your continued conservatism is perplexing and it isn't because I'm a flaming liberal either! You seem to have learned things in a different form than I. And I do know that the teaching program of schools has declined quite a bit since I attended school, but considering the variety of people who pick at this point, I have to consider that I may have recieved some false information. But being I attended twelve of years required educational courses, I can't understand how I could have gotten it wrong for twelve years? And thanks to slang and "Ebonic's" I do know that there is a geographical seperation in schooling.

And don't slough the writer for my quirks, that's another indicator of petty bickering. Shame on you!

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How bothersome.......

Liar said:
All interresting things to ponder. Not sure why I should use a poetry forum to ponder them though. And obviously ignorant of you of you to think we're ignorant of those perspectives. I repeat what I said before; the gentleman presumeth too much.
1990 comes to mind. Berners-Lee and Calliau. Oh sorry, that was two individuals. I hope that still counts. :)

Well obviously I assume such, you given me so little to consider. And ignorance is not a condition that I would give you status over, being that it negates so much. And "Presumeth"? I would see Shakespeare as saying, "and so. I would mark that the gentleman's presumption, is over much!" As it would seem to be your falicy too!

I think that poetry is quoted as being of "the world view", isn't it? Consider that every thing in life is connected by some attribute and understanding. And I don't have to be ignorant to offer an opinion, but considering that this is your assumption as well, could such ignorance be contagious?

You do realize that you have all made some serious miscalculations and blundering assumptions. All are indeed guilty, of the same innocuous accusations that you have submitted as my incompetence and incongruous falicy. at this point, I would accent a defense, but then it is a benign tool anymore. How do I offend you? I think that maybe, your concept of reason is merely a facade to evade, your thoughts of enchantment of fiction.

I might have an ego fixation... I freely admit that. Would, that you could. But I at least deal with the problem, and face those that are more than facetious enough to enlighten me. And as well, expand and expound on it. And I don't coddle to it as I have witnessed over a short period. I have already seen poet's far more adventerous and skilled, to leave, and make visions come to life. And I have seen gloriously intelligent people here, and gangsterized..., mobbed by the "Charmed" elite. To where they seek better discourse and exchange with less aggressive dilettantes. People who need to learn and understand.

Of course..., "they don't belong here". Let's see..., "Lit-ter-otica". Proud of their writing, proud of their passions, proud of running off the educated. Oh yes, tell me of your degrees, your published works, your myriad of awards..., tell me of the steps into the future that you have taken. You haven't, have you. You keep chasing the future off..., because you fear it.

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TMV said:
Is this a Eastern thing or what? It is the umpteenth time that I heard of this rule of no "Apostrophe's" in plurals! and as it seems to happen in other peoples writting, it puzzles me even more!
Let's try this:

Is this an Eastern thing, or what? It is the umpteenth time that I have heard of this rule of no apostrophes in plurals! and as it seems to happen in other people's writing, it puzzles me even more!


Why is it that it puzzles you when everyone says that there are no apostrophes in simple plurals, if half the time you don't use apostrophes? Why didn't you use one in the word plurals? Or in the word others? In fact, the only time in your entire paragraph that an apostrophe was needed (people's), you didn't use one! It's hilarious.
Ok...., something is off.

There is a definite culture thing going on here, and I would appreciate that you correct your own missteps rather than mine. I have been typing this thread for a long time and it seems that you delight way too much in grammar correction. So then professor, do you even attempt to edit any other posts, including your own? No, because it is a dig at me. A shallow and worthless tool to irk me. U no what? Eye don't thin eye wanttt to leave u no nothin' to do. Ass Ignor-rance seems to b a particular itch to u. How 'bout we get surius with ur fekle in-tent.

Polly had a pec 'o' py.
She shore 'nuff gave sum ta Jed.
Jed was so gon-upmtus-gon,
Him made Polly in thet shed!

Um..., Soouuiiiee! I rekin thet sum prety poemss.

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still waiting...

...for chapter and verse -- from ANY book on grammar and spelling, used in ANY school in ANY English-speaking country -- on the use of an apostrophe to make a standard plural. The exceptions already noted ("There were three MBA's at the meeting." or "I'll alphabetize the l's through the t's.")

Perhaps I'll take a bubble bath while I wait.

TMV said:
There is a definite culture thing going on here
Yes, there has been for a while. Culture is sexy. It's culture, shapely legs, and tight butts. :catroar:

TMV said:
and I would appreciate that you correct your own missteps rather than mine.
I would appreciate it if you corrected your own missteps along with everyone else's, but no luck so far. :(

TMV said:
I have been typing this thread for a long time
Oh, wait. It's the one about the thousand monkeys with typewriters, rights? It's OK, you don't have to on, I have heard it before. :D

TMV said:
and it seems that you delight way too much in grammar correction.
Too much for what purpose? I do love grammar correction, though. Proper grammar is sexy. It's grammar, culture, shapely legs, and tight butts. :catroar:

TMV said:
So then professor
Ooo, that's a big no-no. So and then as an interjectional introduction to a sentence? There is no possible justification for that redundancy. Furthermore, you need a comma separating professor from whichever word you end up choosing for the interjection, or a hyphen joining then and professor, in case you you mean that I used to be a professor back then. So, professor, this is the proper way to write that three-word fragment (cut down to two): So, professor, [rest of the sentence goes here]; or: So, then-professor, [rest of the sentence goes there]. :cool:

TMV said:
do you even attempt to edit any other posts, including your own? No, because it is a dig at me. A shallow and worthless tool to irk me.
Are you kidding? You really don't know me, TMV. I do it all the time to everybody. It's my favourite pastime. Go to the Author's Hangout and ask around. By the way, Author's Hangout desperately needs to be edited. It ought to be Authors' Hangout, because there are multiple authors there. Unless the place was intended for only one author to hang out in there at a time. ;)

TMV said:
U no what? Eye don't thin eye wanttt to leave u no nothin' to do. Ass Ignor-rance seems to b a particular itch to u. How 'bout we get surius with ur fekle in-tent.

