How about I task you?

Liar said:
Because you came in here and said; "Boo! I'm the bogey man!" (Although, a boogie man sounds cooler. As long as you're not a booger man. Eww.)

Your first post is pretty much the pseudo-intellectual literati equivalence of ghetto style trash talking. Same posing, longer words. It's silly when they do it, and it's even more silly here, where it's not expected.

You're the bogey man because you, seemingly with purpose and guns blazing, go out of your way to play the part. Now you know.

I've always been partial to boogie woogie men. Just sayin. :D
WickedEve said:
I have plenty of mountain air. I'm in a valley, surrounded by the blue ridge mountains.
Ange, you need to move to VA. It's a much better state than tung's.

Ok, I'll live near you, too.

Though I'm not sure your town is ready for the two of us, not to mention my nutty boyfriend. :D
Angeline said:
Ok, I'll live near you, too.

Though I'm not sure your town is ready for the two of us, not to mention my nutty boyfriend. :D
You'd scare people in this little town, you big city girl. :D
WickedEve said:
You'd scare people in this little town, you big city girl. :D

Especially when I open my mouth and sound like Carmella Soprano. lol.
Ha, ha, ha ,ha.........

All that rigamaroll and you still think you're better than I. Ever heard of "Thick as a brick"? You love baiting me...., all the while you've been on the hook. I could get one thousand posts giving all that you want and all that you need, but still you seek the pin in the nailbin. This is just absolutely fool....., well. I guess I can't say proof, as it seems I've hooked the lot! :D :D :D :nana:

It's so damned easy! You fall in line like a ducklings following mama. Pig-iron..., brain-rot, Pavlov's dog. Oh man this is so damn rich!!!

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TMV said:
All that rigamaroll and you still think you're better than I. Ever heard of "Thick as a brick"? You love baiting me...., all the while you've been on the hook. I could get one thousand posts giving all that you want and all that you need, but still you seek the pin in the nailbin. This is just absolutely fool....., well. I guess I can't say proof, as it seems I've hooked the lot! :D :D :D :nana:

It's so damned easy! You fall in line like a ducklings following mama. Pig-iron..., brain-rot, Pavlov's dog. Oh man this is so damn rich!!!
fuck off
Yes, rightly so my queen

But I still remind you..., this is my thread. And I still have my wits about me.


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TMV said:
But I still remind you..., this is my thread. And I still have my wits about me.

If owning a thread on an open forum is your greatest claim to wit. I give up... it's about as fair a fight as it would be if I had a smart missile and you had a pea shooter. I feel like I'm in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

I am officially ceasing to rise to the bait. I fear it is bloating me and I soon will be defecating the same sort of crap this thread has been feeding me. ... Have a good life, TMV, if you know what that means.
My, my, my.........

That you think I am a gift giver is nice, however it is not mine to give. It is up to you to seek and understand. You all...., gave me a brutal reception thinking that I had bellicosed my way on the board. But I did much more than that. And now it is up to you. You are the only person who rides that horse.


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TMV, you remind me of that little boy insulting the girls at school because he can't bear to admit he has a crush on's o.k. Kiss and make up - IF they'll let you now.

I haven't had a girl-friend in over 25 years.

As it seems that even as I maybe "tetched" with them, they are repulsed by me. I see you have noticed the sexual one-sidedness as well. I can do nothing to change my fate. But I can't do anything to ease their fury. Lauren just followed me onto the review thread and let me have another barrel. I know all the apologies in the world fall on deaf ears. So why then offer any? But now at least I know those, who will judge unfairly and bitterly.

All of this..., every bleeding ounce of it. And they still wear blinders to my poem's. I can't lay it out in a plain brown wrapper like they want me to. I am that I am..., why would anyone want me to be any less?

I must say I find this thread kind of sickly entertaining, in the vein of the Weekly World News. I sometimes think TMV is really a hugely talented satirist (I am very tempted by this interpretation), but the self-published book seems a touch that is just too perfect for a ruse. If it really is a ruse, then I genuflect before a master. Better'n I could evah aspire to, and I truly am not worthy.

