How about I task you?

How very vile of you TMV. I was honestly feeling a bit of empathy before you dropped me into your bilious froth of vomit.

Thank you for inferring naught but bitterness and hateful intentions into my words. If you can't recognize the olive branch I held out well, I suppose I can't be faulted for slapping you with it.

I was not a cool kid. I travelled as part of a military family, too. It's not easy always being the new kid in class and it's absolutely impossible to be cool when you see yourself as flawed. Most children view themselves as less then they are, so they over-compensate when other kids take advantage of their vulnerabilities.

In fact, we all are trapped inside the cage of our own mediocrity and due to the blinders we wear, can only see up as a way out, unless we want to dig a hole down...
Lauren Hynde said:
TMV said:
I'm thinking that a pointed term for your team is, "what a bunch of Tosser's!"
Champers! Your team has the apostrophes' disease as well? :(
It's okay Lauren, I'm challenging TMV's team, the TWATS', to another bout of wag-the-dawg. Of course it's gonna be much like having a battle of wits with an unarmed man since TMV can't see that it is the tail that must change itself, rather than futilely banging on the dog's arse to get the animal to turn around.
Ya'll are bored, eh? Why not write poems or stories for Author Survivor?
neonurotic said:
Ya'll are bored, eh? Why not write poems or stories for Author Survivor?
What??!!!! And give up a pointless afternoon chasing the heffalump around the bush?

"Oh, Piglet, whatever shall we do?" said Pooh.

"Why, Pooh," said Piglet in the way only very small piglets can say, "I do believe that you should go that way while I go this way, since a heffalump can't chase both of us at once!"

"Will there be hunny for tea?" asked Pooh.

"Yes," said Piglet.
champagne1982 said:
What??!!!! And give up a pointless afternoon chasing the heffalump around the bush?

"Oh, Piglet, whatever shall we do?" said Pooh.

"Why, Pooh," said Piglet in the way only very small piglets can say, "I do believe that you should go that way while I go this way, since a heffalump can't chase both of us at once!"

"Will there be hunny for tea?" asked Pooh.

"Yes," said Piglet.
Heffalump. :D

Don't you have 12 stories to write?


That happend to me last year when I took too many immunity points.
neonurotic said:
Heffalump. :D

Don't you have 12 stories to write?


That happend to me last year when I took too many immunity points.
Ah, your snerk absolutely exudes sympathy.

And yes I do.. :nana: Maybe by the end of the year I'll need to write like :eek: 20 of 'em ... So, should I sacrifice quality for quantity? Is screwing your son-in-law's father taboo? Can I write a How To Procrastinate Effectively? Are there 750 words hiding in a review of neonurotic's sins series? Maybe next Friday, there'll be enough poems to review that I could use my post as an article. Ahhh, inspiration at last!
champagne1982 said:
Ah, your snerk absolutely exudes sympathy.

And yes I do.. :nana: Maybe by the end of the year I'll need to write like :eek: 20 of 'em ... So, should I sacrifice quality for quantity? Is screwing your son-in-law's father taboo? Can I write a How To Procrastinate Effectively? Are there 750 words hiding in a review of neonurotic's sins series? Maybe next Friday, there'll be enough poems to review that I could use my post as an article. Ahhh, inspiration at last!
:( My snerk was misplaced. It should have followed my last sentence.

Oh, no, not quantity, quality please for story submissions. Procrastination is such a devil. I have to force myself to write lately, well, now since I have time to be more active in the writing contest. Though, I found if I set my timer every day for 20 minutes and write, I end up writing more than my minimum.

Give it a try, procrastinator/beautiful distraction. It might work for you. :rose:
By God, I shall have the Chain Story entry I've been working on (and off) finished by the end of this weekend! :mad:
champagne1982 said:
How very vile of you TMV. I was honestly feeling a bit of empathy before you dropped me into your bilious froth of vomit.

Thank you for inferring naught but bitterness and hateful intentions into my words. If you can't recognize the olive branch I held out well, I suppose I can't be faulted for slapping you with it.

I was not a cool kid. I travelled as part of a military family, too. It's not easy always being the new kid in class and it's absolutely impossible to be cool when you see yourself as flawed. Most children view themselves as less then they are, so they over-compensate when other kids take advantage of their vulnerabilities.

In fact, we all are trapped inside the cage of our own mediocrity and due to the blinders we wear, can only see up as a way out, unless we want to dig a hole down...

There is a blurt there...but you write poems, not blurts.... :kiss:
neonurotic said:
:( My snerk was misplaced. It should have followed my last sentence.

Oh, no, not quantity, quality please for story submissions. Procrastination is such a devil. I have to force myself to write lately, well, now since I have time to be more active in the writing contest. Though, I found if I set my timer every day for 20 minutes and write, I end up writing more than my minimum.

Give it a try, procrastinator/beautiful distraction. It might work for you. :rose:
It's your fault, you know.;) I have 500 words of an anal entry :eek: finished and I haven't even got to the sex. Ho ho! I hope I can pull it off with more than: "He stirred her martini with his olive and blew the pimento out the end."
champagne1982 said:
"He stirred her martini with his olive and blew the pimento out the end."
"You know how to blow, don't you? Just put your lips around the pimento... and whistle."
TMV said:
Trying in very childish terms. "This is what you are..., ha, ha, ha, ha! Aren't you so stupid! Na, na, na, na, na, na , na! We don't like you!"
Wasn't that your first post here? Why yes, I do believe it was.
TMV said:
And you're adults? I can almost see you pulling on each others pig-tails and making faces at everyone because you think..., you think you are being funny.

We're not the ones who start a thread boasting about our impeccability and transcendent artistry and claiming everyone else in here are pathetic or limited or stuck in a bog or however you phrased it. You did. And that's clownish, presumptuous and immature. And that makes you fun to poke with a proverbial stick.