Polly had a pec 'o' py.
She shore 'nuff gave sum ta Jed.
Jed was so gon-upmtus-gon,
Him made Polly in thet shed!

Um..., Soouuiiiee! I rekin thet sum prety poemss.
The funny thing is you actually believing that this is a lot different from your usual typing (I was going to say writing, but you are right, it's just typing) skill level. :D
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This si getting cherry.........

I have seen the other thread and I am flattered that you think so much of me to even deride me with another seperate attempt at pleasing your sundered ego's. Yes, quite hilarious, and understated. MTVM, maybe momma forgot to breast-feed you? And your delight in over-inflating my supposed ignorance and ego-mania is..., reticent.

But all the more, that I am such a threat to deserve such attention when I was quite content bantering here with you. But then it's the same ignored historical lesson. Humiliate those of whom are different and wiser than yourself.

Of how you're are so much better than me because, you've out-witted me? You've discovered my secreted intent? Mmmmm, makes me even more curious that you seek to bide your precious time trying to humiliate me.

Trying in very childish terms. "This is what you are..., ha, ha, ha, ha! Aren't you so stupid! Na, na, na, na, na, na , na! We don't like you!"

And you're adults? I can almost see you pulling on each others pig-tails and making faces at everyone because you think..., you think you are being funny.

Well , I think this would once more call up my experience in this attitude amongst my former classmates, but I don't think even deserves my nod of understanding. It is way too..., juvenile. I mean, is this all you want of "Literotica"? To be a playground for your immature second childhood? Your ambitions are too mean, too passé and too pissant to even give a small credence to.

I'm too old for such childishness.

Oh, I still believe I'm smarter than you. Now, more so than ever.

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TMV said:
And what school of thought originated this unique punctuation mark? What is it called? The comatose ellipses?

TMV said:
Oh, I still believe I'm smarter than you. Now, more so than ever.
We all need to believe in something to keep us going. LOL. :D
TMV said:
I have seen the other thread and I am flattered that you think so much of me to even deride me with another seperate attempt at pleasing your sundered ego's. Yes, quite hilarious, and understated. MTVM, maybe momma forgot to breast-feed you? And your delight in over-inflating my supposed ignorance and ego-mania is..., reticent.

But all the more, that I am such a threat to deserve such attention when I was quite content bantering here with you. But then it's the same ignored historical lesson. Humiliate those of whom are different and wiser than yourself.

Of how you're are so much better than me because, you've out-witted me? You've discovered my secreted intent? Mmmmm, makes me even more curious that you seek to bide your precious time trying to humiliate me.

Trying in very childish terms. "This is what you are..., ha, ha, ha, ha! Aren't you so stupid! Na, na, na, na, na, na , na! We don't like you!"

And you're adults? I can almost see you pulling on each others pig-tails and making faces at everyone because you think..., you think you are being funny.

Well , I think this would once more call up my experience in this attitude amongst my former classmates, but I don't think even deserves my nod of understanding. It is way too..., juvenile. I mean, is this all you want of "Literotica"? To be a playground for your immature second childhood? Your ambitions are too mean, too passé and too pissant to even give a small credence to.

I'm too old for such childishness.

Oh, I still believe I'm smarter than you. Now, more so than ever.
You have been alone too much; you poor, self-deluded wreak of a soul. You're the kid no one invited to sleep-overs, no one chose for their team until you were the last boy left standing and sadly, no girl wanted to go to the prom with you, did they?

You need to see a therapist and get these left-over issues out of your baggage, we all have enough to carry throughout life that we shouldn't bear these sorts of burdens through it, too. I'm sorry I didn't recognize this thread as a voice in the corner of the lonely little boy you once were.

Now, as soon as you stop being jealous of the cool kids at the pool party, you should come over and grab a margarita and some chips. The salsa is so hot, it's to cry for.
Salsa synchronic........

champagne1982 said:
You have been alone too much; you poor, self-deluded wreak of a soul. You're the kid no one invited to sleep-overs, no one chose for their team until you were the last boy left standing and sadly, no girl wanted to go to the prom with you, did they?

You need to see a therapist and get these left-over issues out of your baggage, we all have enough to carry throughout life that we shouldn't bear these sorts of burdens through it, too. I'm sorry I didn't recognize this thread as a voice in the corner of the lonely little boy you once were.

Now, as soon as you stop being jealous of the cool kids at the pool party, you should come over and grab a margarita and some chips. The salsa is so hot, it's to cry for.

And of course, you were one of the cool kids. Like I said, pissiant. that is supposed to get "my goat"? And of course, no spell-checking, but more than enough quandry. You are so clumsy it might be amusing, if it weren't for the insistent, piquant piddling at my "enormous ego". You are so intent on this plodding and incorrigible festooning of your unique intelligence and other inspector's.

Well, laugh and chide..., if it's all you have. If you can't put thought to writing, then I guess that means little else to the world. I'll just come back every once in a while and try that giddy sod of a youth in you. I'm thinking that a pointed term for your team is, "what a bunch of Tosser's!"

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By the way, "pinnacle" does not mean, contrary to what appears to be your belief, "special school for the seriously destitute".