But reading this also gives me a headache, one for which I certainly don't want an asphyrinymn. Just acetaminaphin and a couple beers. I'll make do.
I would love to, but the book is real.

Tzara said:
I must say I find this thread kind of sickly entertaining, in the vein of the Weekly World News. I sometimes think TMV is really a hugely talented satirist (I am very tempted by this interpretation), but the self-published book seems a touch that is just too perfect for a ruse. If it really is a ruse, then I genuflect before a master. Better'n I could evah aspire to, and I truly am not worthy.

But reading this also gives me a headache, one for which I certainly don't want an asphyrinymn. Just acetaminaphin and a couple beers. I'll make do.

Asphyrinymn: When an artist creates something that can not be immitated with the same skill.

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TMV said:
Asphyrinymn: When an artist creates something that can not be immitated with the same skill.
You got me there, big boy. I cannot immitate you however hard I might try.
Ah but it was a nice run while it lasted.

I will say that at first, it was not truly what I intended. But the more I saw that others seemed to need to justify their own belligerent nature, I had to make of this what I could. My original post and statement, although somewhat arrogant and insensitive, was only that I didn't appreciate others haughtily critiquing my work, when they themselves would have trouble understanding it and then throwing it into a bin of senility. Obviously, some take themselves to be more than they humanly could be. They figure that they have some innate right to judge other people's work..., even when they admit that they don't understand it. I myself live to an idiom that, even if I can't understand what has caused a person to become the offense to me that they are, I can't judge them by the nature of myself. I must give prudence to the fact that they have gone through something that I haven't. Therefore, I can't condemn for their offense. It's not my place to judge actions for what I don't understand.

I know it's a lot for any idiom. But it takes a shorter course in my head.

I honestly try to envision what might have caused to become belligerent, and I promise myself, not to get sucked into it.

All in all, I only surfed the action in the thread. And it was a wild ride!

Interesting what I've just found.

Thread: "Challenge, three words or less" Post: #7 Member: Angeline


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TMV said:
Thread: "Challenge, three words or less" Post: #7 Member: Angeline

Yes, it would seem a better poet than you could ever hope to look eye to eye with, has stated your emo outbursts better and earlier than thee. She has several other asphyrinymn pieces you may want to study and try to emulate. You could do worse than to have Angeline as a mentor.

I am adding that word to my personal scrabble dictionary (I'll have to refold a ridge of cerebellum to remember how to spell it, though). The definition is just delusional enough to be believable, thus, will convince my opponents that I can dispose of those pesky 'y's and consonants that way.
TMV said:
Thread: "Challenge, three words or less" Post: #7 Member: Angeline


Of course you don't know me from Adam. I don't know you either, not do I have any particular interest in knowing you. So I haven't a clue why you invested some honest critique I gave you--what?--months ago with all this subtext.

If I tell someone I think they need to change something in a poem, it's simply my opinion, not a personal attack. In the five years I've been here I've done hundreds of critiques, and you are the first person (wait I take that back--the second person) who has acted personally wounded because I pointed out that you had a comma in the wrong place or that you used an apostrophe s incorrectly. Most people here will tell you that I am the kindest of critics and I am. It's never personal for me. If you can't take my well-intended nitpicks with a modicum of grace and understanding that they're intended to help, not crush you as a person, I doubt you'll ever make any progress in that stuff you call poetry.

And that stuff you call poetry is all but incomprehensible. You make errors in your use of the English language ("bellicose," for example is not a verb, it's a noun), you construct lines in the most tortured Yoda-speak I've ever read, you make embarrassing (at least they would be to me if I made them) malaprops. You seem to delight in twisting language in ways that make communication all but impossible. You're entranced with your special talent. Only problem is nobody understands what you're on about.

And you wear these failings as some kind of badge of honor. You start a thread asking, pleading, with people to try to understand you and declare war when they can't.

