How about I task you?

TMV said:
<snip> “A Fools Hell”

What will a child see,
in your aching bones?
Where is all the respect you’ve always demanded?

I would say “Where are all the pennies you’ve saved?
Limbo is there.
Wasted by your pride.
Where no brave horseman would ride.

Does fear rule your path?
Seeking to avoid the brave horseman’s wrath.
“Nay!” Says the cooling wind.
For wise men know,
no fight could be won against that which assails the mind.
For there is nothing to fight or find.
Limbo is there.
Wasted by all pride.
Waiting for a careless step by you tried.

The Mystery Valiant
Oh goody! Hell poems. You must be really old... 1979? One would have thought wisdom would accompany the march of time, instead, in your case, age seems to have made ignorance its companion.

Anyway... Here's a hell poem

Dis Temper
by champagne1982© June 17, 2004

I plead my heart be still,
In poorly pondered wrath
To strike not, those upon this path,
Anger at a fool bodes ill.
They only see the bilious foam
Lathered and frothing on whitened lips
Or the ugly pout from which sullen acid drips.
The centaur calls the swampy Styx your home.
I do not want that my immortal soul
Be doomed to founder in the mire.
Let peace and quietude transpire
Soft tranquility my goal.
I endeavour to be not vengeful with my will,
And swallow, e'en though humility, be a bitter pill.
Oh festering myopia

Is it such a joyous pleasure to bite and masticate your way through the same plate each and every day? To continually impede your simple progress with unctuous speech impediments. I can see no respect or regard for someone who has become mired in a tirade that is of no use and no score, and seems to have been given life by it's own creator..., Dr. Frankenstein. What ails your brain that you are simply caught up in a vitriolic spewing to just make an..., ass out of yourself? As it stands in your eye's, this poor old man is ignorant to destructive ends. But you seem so furious with your own feelings and confusion, so that you can't recognize your own shadow anymore.

How is it, that someone, who totally unknown to you, can coerce such blind viciousness from you? I haven't done so..., as I will continually remind you, I am not in any position to affect your life! But all that goes on before you is strictly your own doing.

But then be that as it may, It is of a coarse nature that infuses you women with an unending spite toward those that would expose your deviant frailties! As I can surely attest as will many others, your invalid favor for using outdated tactics and weak strategies makes you even more drunken with your own pusiance! Dog me as you please. I have naught but to merely shrug, and the thought of you is as meaningless as your intractable belligerance. Or then again..., is this another game??????? Is this merely an attempt to play the knight against the pawn? Then I might try a simple ploy. Check!


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TMV, Baby, are you talking about yourself? I only see one person on this particular thread bent on vitriolic tirades and that would be you. I went away for the weekend (I had a lovely time. Thanks for asking) and returned to find you still wallowing in your own verbal diarrhea. Why don't you pour some pepto bismol in your ears and maybe the pink will ease your mental indigestion 'cause when it spews onto the screen it burns the eyes.

If you see an ass here, it's cause you're bent over and looking through your legs.

They seemed to be spelled incorrectly in your thesaurus so for future reference in vitriolic spewings use belligerence and puissance for greater success.

And, your right about something, this is a game for me. I call it, 'Don't let the moron have the last word'. I'll let you know when you begin to bore me.

TMV said:
Is it such a joyous pleasure to bite and masticate your way through the same plate each and every day? To continually impede your simple progress with unctuous speech impediments. I can see no respect or regard for someone who has become mired in a tirade that is of no use and no score, and seems to have been given life by it's own creator..., Dr. Frankenstein. What ails your brain that you are simply caught up in a vitriolic spewing to just make an..., ass out of yourself? As it stands in your eye's, this poor old man is ignorant to destructive ends. But you seem so furious with your own feelings and confusion, so that you can't recognize your own shadow anymore.

How is it, that someone, who totally unknown to you, can coerce such blind viciousness from you? I haven't done so..., as I will continually remind you, I am not in any position to affect your life! But all that goes on before you is strictly your own doing.

