How about I task you?

It was the best I could do. I was trying to come up with the sheriff being some kind of lemony moon pie... but I don't think they have those on the west coast.
And as expected......

My...., so much elaboration against a such a minor opinion. And not even in a place that makes it as, "public viewing". Hollering, oh dear..., I wasn't aware that I was hollering. I felt quite calm and perceptive at that point. No one had made a derisive comment at me then. And still, the solicitude for competence. How is it that one who has so little to say of any consequence to you, winds up with such a dirge against his single, belligerent opinion? I will ask that it mostly seems very odd that I have put so much forward and recieved so much back, simply to prove to me and maybe others, that I haven't anything of consequence to impart.

Such unending discussion and comment on my supposed insanity..., doesn't that raise some questions in the intense passion, with which you continually prosecute me? And it would seem you have diligently remained in more than an authoritarian capacity. You mark me as fuming and expelling this engineered, manifest. But then I have continually spoke that I have not one iota of searing temper, on this thread.

But I have noticed that there has been some uncontrolled tirades here. As little has changed in tactics and debateable skills. All I see is the continued use of the same club impelled by the same verocity that has pummeled so many others. And yet, I do not bend, and I do not break.

Question...., is there the slightest chance that I have suffered under such conditions before? That I have developed a thick skin for such abitrary abuse and attempts at confusion? Maybe I've met such tactics before, and I've developed skills to handle such, tom-foolery? But no, you are so blessedly divined in your defense and your verbage. Attack and attack again, it makes no difference to me.

I have done so much and seen such scorn on those before who have been pysically mutilated for even thinking differently. All by those that swore that they were forward thinkers and herald's of the future. All I have asked, is that just maybe, I have done something that has exposed the massive vitriol that seeks to stem exactly that, which I offer as a original thought. And that I seek, those that might have some of the same feelings and desires that I have effused. I know there are others who have a ache, an urge to go places with poetry that asks us not just acceptance. but to become more involved in poetry than to just spit out scratchings on a piece of paper that meters into, evidence of our intellect. After all, we have always been human. And the mind is not the entire definition of us all.

Dare we fall into the abyss once again and drag our neolithic consciousness, out of our own continued failures to evolve? How many of our "Great" civilizations have, and will, inevitably collapse evermore. While we stand still and refuse to learn the next step up and out? Too much for such a small thing like poetry? Yes..., as long as you believe you are incapable of more. But then, why aren't we neanderthal?


I tripped once and I fell. I tripped again and thus fell harder.
I tripped another time, and grew angry that I was besieged!
I have tripped often as I grew and fumed at the debacle.
I continued to trip…, until I learned to pick up my feet.
And so my clumsy feet, finally became discreet.
And I learned to seek,
I learned…, they were my feet.

The Mystery Valiant

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TMV said:
My...., so much elaboration against a such a minor opinion. And not even in a place that makes it as, "public viewing". Hollering, oh dear..., I wasn't aware that I was hollering. I felt quite calm and perceptive at that point. No one had made a derisive comment at me then. And still, the solicitude for competence. How is it that one who has so little to say of any consequence to you, winds up with such a dirge against his single, belligerent opinion? I will ask that it mostly seems very odd that I have put so much forward and recieved so much back, simply to prove to me and maybe others, that I haven't anything of consequence to impart.

Such unending discussion and comment on my supposed insanity..., doesn't that raise some questions in the intense passion, with which you continually prosecute me? And it would seem you have diligently remained in more than an authoritarian capacity. You mark me as fuming and expelling this engineered, manifest. But then I have continually spoke that I have not one iota of searing temper, on this thread.

But I have noticed that there has been some uncontrolled tirades here. As little has changed in tactics and debateable skills. All I see is the continued use of the same club impelled by the same verocity that has pummeled so many others. And yet, I do not bend, and I do not break.

