How about I task you?

TMV said:
I haven't gotten a very good response, but I blame that on the book company who made promises they didn't keep.

Yeah that's why

I think I once called your poetry " overly theatrical nonsensical bullshit", I'm paraphrasing, and I got my wrist slapped and was called " mean spirited".

All that withstanding I have no problem saying it again

You're a sanctimonious bore with a thesaurus
Tathagata said:
Yeah that's why

I think I once called your poetry " overly theatrical nonsensical bullshit", I'm paraphrasing, and I got my wrist slapped and was called " mean spirited".

All that withstanding I have no problem saying it again

You're a sanctimonious bore with a thesaurus

Remember what Andy Taylor used to say about Barney? "Proud, proud, proud!"


Yknow what I mean? :D

Angeline said:
Remember what Andy Taylor used to say about Barney? "Proud, proud, proud!"


Yknow what I mean? :D

I'd date Barney. He has a job and he's proud.
Angeline said:
Remember what Andy Taylor used to say about Barney? "Proud, proud, proud!"

Yknow what I mean? :D



" Develop a built in bullshit detector" - Ernest Hemingway

Ya know what I mean?
:p :heart: :kiss:
My bullshit detector is fine-tuned. I wouldn't date Ernest Hemmingway OR Barney Fife (not that I could--they're both dead). Anyway, I'd rather hang out with Eve and Tath. :D
TMV said:
I am intrigued by the sense of poetic reasoning and rules that you bog yourself down with. And then you call it art and freedom of expression. Can't you see the tight little box you limited yourself to?
Ignorance or flamebait? Whatever.

Now, about your poem. One thing I can say about it is that eloquent or not, and meaningful or not (whatever 'meaningful' means), it still has one prime quality: prosodics. It's a delight to pronounce. And I'm a big fan of well balanced prosody in text.

So that, I enjoyed. The jury is still out on other aspects. if I find I have anything to say, I'll post it.
Liar said:
Ignorance or flamebait? Whatever.

Now, about your poem. One thing I can say about it is that eloquent or not, and meaningful or not (whatever 'meaningful' means), it still has one prime quality: prosodics. It's a delight to pronounce. And I'm a big fan of well balanced prosody in text.

So that, I enjoyed. The jury is still out on other aspects. if I find I have anything to say, I'll post it.

Dear Liar,
You are so diplomatic. Would you care to run for Prez here? we need... we need lots of things, but an end to King bushman's reign cant come soon enough. and YOU are intelligent. we need...that.

Oh, can you pronounce nuclear? ( the correct way?)

you got my vote

Well, you caught me on that one.

Liar said:
Ignorance or flamebait? Whatever.

Now, about your poem. One thing I can say about it is that eloquent or not, and meaningful or not (whatever 'meaningful' means), it still has one prime quality: prosodics. It's a delight to pronounce. And I'm a big fan of well balanced prosody in text.

So that, I enjoyed. The jury is still out on other aspects. if I find I have anything to say, I'll post it.

I went to Encarta and the dictionary for that little enlightening piece of eloquence. You put me in some serious company when I searched Encarta. I know it's not a comparison or maybe even a compliment. But I have to be impressed such a list of people in that literate, august group of people and references.

Sanskrit Literature
Hellenistic Age
George Gascoigne
Robert Seymour Bridges
Lascelles Abercrombie
George Edward Saintsbury

I have to read this and see what they have to say about and with "Prosody".

And Normal Jean, remember that it was not my intention to incite. I thought I might find those who willingly enjoy a good discussion. I can't help it if someone is so base as to elevate themselves by spouting brutal skepticism at those that challenge their fragile sensibilities. And since no here seems to tackle the problem. I have to at least give my best effort in illuminating their attempt to belittle other for b eing different. Their criticism is not positive or constructive. It is just their ego, looking for a little exercise in be-labouring Honest and profound innocence. And how did it come that innocence is the "sin" and degradation the "citizen"? In such a society of this, what other "sins" have become the accepted norm?