But then be that as it may, It is of a coarse nature that infuses you women with an unending spite toward those that would expose your deviant frailties! As I can surely attest as will many others, your invalid favor for using outdated tactics and weak strategies makes you even more drunken with your own pusiance! Dog me as you please. I have naught but to merely shrug, and the thought of you is as meaningless as your intractable belligerance. Or then again..., is this another game??????? Is this merely an attempt to play the knight against the pawn? Then I might try a simple ploy. Check!

TMV said:
Is it such a joyous pleasure to bite and masticate your way through the same plate each and every day? To continually impede your simple progress with unctuous speech impediments. I can see no respect or regard for someone who has become mired in a tirade that is of no use and no score, and seems to have been given life by it's own creator..., Dr. Frankenstein. What ails your brain that you are simply caught up in a vitriolic spewing to just make an..., ass out of yourself? As it stands in your eye's, this poor old man is ignorant to destructive ends. But you seem so furious with your own feelings and confusion, so that you can't recognize your own shadow anymore.

How is it, that someone, who totally unknown to you, can coerce such blind viciousness from you? I haven't done so..., as I will continually remind you, I am not in any position to affect your life! But all that goes on before you is strictly your own doing.

But then be that as it may, It is of a coarse nature that infuses you women with an unending spite toward those that would expose your deviant frailties! As I can surely attest as will many others, your invalid favor for using outdated tactics and weak strategies makes you even more drunken with your own pusiance! Dog me as you please. I have naught but to merely shrug, and the thought of you is as meaningless as your intractable belligerance. Or then again..., is this another game??????? Is this merely an attempt to play the knight against the pawn? Then I might try a simple ploy. Check! <snip> edited to remove the obnoxious gif.
I hit a bone with the age remark I see.
TMV said:
Thread: "Challenge, three words or less" Post: #7 Member: Angeline

You think?

champagne1982 said:
I hit a bone with the age remark I see.

Hit a bone? Damage?!?! Is that all you're looking for? Come on! Give it some meat! You couldn't hit the broad-side of a barn. You can hit bone 'til you feel a modicom of satisfaction. But don't infer things that are just don't exist. To even suggest that you hurt me is, you know what? I was going with "specious" at first. But I had to look up the spelling in the dictionary and it gave me a word that fits with even more plausibility. You are "meretricious"! Thank you for the word for today! Always a joy to expand your vocabulary! Now see..., this thread is giving me a lot to learn in my future dealings with such blood-thirsty creatures as yourself.

God, to think you might even touch one of my emotions is to laugh. You delve for anger, you have but little else to do but seek vengence. Petty is still too big a word for what you desire. And there is no justifiable means that I can rectify your voracious incomprability. I've had better people than you hurt me verbally and they knew me! You have a teasing mentality and indulgent taste for vicious oratory. All this I say to you, and still not once have I called you a name!

But I must thank you for one pleasing attribute. My typing skils are improving dramatically! It is so nice to become familiar with my keyboard! What was it that has kept me going through life? I'll tell you. "Sticks and stones ma break my bones. But words will never hurt me!" A childish saying yes..., But a very strong piece of wisdom. Especially whn encountering barking dogs like you. Oh look, I called you a name! i'll spank my wrist 'til it's blue!! How shameful!

A "Paint" project I made to bide my time...., "Visilage Minor"

You only prove my accuracy, TMV. I really appreciate the opportunity to, once again, expound upon your delusional genius. Like an idiot savant you keep building your vocabulary and then, almost as if it's too much for your underdeveloped comprehensive skills, you place them within the strangest context.

Please, go play with your "paint" now. I'm sure some vanity press will publish them for an obscene amount of payola.
champagne1982 said:
Like an idiot savant you keep building your vocabulary and then, almost as if it's too much for your underdeveloped comprehensive skills, you place them within the strangest context.
You're having too much fun with this, aren't you? :D
WickedEve said:
You're having too much fun with this, aren't you? :D
"I can handle things... I'm smart... Not like everybody says. Not dumb. I'm smart. And I want respect!"
Lauren Hynde said:
"I can handle things... I'm smart... Not like everybody says. Not dumb. I'm smart. And I want respect!"

Well you're not getting any unless you stop bellicosing your meretriciousness's. ;)
There are some really hot chicks posting on this thread....

I like...
WickedEve said:
You're having too much fun with this, aren't you? :D
Fun like riding on the Gravitron...