Question...., is there the slightest chance that I have suffered under such conditions before? That I have developed a thick skin for such abitrary abuse and attempts at confusion? Maybe I've met such tactics before, and I've developed skills to handle such, tom-foolery? But no, you are so blessedly divined in your defense and your verbage. Attack and attack again, it makes no difference to me.

I have done so much and seen such scorn on those before who have been pysically mutilated for even thinking differently. All by those that swore that they were forward thinkers and herald's of the future. All I have asked, is that just maybe, I have done something that has exposed the massive vitriol that seeks to stem exactly that, which I offer as a original thought. And that I seek, those that might have some of the same feelings and desires that I have effused. I know there are others who have a ache, an urge to go places with poetry that asks us not just acceptance. but to become more involved in poetry than to just spit out scratchings on a piece of paper that meters into, evidence of our intellect. After all, we have always been human. And the mind is not the entire definition of us all.

Dare we fall into the abyss once again and drag our neolithic consciousness, out of our own continued failures to evolve? How many of our "Great" civilizations have, and will, inevitably collapse evermore. While we stand still and refuse to learn the next step up and out? Too much for such a small thing like poetry? Yes..., as long as you believe you are incapable of more. But then, why aren't we neanderthal?


I tripped once and I fell. I tripped again and thus fell harder.
I tripped another time, and grew angry that I was besieged!
I have tripped often as I grew and fumed at the debacle.
I continued to trip…, until I learned to pick up my feet.
And so my clumsy feet, finally became discreet.
And I learned to seek,
I learned…, they were my feet.

The Mystery Valiant
The formatting inside the quote is mine. I wanted you to be sure what word I am defining. I especially like the quote from Stephen King. It seems apt and explains, most marvellously, why I have ignored this thread.

from, Word of the day, July 6, 2001.

tirade \TY-raid; tih-RAID\, noun:
A long angry speech; a violent denunciation; a prolonged outburst full of censure or abuse.

The force of this tirade made Matthew glance nervously at Coots, who shrugged and asked his partner, "You just about all through?"
-- Trevanian, Incident at Twenty-Mile

Bobby wanted to enquire further, but knew better; more questions were apt to set off a tirade.
-- Stephen King, Hearts In Atlantis

He was likeable, had panache, and his contemptuous tirades were rarely taken at face value.
-- Michael Schaller, Altered States

Tirade comes from French, from Italian tirada, properly, "a pulling"; hence, "a lengthening out, a long speech, a tirade," from tirare, "to pull, to draw."

So, at the risk of setting off another tirade... I submit my reply. :rolleyes:
TMV said:
Hollering, oh dear..., I wasn't aware that I was hollering.
That, m'dear, is kind of my entire point.
But then I have continually spoke that I have not one iota of searing temper, on this thread.
That, m'dear, is kind of my entire point.
Attack and attack again, it makes no difference to me.
I've yet to attack anything, m'dear. I have tried to respond to your two continnous statements that (a) everyone but you is limited and bogged down and (b) we hate you, fear you and try to verbally strike you down. Niether (a) nor (b) are substantiated by anything but your own claims.
I have done so much and seen such scorn on those before who have been pysically mutilated for even thinking differently. All by those that swore that they were forward thinkers and herald's of the future.
And who here swears that he is a forward thinker and herald of the future? Nobody you you, m'dear.


I tripped once and I fell. I tripped again and thus fell harder.
I tripped another time, and grew angry that I was besieged!
I have tripped often as I grew and fumed at the debacle.
I continued to trip…, until I learned to pick up my feet.
And so my clumsy feet, finally became discreet.
And I learned to seek,
I learned…, they were my feet.

The Mystery Valiant
Hey, that's pretty good. C'mon, let's talk poetry, not fling this tragic poo. No I don't mean the poem, poems are nice. The other stuff. The "everyone but me is pathetic" grandstanding rambling.