You see, I have some good and positive out of this. "Prosody"...., I think I'm learning things. Unlike most others. It would be "innocent" to be considerate. And lately, I have learned an important lesson about innocence. It is as well valued in this society as an Amethyst. And I love the stone Amethyst. It is so gracious. Unlike the diamond, a glaring refusal of useful purpose.

TMV said:
I went to Encarta and the dictionary for that little enlightening piece of eloquence. You put me in some serious company when I searched Encarta. I know it's not a comparison or maybe even a compliment. But I have to be impressed such a list of people in that literate, august group of people and references.
:confused: Was this a reply to my post? May be that I'm dense, but I don't get it.
TMV said:
I went to Encarta and the dictionary for that little enlightening piece of eloquence. You put me in some serious company when I searched Encarta. I know it's not a comparison or maybe even a compliment. But I have to be impressed such a list of people in that literate, august group of people and references.

Sanskrit Literature
Hellenistic Age
George Gascoigne
Robert Seymour Bridges
Lascelles Abercrombie
George Edward Saintsbury

I have to read this and see what they have to say about and with "Prosody".

And Normal Jean, remember that it was not my intention to incite. I thought I might find those who willingly enjoy a good discussion. I can't help it if someone is so base as to elevate themselves by spouting brutal skepticism at those that challenge their fragile sensibilities. And since no here seems to tackle the problem. I have to at least give my best effort in illuminating their attempt to belittle other for b eing different. Their criticism is not positive or constructive. It is just their ego, looking for a little exercise in be-labouring Honest and profound innocence. And how did it come that innocence is the "sin" and degradation the "citizen"? In such a society of this, what other "sins" have become the accepted norm?

You see, I have some good and positive out of this. "Prosody"...., I think I'm learning things. Unlike most others. It would be "innocent" to be considerate. And lately, I have learned an important lesson about innocence. It is as well valued in this society as an Amethyst. And I love the stone Amethyst. It is so gracious. Unlike the diamond, a glaring refusal of useful purpose.


Iam going to be as honest with you as I can be.

I read your poetry, I read as much of the poetry here as I can when I have time. ( unless it is of a genre like adolescent sex or incest---) I comment when I feel I have something to say, I offer my hep, in as much as I can help anyone.

There are some extremely talented people here and it seems to me that you popped in looking to upset someone? I dont know. okay? Maybe it is just your personality. I have had an abrasive personality at times and that is a character flaw I am working hard on.

That is WHY, for the most part, that i dont write as maria anymore. She is a bitch, insecure and afraid, afraid that her poetry ,...blah blah who cares is what Im trying to say. It is the poerty that matters, not the poet, and that is MY opinion and I expect others to disagree but that is what makes this a wonderful place. We can all have alts, write what we want and usually, it is the poetry that matters... ( until you get an anon email that accuses you of being sneaky, lol)

A while back we had a guy who came in here, lambasted us all for being kind to each other, said we were ignorant, our poetry sucked and he didnt give any of us a chance before he started calling us names and he actually threatened me with physical violence because I called him on a mistake he made, but insulted others for making the same mistake, in of all places,a TYPO the passion thread, yet he published apoem with atypo in his TITLE!

In my opinion, he was a miserable human being and I am glad he is gone.

I think you have a better personality than him, but TMV, you dont have to be so harsh to people who truly care about this place. any one of the ones you have insulted ( on purpose or not) would give their own time to proof your work, give you advice, and so on, just because they are good kind caring people.

and you dont see that! No one is out to get you, no one wants your poetry to suffer, no one wants to see you fail at any your endeavors.

someone suggested that you submit your work elsewhere also. That is a marvelous idea. Even if you do have a book published, who would rest, who would be satisfied with just one? Not I, lol. And submitting your work is a humbling experience. You might garner a thousand E's and H's here, but when you send it off somewhere that your poet comrades dont get to vote or leave comments, it feels so different. It might even hurt the first couple of times you get rejected, but being " accepted" by a total l stranger who has the power topublish your work is an awesome feeling, it makes you feel like you truly earned it, and you are not just published because a frined did a favor for you, ya know?