There you have it. Behave like a grownup, and you'll get treated like one.
neonurotic said:
Ya'll are bored, eh? Why not write poems or stories for Author Survivor?
Because my muse is sleeping around, and my creative writing abilities are three minute bursts every other day, at best.
Lauren Hynde said:
By God, I shall have the Chain Story entry I've been working on (and off) finished by the end of this weekend! :mad:
The Olympics final?
champagne1982 said:
It's your fault, you know.;) I have 500 words of an anal entry :eek: finished and I haven't even got to the sex. Ho ho! I hope I can pull it off with more than: "He stirred her martini with his olive and blew the pimento out the end."
Anal entry. That's a punny word play. ;) I don't think I entirely read enough of your work. This summer I'm going to do that.

Liar said:
Because my muse is sleeping around, and my creative writing abilities are three minute bursts every other day, at best.
How many words do you type a minute? About 30-40? That could be a really short story in a month's time or decent one in 2.

Lauren, that groupie AV is just too much with its fish-face expression.
Pictures Of Matchstick Men

How nice of you to keep my thread going! And I am glad that you missed me so miserably! I have been having some good..., Um yes. I forgot for a second there. But even so, it seems you made yourself at home and had fun as well! I would be here to give you some grief, but it would seem that the grief I enable is simply included in my just being here. :D You do spend so much time here and I would find it curious about your home life. But wouldn't that be so cheap of me. Nah, can't do it! But then you are so heppy when you give me your culture of apostrophe rules. I've let it go and just can't accept the fact that you give yourself so much credit, but it's just to satisfy your fragile ego's. I think you can't live properly without giving someone some kind of cut to whittle them down to you size.

As for the voluminous vocabulary on my supposed quote's as to my ego-maniacal supposition..., yes..., please. Crucify me. As to what you have to say to that, please don't presume more than I have said. I know old habits are hard to break..., it's just that being a liar about another, is a sin. And we all aren't that long for this earth. So some temperance here please!

Odd little intransigence of the human psyche.
Pit itself against that which it knows not.
Yet accept that which it fears most. Faith?
What can you know of it? The unknown.
To fool you is a sure pleasure,
To stand against you is,
An unholy-holy fool.
To ask is to be sure not to recieve.
To take from you,
will assure your conservatism.
Caution, silence and service.

It's so unreal, the greatest story is your illusion fealty.
Yet, you greet demon's to your feast.
You mark yourself through zealotism.
And then betray them who have shored you,
I hear you faithlessly.


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TMV said:
How nice of you to keep my thread going! And I am glad that you missed me so miserably! I have been having some good..., Um yes. I forgot for a second there.
You forgot a first there as well, but at least you remembered to add yet another of those wonderful little comatose-ellipses. Ah, the endless possibilities offered by punctuation when you just have no idea of what you're doing...
I see what you mean........

Just like your composite dissertations.:D

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TMV said:
Just like your composite dissertations.:D
Really? Care to exemplify? :D

By the way: bravo! It's not a complete sentence, but there's nothing too wrong with it as is. Two thumbs up for the progress.
Progress through your persceptive..., Nah!

Amazing what can happen when you sit back and just watch and look. Like today, I was watching "Bridge To Terabithia" and it took me through thought's that had been quietly waiting for far too long. How people will react when they think they can muscle you. Like what true imagination needs to survive when it is ruthlessly restricted. When some people have just given up dreaming and then they expect you to do the same. My youth was very much like that of the main character. Although I wasn't always as quiet as he was. But most of the time,I suffered the same indignities. The same dominance over how I was expected to behave. And how my foes, picked their fights. And I let them.

I think things are changing, but I've said that before. Now I stand in the same high school, that I was last time I struggled with my concept's, and perceptions of that time and period. But I'm older now, and more the wiser through my trials and tribulation's. And What do I find? You still think I am intimidated by your continued overtures toward my individuality, my structure and understanding of myself. You continuously, attempt to mark me as an over-bearing, self-deluded excuse of a human being. But I'm not a boy anymore.

But then that attitude has long worn down to a stubble, a mere irritant. Your evident scolding of me may fool others as to what you are doing (protecting the authority of conservatism), But it never will expunge my heart and soul! Never make me speak ill of my own thought's and conjectures. I been put down too many times, and I will not give up the strength of my spirit, what you label falsely as a "messiah" complex! For as I speak this entreat, you use the same beleaguered "Confidence" to force me into your tiny, breathless box!

But it does come about every once in a while, that I am doing things that other's greatly fear...., their own imagination. Building the "bridge" is something that we should all do, and I see too many bridges being burnt here. "Terabithia" is where we really desire to be. Yet you demand that we stagger in and finish our chores before we paint our useless pictures. If there is any cause or reason for our talent's, it is too forge you some money. Nah..., not today. I think I'll paint a faery today.

In the forest, at the point, in the heart.
Slivers of dance and laughter in part.
Too quick for aged eye's, realities spies.
An enchantment through fantasy ties.
The troll will hear them, and watch them.
And wish he was light and bright, male or fem.
And then some do shun, flick and damn.
But still, they are too slow, mark cold ma'am.
See it, laugh and dance in tiny.
Faery magic spins shiny!!!!

The Mystery Valiant

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Oh yeah?!

Lauren Hynde said:
Fuck, that's even more ignorant than your usual drivel.

Oh damn..., I must admit, you are an authority on Drivel!

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TMV said:
Amazing what can happen when you sit back and just watch and look. Like today, I was watching "Bridge To Terabithia" and it took me through thought's that had been quietly waiting for far too long.
I know this isn't a movie review thread, but my children want me to buy the movie. I don't know much about it. Was it a great movie? How about for kids eight and nine?