Yannow, even if what you said would be true, this ain't the way to convince anybody. Text is communication, and these posts are text. Right now, whatever message you have, is held back by bad communication, since you start by, and continue to, insult the audience.

It ain't rocket science, m'dear. It's what mama taught me.
TMV said:

I tripped once and I fell. I tripped again and thus fell harder.
I tripped another time, and grew angry that I was besieged!
Trip me once, shame on you. Trip me... twice... shame on... hm... Trip me twice... You shouldn't trip people! :mad:
TMV said:
I tripped once and I fell. I tripped again and thus fell harder.
I tripped another time,
I have tripped often
I continued to trip…,

You're trippin' allright
Tune in Turn on Drop out
What a delicious little discourse.....

Claiming innocence is not the proof of the same. And these regular embellishments of your converse and contrite misnomers is such an archaic and weary attempt at evidentiary substitution. And worst of all, "that is my point", shows what blunt tools you deem effective. Your point is caustic and vaporous. And the sport you bring forth, that the poem is a reflection of my own ineptitude, a tasteless pun. That seems to be the extent of your continued skills. Small skills. You seem to think that all you need do is, to misrepresent, misinterpret and frame things as you seem only porportionally able to equate with Cain's mark.

And it is quite obvious that no matter how I fashion my contestation against your bitter accusations of fury. You are as deaf to such, as you are deaf to conscious mores. As I read your indelible infusions into my reverie, I become well aware of your own "Buffy and Biff" justifications in your dealings with others. All for the ego, and naught for the heart.

You insist that I mount myself as king, and yet you demand that I bow in supplication to your better authority and conformity. I defer that the opposite is the infamy that is performed. Would that you had a single inventive thought. For I see you standing in the shadows of the true poet's. And you insist on that shelter.

Divine is not the heart that pours forth,
divine would speak of the faith that blossoms.

The Mystery Valiant

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TMV said:
Claiming innocence is not the proof of the same. And these regular embellishments of your converse and contrite misnomers is such an archaic and weary attempt at evidentiary substitution. And worst of all, "that is my point", shows what blunt tools you deem effective. Your point is caustic and vaporous. And the sport you bring forth, that the poem is a reflection of my own ineptitude, a tasteless pun. That seems to be the extent of your continued skills. Small skills. You seem to think that all you need do is, to misrepresent, misinterpret and frame things as you seem only porportionally able to equate with Cain's mark.

And it is quite obvious that no matter how I fashion my contestation against your bitter accusations of fury. You are as deaf to such, as you are deaf to conscious mores. As I read your indelible infusions into my reverie, I become well aware of your own "Buffy and Biff" justifications in your dealings with others. All for the ego, and naught for the heart.

You insist that I mount myself as king, and yet you demand that I bow in supplication to your better authority and conformity. I defer that the opposite is the infamy that is performed. Would that you had a single inventive thought. For I see you standing in the shadows of the true poet's. And you insist on that shelter.

Divine is not the heart that pours forth,
divine would speak of the faith that blossoms.

The Mystery Valiant
I warned you guys.
How inventive....

Somehow..., the warning winds up in another post. :D :) :D

And the weight comes to bear on the fury, and the fury is thus spent.

TMV 6-11-2007

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TMV said:
Claiming innocence is not the proof of the same. And these regular embellishments of your converse and contrite misnomers is such an archaic and weary attempt at evidentiary substitution. And worst of all, "that is my point", shows what blunt tools you deem effective. Your point is caustic and vaporous. And the sport you bring forth, that the poem is a reflection of my own ineptitude, a tasteless pun. That seems to be the extent of your continued skills. Small skills. You seem to think that all you need do is, to misrepresent, misinterpret and frame things as you seem only porportionally able to equate with Cain's mark.

And it is quite obvious that no matter how I fashion my contestation against your bitter accusations of fury. You are as deaf to such, as you are deaf to conscious mores. As I read your indelible infusions into my reverie, I become well aware of your own "Buffy and Biff" justifications in your dealings with others. All for the ego, and naught for the heart.