I'm gonna go throw up now.​
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annaswirls said:
you have the legs of a 15 year old
how do you do that?

I think it comes from being an expert spelunker. I wanna go caving with Evie. I need some bat guano for my plants and that is superb fertilizer :D

and I am so mad at you, Eve, you took my favorite poems away, what am I to do without conrad dimple and bob in a box, I mean, seriously, I read you often and with reverence. I hate heather for stealing poems and causing so much despair.

oh yeah, did anyone tell TMV about the plagiarist? He might ought to protect his work from her

annaswirls said:
you have the legs of a 15 year old
how do you do that?
I live in a hilly town and I've been walking every day for 6 or 7 years.
Behind the pillow are my big pillows, which I'm okay with. The tummy... how damn long after having kids does it take to get rid of the baby belly???!! All I need to reach a healthy BMI is 15 to 20 pounds and I'm now prepared to have it all sucked out--liposuction or hoover suction. I don't care anymore. Oh, and emotionally I'm also 15.
normal jean said:
I think it comes from being an expert spelunker. I wanna go caving with Evie. I need some bat guano for my plants and that is superb fertilizer :D

and I am so mad at you, Eve, you took my favorite poems away, what am I to do without conrad dimple and bob in a box, I mean, seriously, I read you often and with reverence. I hate heather for stealing poems and causing so much despair.

oh yeah, did anyone tell TMV about the plagiarist? He might ought to protect his work from her

I'm getting together poems and artwork right now for a site that invited me to submit some work. So maybe some stuff will show up this summer.

Heather would truly appreciate TMV's poetry. She would appreciate it, copy it, and slap her name on it. Sweet kid.
And all the while........

You have an amazing set of thought's and you just inset them into your small little world. You say I prove your point. I'm sure it seems like that in a place where you rule like the cat. But I have yet to see anything that might rise my ire to near any portion of times that I have been hurt or even possibly challenged. Your delight and continued writings between yourselves is one very serious reason that I cannot respect you. Just how can I when you seem to find such childish glee in taunting me time and again?

I do know some of you, and it pains me that you seem to have delivered yourself into simply stipling youself in rudimentry honors. And this "hilarity" and "delusional genius", "idiot savant". Nice negative comments with which to build your vocabulary with. All cute little stabs of ferocity to illicit a shock of irrational anger. But still, in it's utter feral, viscidly...., still as much as gust of wind. You illustrate that my play with words is just bravado and pride. Ok, it might prove acceptable to you. And I will examine that. But then couldn't as much be said for yourselves?

I read your posts and I get the same feeling over and over again. Pride, stark raving, dismissive pride. I do know that women live in their feelings and trust them more than anything else in their lives. However, it has been my experience that many women do at least observe some form of logic as well. Almost as well as a man. For a man, shapes and sizes...., for a woman, sound and touch. But even as I have found that among men, there are some who find some desire to converse and embrace as it gives the flesh a sense of connection with the forces of nature.

Still for all the words and skills employed here, it comes down to spittle logic. I don't play with words.Remember, Shapes and sizes, I'm a man who likes the shapes and sizes of words to see the things in the world that others seem very blind to. Such as you yourselves exhibit. You still look at me as in incomprehensible fraud. But then I submit, that my visual aptitude is just different, and as women, you pride yourself on accepting those who are different when supposedly men don't. I argue, that you have proven otherwise. It seems that some of the men were much more open and accepting then you refuse to be.

Rudimentary genius. Instead, I offer (even though I know how you might react), genuinely perceptive.


Her laser bright eyes cutting through mellow candles,
the whispering scents chained behind her, continually following.
Relentless, electric voice, seeping through each inattentive ear.
And the shadowlight awakens red.

The vibes roll outward, caressing, with cold velvet hands.
Her weaving, dancing, golden hair, throws light everywhere.
A satin gown, blood black, flows down the shivering carpet.

Her magnetism pulls these eyes at high voltage.
Her wit flooding the hidden serenity, darkly.
The queen in her beehive, shares this distasteful dignity.
Quietly, shadowlight floats blue.

Unheeding conversation, whisking, end over end,
flailing hands, dashing high and low, north and south.
Cosmic soul, strangling to taste the long lost time.
Growing shadowlight hovers yellow.