Keep trying is what I am saying. Dont expect your writing career to flourish if all you do it put it here at Lit. Lit is a good jump off point. a great place to workshop.

I think you should relax and enjoy the place. It is a good place. I have found other places I submit my work for critique, but this is my home, as far as people that I love and admire go. I know them and love them and if one hurts we all hurt, in a way.

It is just awful to see such disharmony after such a long time of peace arond here.

You are welcome here, every one is, but could we leave the animosity at the door? Why do we have to pick sides? It is silly...Write all you want, you dont need permission, utilize the passion thread, the poetry discussion thread and everything else. That is how you learn!

everyone can improve, even the most published, admired poet here has something to learn. right?

I guess you'll get mad at me, but theres nothing I can do about that. I'm a wimp, I am sick today, I just hate seeing people in distress and I have vowed, personally, to never do anything again that would make anyone uncomfortable if I can help it.I have promised to stay out of belligerant threads but stepped into that one last night cause I saw Sara had posted and hadnt seen her in a while.

and now, because you addressed a post to me, I answered. I cannot handle stress anymore. I dont want a heart attack or stroke. write, okay? Thats the point of the place..

Just write. This place is not a high school filled with jealous little groups of kids who just wander around looking for someone to pick on. You have a wrong impression!!

just write and hush yer fussin' okay?



ps, feel free to correct my typos, okay> I am a lousy typist, but I can spell, honest I can., I just dont wanna come back and see I have been delegated to a compost heap because I cant type the without it coming out like "teh"... hug me, Im so sick... :confused: there I made it come all the way back to being about me! I must be on teh road to recovery.... :p

have anice day, TMV
Liar said:
Meh, I just say atomic instead.

yippie, that'll work!!

President LIar, would you care to address the committee on the subject of atomic proliferation?

ick, I just realized, why would any one use the word pro---life---ration along with a word that means obliteration?

words are funny, aint they, lol

normal jean said:
ick, I just realized, why would any one use the word pro---life---ration along with a word that means obliteration?
Pro-lifers are getting rationed.

Or something.
Look, I've been here before.

normal jean said:
Iam going to be as honest with you as I can be.

I read your poetry, I read as much of the poetry here as I can when I have time. ( unless it is of a genre like adolescent sex or incest---) I comment when I feel I have something to say, I offer my hep, in as much as I can help anyone.

There are some extremely talented people here and it seems to me that you popped in looking to upset someone? I dont know. okay? Maybe it is just your personality. I have had an abrasive personality at times and that is a character flaw I am working hard on.

That is WHY, for the most part, that i dont write as maria anymore. She is a bitch, insecure and afraid, afraid that her poetry ,...blah blah who cares is what Im trying to say. It is the poerty that matters, not the poet, and that is MY opinion and I expect others to disagree but that is what makes this a wonderful place. We can all have alts, write what we want and usually, it is the poetry that matters... ( until you get an anon email that accuses you of being sneaky, lol)

A while back we had a guy who came in here, lambasted us all for being kind to each other, said we were ignorant, our poetry sucked and he didnt give any of us a chance before he started calling us names and he actually threatened me with physical violence because I called him on a mistake he made, but insulted others for making the same mistake, in of all places,a TYPO the passion thread, yet he published apoem with atypo in his TITLE!

In my opinion, he was a miserable human being and I am glad he is gone.

I think you have a better personality than him, but TMV, you dont have to be so harsh to people who truly care about this place. any one of the ones you have insulted ( on purpose or not) would give their own time to proof your work, give you advice, and so on, just because they are good kind caring people.

and you dont see that! No one is out to get you, no one wants your poetry to suffer, no one wants to see you fail at any your endeavors.

someone suggested that you submit your work elsewhere also. That is a marvelous idea. Even if you do have a book published, who would rest, who would be satisfied with just one? Not I, lol. And submitting your work is a humbling experience. You might garner a thousand E's and H's here, but when you send it off somewhere that your poet comrades dont get to vote or leave comments, it feels so different. It might even hurt the first couple of times you get rejected, but being " accepted" by a total l stranger who has the power topublish your work is an awesome feeling, it makes you feel like you truly earned it, and you are not just published because a frined did a favor for you, ya know?