You insist that I mount myself as king, and yet you demand that I bow in supplication to your better authority and conformity. I defer that the opposite is the infamy that is performed. Would that you had a single inventive thought. For I see you standing in the shadows of the true poet's. And you insist on that shelter.

Divine is not the heart that pours forth,
divine would speak of the faith that blossoms.

The Mystery Valiant
Was this a reply to me?

There are three possible answers to this question:
(1) yes
(2) no
(3) parts of it

Please indulge me, a confused man with seven deadlines and a hangover, by answering with one the of the options above. Or answer not.

thank you,
To Liar and his busy schedule

I thought you posted that there only three possible answers to your inquiries? And yet you gave me four..., and the fourth is the most appealing. And then again, if my post was not involved with yours, or yours alone. Why would I tend to your confused ego? No, it is far better to let you work your tasked mind to search for your own answers. It has been abundantly clear that it matters not what I say, for you devise your own answers from my opinion.

And it has been my experience, that when given an answer, it is your illusion that divines meaning from it. Thus, wholly seperate from my intent. An innumerable trial of futile augury. But then, I'm not a fool that works at fulfilling your prophecies. I have more subtle tacts that I see as giving you your..., "Tasks". And as infinite as your attempts to goad me, it is mine that all is blunted and denied of your goal. And it is becoming easier.

I think you have come to the end of your talents.

The Mystery Valiant

Mmmmmm, how pleasant.......

Now this is what I delight in. That I have given my all and have made my mark. As I have proven to other amatuers that have met rugged opposition, it's not that they own the forum..., it's how much you want your voice heard! It matters not how you place and form your poem's as much as it is that you wish some place to hone your skills in relative comfort. And considering some of the devious posts that I have seen here..., I would think that you would desire some encouragement against the elitist tide! After all, it has been said all too many times, yet rarely observed. "Practice makes perfect!". So why not practice here..., in a secure enviroment.

If some delicious little pusillanimous vet decides to come here and wreck the good peoples courage, at least there will be some concerted defense. I, at the vangarde.

This place has a bad reputation that is purposely mistaken as healthy criticism. Yet, there is nothing healthy in it at all. Waht is truly needed is the understanding that mistakes are the natural human nature. And the other side of the blade is, man is the only creature on earth, that suffers "epiphanies". And it is an occurance that most would deign it not happen to any other, but themselves.

I would rather learn from another student than from a teacher who has set their soles..., in concrete. Because the most marvelous sight in the world, is that moment when the next step is discovered and their are all your friends around you to share in that revelation.

Call this the golden moment, when you have tapped that spark of the creator in you. And you may fly..., unbound!

The Mystery Valiant

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TMV said:
Now this is what I delight in. That I have given my all and have made my mark. As I have proven to other amatuers that have met rugged opposition, it's not that they own the forum..., it's how much you want your voice heard! It matters not how you place and form your poem's as much as it is that you wish some place to hone your skills in relative comfort. And considering some of the devious posts that I have seen here..., I would think that you would desire some encouragement against the elitist tide! After all, it has been said all too many times, yet rarely observed. "Practice makes perfect!". So why not practice here..., in a secure enviroment.

If some delicious little pusillanimous vet decides to come here and wreck the good peoples courage, at least there will be some concerted defense. I, at the vangarde.

This place has a bad reputation that is purposely mistaken as healthy criticism. Yet, there is nothing healthy in it at all. Waht is truly needed is the understanding that mistakes are the natural human nature. And the other side of the blade is, man is the only creature on earth, that suffers "epiphanies". And it is an occurance that most would deign it not happen to any other, but themselves.

I would rather learn from another student than from a teacher who has set their soles..., in concrete. Because the most marvelous sight in the world, is that moment when the next step is discovered and their are all your friends around you to share in that revelation.