When my son was 8 or 9 he had a habit of misusing his very large vocabulary because his ability to decode words was--at that time--far beyond his ability to comprehend what he read. He'd get angry at me because I wouldn't understand what he was saying and insist "I think [insert word] means this!" But it didn't mean "this," and if his understandings deviatd from standard definitions, there was no way his communication was going to be clear. He has since grown into his sophisticated vocabulary. You haven't. No matter how wounded you feel, how much you cajole or try to insult others into understanding your "poetry," it isn't going to work. Why? Not because anyone here has a grudge against you, but because you aren't using words the way they're meant in order to be understood. Communication happens when a writer and reader have a common understanding of language.

I don't know why you do this; there could be many reasons and it's none of my business anyway. I'm not going to waste any more time trying to help you understand where your communication fails because in spite of your initial "please try," you have no interest in really communicating. I wish you the best with your "poetry." Live long and prosper. You say there are places where people do get what you're trying to do--maybe you'd be better off there. I doubt you'll find the "understanding" you seek here.
Again with the hostility

And you keep up with this "ignorance" theme...., What type of fool do you take me for? I set you up and I found out who you are. And yet you still think this is my folly! Is absolute ambivilence your only legacy? Can you do nothing more with your lives than compound your infinite regurgitation? You may post 'til the cows come home, all the fanciful facts and misappropiated truths of my mildewed inanities. But you greatly increase your own reputations with this stumbling dogma! I am more than willing to continue this cannon-fodder thread. But being supposedly intelligent writer's, I am amazed that you remain so stubborn as to refuse to alter the course of events! :p

Do you even think that your fumbling antics at making my posts somehow reflect on me as a fool and his "Words", ever seem less then transparent? Come, come..., temper yourselves and let sleeping dogs lie!

It has become obvious your only desired trait is "stubbornness". You seem to derive great pride in it. God, how infinitely redundant you make things.

“A Fools Hell”

What will a child see,
in your aching bones?
Where is all the respect you’ve always demanded?

I would say “Where are all the pennies you’ve saved?
Limbo is there.
Wasted by your pride.
Where no brave horseman would ride.

Does fear rule your path?
Seeking to avoid the brave horseman’s wrath.
“Nay!” Says the cooling wind.
For wise men know,
no fight could be won against that which assails the mind.
For there is nothing to fight or find.
Limbo is there.
Wasted by all pride.
Waiting for a careless step by you tried.

The Mystery Valiant

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A word about communicating

Often in life, we find ourselves trying to communicate with others through barriers.
For example, the hearing and the deaf, people from different countries, different cultures, and different generations to name a few.
If we sincerely want to communicate, we find ways of getting our message across.
Sign language, pointing and gesticulating, using frames of reference, tone and rhythm of voice, being examples.
This requires listening and feedback, and ultimately a desire to step outside our comfort zones if we are to be understood. It would be my hope that both poet and reader would be coming from this point of view, if anything fruitful is to result.

Just my 2 cents worth.
And Thanx

tungtied2u said:
Often in life, we find ourselves trying to communicate with others through barriers.
For example, the hearing and the deaf, people from different countries, different cultures, and different generations to name a few.
If we sincerely want to communicate, we find ways of getting our message across.
Sign language, pointing and gesticulating, using frames of reference, tone and rhythm of voice, being examples.
This requires listening and feedback, and ultimately a desire to step outside our comfort zones if we are to be understood. It would be my hope that both poet and reader would be coming from this point of view, if anything fruitful is to result.

Just my 2 cents worth.

I love a cool head in an altercation! :D

TMV said:
“A Fools Hell”

What will a child see,
in your aching bones?
Where is all the respect you’ve always demanded?

I would say “Where are all the pennies you’ve saved?
Limbo is there.
Wasted by your pride.
Where no brave horseman would ride.

Does fear rule your path?
Seeking to avoid the brave horseman’s wrath.
“Nay!” Says the cooling wind.
For wise men know,
no fight could be won against that which assails the mind.
For there is nothing to fight or find.
Limbo is there.
Wasted by all pride.
Waiting for a careless step by you tried.

The Mystery Valiant

Hey! I think I understood this one!