Keep trying is what I am saying. Dont expect your writing career to flourish if all you do it put it here at Lit. Lit is a good jump off point. a great place to workshop.

I think you should relax and enjoy the place. It is a good place. I have found other places I submit my work for critique, but this is my home, as far as people that I love and admire go. I know them and love them and if one hurts we all hurt, in a way.

It is just awful to see such disharmony after such a long time of peace arond here.

You are welcome here, every one is, but could we leave the animosity at the door? Why do we have to pick sides? It is silly...Write all you want, you dont need permission, utilize the passion thread, the poetry discussion thread and everything else. That is how you learn!

everyone can improve, even the most published, admired poet here has something to learn. right?

I guess you'll get mad at me, but theres nothing I can do about that. I'm a wimp, I am sick today, I just hate seeing people in distress and I have vowed, personally, to never do anything again that would make anyone uncomfortable if I can help it.I have promised to stay out of belligerant threads but stepped into that one last night cause I saw Sara had posted and hadnt seen her in a while.

and now, because you addressed a post to me, I answered. I cannot handle stress anymore. I dont want a heart attack or stroke. write, okay? Thats the point of the place..

Just write. This place is not a high school filled with jealous little groups of kids who just wander around looking for someone to pick on. You have a wrong impression!!

just write and hush yer fussin' okay?



ps, feel free to correct my typos, okay> I am a lousy typist, but I can spell, honest I can., I just dont wanna come back and see I have been delegated to a compost heap because I cant type the without it coming out like "teh"... hug me, Im so sick... :confused: there I made it come all the way back to being about me! I must be on teh road to recovery.... :p

have a nice day, TMV

And the one thing I have noticed is that some people here have a sense of elitism. And i have been delited by such for quite some while. The fact that most everyone here seems to think I'm upset is disconcerting none-the-less. But you still don't get it!!! I have nothing to do in anger, merely discussionary defense. That I am prolific and such in my writing is a part of who I am. Not because I feel a ton of uncontrollable anger. And it's not that I hold myself in high regard as a poet, but more so, that I hold myself in some strength of character. I will not yield for mis-representations and misinterpretations set to foment anger.

Now the whole thing started not..., as an askance of comments on my poetry. I've gotten plenty of those from my previous poem's. But then , at a shot at stirring the pot. Getting honest feedback as to why I would put my work, in such a manner as to help others to search and see if they truly have reached the hieghts of their poetic accomplishments and/or dreams.

I have brought my poetry to other forums, and most others respond in much the same manner. Questions and confusion. But I do so find the few who see and understand my poetry as comrades. Particularly since it brings to me the thought that I'm not studied in my own ignorance. I do what I do, not for criticism..., But practice, for what lays ahead of me and those that don't restrict themselves to their own special cloaked enviroment.

May it be those words seem so condensating, but it has verbage of diverse reflection in my own mirror. An exercise that I hold to strongly. I am my own critic, I need no others. Something that has been stamped in my eye's, showing that so very few require of themselves, what they require of others. And then they call me hypocritical. As I have heard those words before. Arrogant, self-indulgent, inciter..., and some many more very kind words.

And don't tell me to take it easy. I'm well aware that what I'm writing seems infused with past and bitter experiences. But then, very little is interpreted with the proper intent on the net. After all, isn't this the very height of liberal conscience. But being apolitical..., I don't leave creativity to a certain group of thought. I have demonstrated to you all, time and time again that I don't think like you. Oh I can if I concede and give up. But where I have been inspired to go is so much wider, and so much more delicious than the watered down version that seems to be the mainstay of the world.

You'll eat jalapeño raw, but you won't stretch your thought's beyond certain limits. Let's up the stakes. This is, "non-sensical" as there seems to be those that love that word. But then it is a device to try and re-mark the staid policies of liberal-conservatism. (an odd label for social-progressives, but they are as stuck in their rhetoric as the conservatives) And my..., how hard you fight when faced with a true dichotomy of political correctness. Oh dear..., do I feel an earthquake starting?