Call this the golden moment, when you have tapped that spark of the creator in you. And you may fly..., unbound!

The Mystery Valiant
At the risk of sounding like MET once did, what a pompous ass you are.
This message is hidden because TMV is on your ignore list.
Did you know that all of the threads someone on your iggie list starts disappear?... I had to back click to find this one.

How lovely.
TMV said:
Now this is what I delight in. That I have given my all and have made my mark. As I have proven to other amatuers that have met rugged opposition, it's not that they own the forum..., it's how much you want your voice heard! It matters not how you place and form your poem's as much as it is that you wish some place to hone your skills in relative comfort. And considering some of the devious posts that I have seen here..., I would think that you would desire some encouragement against the elitist tide! After all, it has been said all too many times, yet rarely observed. "Practice makes perfect!". So why not practice here..., in a secure enviroment.

If some delicious little pusillanimous vet decides to come here and wreck the good peoples courage, at least there will be some concerted defense. I, at the vangarde.

This place has a bad reputation that is purposely mistaken as healthy criticism. Yet, there is nothing healthy in it at all. Waht is truly needed is the understanding that mistakes are the natural human nature. And the other side of the blade is, man is the only creature on earth, that suffers "epiphanies". And it is an occurance that most would deign it not happen to any other, but themselves.

I would rather learn from another student than from a teacher who has set their soles..., in concrete. Because the most marvelous sight in the world, is that moment when the next step is discovered and their are all your friends around you to share in that revelation.

Call this the golden moment, when you have tapped that spark of the creator in you. And you may fly..., unbound!

The Mystery Valiant

hi TMV :)

Heres what I dont understand about you...

and I am not starting a fuss, okay?

but you say...This place has a bad reputation that is purposely mistaken as healthy criticism.

YOu came BACK... knowing what you knew ( about ghis place) when you left.... why? did you do it so you could show us all that we aren't prefect? Hell, I already knew I wasnt... just like ANY place, there will be jerks, angels and those who think their writing is the second comeing of TS Eliot or "Emily" or Ginsburg.... or whoever...

I would say, and this is my opinion, but this is NOT the best place to get crit on your work, and I have known that for a long time and thats why I left and took the majority of my work elsewhere. There are little groups and groupies that never misstheir buddie's work and vote it HOT when it should be left in an incubator for a generation at least.

and there are some people who once posted work here, then went off and got big and dont give back their "learnin's" to the folks that helped them. But then, do any of us owe anyone else for our successes or our failures? I don't knwo the answer to that, but I for onehave and will always be grateful to those who helped me here, that is why I still read the poems when I can ,a nd offer FB. I have about a dozen publishing credits elsewhere, some of them are pretty good, but I didnt run away from here and treat y'all like lepers...

That's the part that bugs me the most... do they think they are too good to read our work here anymore? too "hot" to offer critique? who knows, I dont worry about them anymore except thatg I wonder about their original motives and how they can do what they do, but that again is human nature--

it's like, if you grow up in a pig-pen then move into a mansion, you dont really want to go wallering in the mud again with pigs, would you? unless ofcourse you just like pigs... and mud...

You arent the only one who wishes some things could be different, but you have 2 options...

stay and form your own little group with groupies who ""OMG< this touched my soul, it was great, bleh, bleh"

or, you could take your work elsewhere and just see if things are different, in terms of yoru work being received. It might be! never know...

try voting, no anonymous shitty remarks, and as far as I can tell, the place isnt lousy with porn patrons who think they can critique poetry. okay?

all that aside, I still love Lit...They let me be me, and they are letting YOU be YOU! You oughtta be grateful cause if anyone here should be run off, it would have been me a while back. and you are bucking for the butthole prize this quarter. You have been acepted in your pure, unadulterated form. so you can stop slinging words I cannot even pronounce or I am gonna cry ;)

quit cher bitchin and write!!


I LOVE Lit, the people here, even the ones I have had a blip with on occasion, they turned out the be the ones I admire the most..and they are teasing you now, it seems to me and will continue to do so untill you mature a wee bit :rose:

youll be okay TMV, just realize you cant push yourself onto people, okay? and i have noticed that even those who read your work and give you FB, you blast them too, so who can win when dealing with you? I am having a hard time figuring that one out...

like I said, come to ER, post your work, there are thousands of writers who are there JUST to write an dlearn and you would be more than welcome... :)


TMV said:
I thought you posted that there only three possible answers to your inquiries? And yet you gave me four..., and the fourth is the most appealing. And then again, if my post was not involved with yours, or yours alone. Why would I tend to your confused ego? No, it is far better to let you work your tasked mind to search for your own answers. It has been abundantly clear that it matters not what I say, for you devise your own answers from my opinion. And it has been my experience, that when given an answer, it is your illusion that divines meaning from it. Thus, wholly seperate from my intent. An innumerable trial of futile augury. But then, I'm not a fool that works at fulfilling your prophecies. I have more subtle tacts that I see as giving you your..., "Tasks". And as infinite as your attempts to goad me, it is mine that all is blunted and denied of your goal. And it is becoming easier.
Circular argumetns, red herrings, fabricated polarizartion, non sequitirs, smoke and mirrors. There we have it, ladies and germs, a rhethoric-fallacy textbook, a total breakdown of cogent communication.
I think you have come to the end of your talents.
This is the most straightforward statement you've wrtten in a long time.

Fortunately, you have in words, actions and choices here, repeatedly proved that what you think is highly irrelevant.
After seeing Spamalot just last weekend and then reading through the discussion in this thread I am reminded of the Black Knight calling out proudly, "None shall pass," as his limbs are removed one by one.

"Tis just a flesh wound," I guess.
Maybe this just doesn't look.......

To coddle your insistent fantasies,You have not even one other tactic except to turn words into dung and then sit there and bellow that it is me who is spouting my own downfall. It would puzzle most and infuriate the infrequent. But I don't take what you have to say at any face value because, no matter how you dress it up..., a lie is just a lie. Even though you feel that you have changed tactics, it is all the same. Spin Doctor them back at the speaker and maybe he will be embarrassed by the exposure. But it is your exposure, not mine.

You litreally have only one excuse for your needs and desires, a tired rendition of the same old stories. Copy-cats. You have yet to put forth one original idea or debate. You just keep on jumping up and down like the puddle is splashing the world. And yet, you're the only ones getting wet.

If you had an ounce of true intelligence on an above par scale, you would examine all that has gone on here and delve into your own motivations. Because you obviously haven't a blue-eyed Godess' notion what motivates me. Blind, ah yes, "Your Blind". You see the next feast in front of you and forget that that you, were the one who refused to farm.

As for Mr. Reminds Me. Nice little retort, however it stills bears the same stench of "Look at yourself Mr. Denial". Sad, as I have been rummaging around in own backyard for decades..., and still do. Even here. I know many and most of my flaws.

But unlike those others, I am well aware of my skills, and well aware of the toys that most of humanity likes to play with. And it is few that I find that deal with their own fears. They love to expunge their fears on those, of whom are different.

And now, Normal Jean, that was a clue. This is not a hog wallow unless we make it so. After all, who better to teach about flaws, then one who continually searches for his flaws every day. One who faces his fears as he finds them. Pride????????!!!!!!!!! Thanks to people like those that think they have me on my back, I have been on my back for most of my life, thanks to the fear-swallower's. But I have learned that if you cower before them, then they take more and more. Never allowing you to stand on your own. A backbone is for more than keeping the body vertical or horizontal. It's for standing in the midst of a storm, and smiling. I haven't come back here because of a reputation..., I came back here as a mark! Filth has it's place! Yet it is never satisfied there. It suffers everyone else to abide in it. Excuse me..., I have to sweep the floor.

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