"Master23-The Wiggle Wart Walk"

The lo of the cow on the hillside, slides home in the breeze, which is dead. But I cut the world for the truth and fall nocturnal domain. Scream for the flesh, or die for the dream. With Camelot and Quinevere waiting on the star-lit summit, I wonder if an angel can go home with no love. Stay! I think not! Why is the blue sky cloudy? The grass green. And so we send down the child martyr. But our child will abstain martyrdom for the length and period of the second coming of Christ! But the atheist is giggling to himself about the matter of collective bargaining. Sounds like he wants to be the CEO of all corrupted material proprietor’s. Silly little winkle, one must be the heart of the others, and as the heart, the cells must create. The envelope shakes the standard of omnipotence and embarrass’ the bastards of Arcanium Barristas. Log me in, log me out, the tide washes integral platitudes through all the MRI examination machines. “Kegger 252, responding at my diligence.” Kirk & Bander reported. They had been operating over by the “Mark-Jensen Bridal Pagentry”. What a sweet starry sky.

The Mystery Valiant

Last edited:
Im pretty sure I didnt call you any names, nor did I insult your work.

I really dont understand you.

You dont have to take it easy, you can work yourself into any state that suits you, I just dont have to be apart of it.

What your real problem is, from my POV, is you expect others to be one way yet you refuse to adhere to your own standards.

It is your tone and insolence that has led me to believe you are upset, not what anyone else has said.

Good luck with your work and getting FB from those you call elites et al.Maybe some of use seem that way because we have been through the crap before and are just tired of it.

If you think it is personal, make up a new alt and post your poetry without your personality affecting whether or not anyone even wants to read it and then you will get a true(r) yet limited evaluation of your work as it is perceived here.

have a nice day


TMV said:
annaswirls-After I said such nice things about you in "to keep the review thread clean". If you think what I said, (both you and Champagne) is arrogant, then you seem rather biased. Maybe it was a comment to ask you to open yourselves a little more, to expand past the little habits that you have become so accustomed to. And no, I wasn't speaking to you singly, But I would think that you have pretty much shown me the meaning of pettiness.

I did not say you were arrogant, I said you were being presumptious to throw a blanket judgement upon everyone who might stumble upon the boards. Who do you refer to when you say "you" and how did you somehow rise above everyone? I would never have presumed that you were speaking to me personally, I am rarely even around here any only happened to read your thread.

By the way, just because you say something "nice" about me does that mean to you that you would be above question?

Why would you presume to know "our" little habits? This is not my being petty at all. This is me standing in amazement at your presumptions.
Sara Crewe said:
IfThe first is that if you think the forum is filled with small-minded, stupid people why would you want comments from people here?

um I think he intends to save us and broaden our minds?
TMV said:
And I still notice. No intropection. Angry???? I'm having a ball. Because your fighting to make me different. And I already won the war.

introspection? any on yourself darling? no one is fighting. you have won nothing ( except the contest to paste the most images in one thread) because there is no contest.
Elsol always has a good reply for these types of threads...

annaswirls said:
um I think he intends to save us and broaden our minds?

I think you're right. He seems to be using a new fangled-teaching method where you insult and belittle the minds that you claim to want to broaden. It seems sketchy to me but what do I know...I live in a box lined with envy and insecurity. I don't know if I can take my box any more. I wonder if I could get transferred to a circle or maybe a parallelogram?
Sara Crewe said:
I think you're right. He seems to be using a new fangled-teaching method where you insult and belittle the minds that you claim to want to broaden. It seems sketchy to me but what do I know...I live in a box lined with envy and insecurity. I don't know if I can take my box any more. I wonder if I could get transferred to a circle or maybe a parallelogram?
We have an oval package that is usually considered very appealing. It comes with its own grammar-police badge and full dental plan.
Lauren Hynde said:
We have an oval package that is usually considered very appealing. It comes with its own grammar-police badge and full dental plan.

Finally, I have found a shape I can truly call home.