Slowly she turns,
seeking eyes strained upward.


The Mystery Valiant

Sultry suffering.

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TMV said:
You have an amazing set of thought's
An amazing set of thought's what? Damn it, this is frustrating. You'll never explain what is the thing (set of things) that belongs to that one thought of yours that is so amazing, will you? :(
I'm so sorry.........

I just removed a lot of text because it was tedious. Synopsis: I followed what I thought Jimi Hendrix was doing and went through a series of test's and trials. All the while, working to improve what I felt in my work. At first truly non-sensicle, later I found people who enjoyed my work..., yet they couldn't explain why. But I came to realize that the words followed a pattern of vibrations.

I read each poem very carefully, as well as my "Masters" an Icons". And I began to see the pattern after I had read few. I was lightly touching the definitions of the words to and purposely twisting them. I was putting new functions to the words that I had noticed when I had certain vibes while I was meditating, which seemed to re-occur when I wrote my poem's. The meanings aren't just defined words! It was two dimensional. I was working on the feelings of the words. As such, the reason that some people liked them, was because they were feeling them rather than just reading them.

It was then I began to see the difference of my attempts. But in order to keep the feeling and still write..., I had to borderline the whole process. Otherwise, it was just standard poetry. But it also had to have a source for it's creation. I used my fury against my life-conditions to work the process successfully. After I saw it move where I needed, I went after other conditions. Now as others see it as abstract dementia, I could work it into forms that would increase it's affect. Sadly, too many people are satisfied with their little obsessive, demands that sought to restrict to my wings. But I have already been in touch with people that fully enjoy and fully understand what I am doing.

How one person understands my poetry:

poetry as it stands is a collection of words used to
invoke feelings and emotion.(and if it doesnt it gets
pilloried)- the satisfaction is getting the required

your work seems to be emotion, creating words..leading
to thought... - the satisfaction lies in the journey
itself..and the conclusion....and there is no
'required' solution..

no wonder you have had some negative reactions!

Instead of going out to make a reaction...., I'm reacting to make an emotion.

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TMV said:
I followed what I thought Jimi Hendrix was doing and went through a series of test's and trials.
OK. I get that there is a series of trials, and a series of test's somethings. But what? Test's what?
Lauren Hynde said:
OK. I get that there is a series of trials, and a series of test's somethings. But what? Test's what?
I think it's a typo. The apostrophe is suppose to be an e.
And he went through a series of them?
TMV said:
You have an amazing set of thought's and you just inset them into your small little world. You say I prove your point. I'm sure it seems like that in a place where you rule like the cat. But I have yet to see anything that might rise my ire to near any portion of times that I have been hurt or even possibly challenged. Your delight and continued writings between yourselves is one very serious reason that I cannot respect you. Just how can I when you seem to find such childish glee in taunting me time and again?

I do know some of you, and it pains me that you seem to have delivered yourself into simply stipling youself in rudimentry honors. And this "hilarity" and "delusional genius", "idiot savant". Nice negative comments with which to build your vocabulary with. All cute little stabs of ferocity to illicit a shock of irrational anger. But still, in it's utter feral, viscidly...., still as much as gust of wind. You illustrate that my play with words is just bravado and pride. Ok, it might prove acceptable to you. And I will examine that. But then couldn't as much be said for yourselves?

I read your posts and I get the same feeling over and over again. Pride, stark raving, dismissive pride. I do know that women live in their feelings and trust them more than anything else in their lives. However, it has been my experience that many women do at least observe some form of logic as well. Almost as well as a man. For a man, shapes and sizes...., for a woman, sound and touch. But even as I have found that among men, there are some who find some desire to converse and embrace as it gives the flesh a sense of connection with the forces of nature.

Still for all the words and skills employed here, it comes down to spittle logic. I don't play with words.Remember, Shapes and sizes, I'm a man who likes the shapes and sizes of words to see the things in the world that others seem very blind to. Such as you yourselves exhibit. You still look at me as in incomprehensible fraud. But then I submit, that my visual aptitude is just different, and as women, you pride yourself on accepting those who are different when supposedly men don't. I argue, that you have proven otherwise. It seems that some of the men were much more open and accepting then you refuse to be.

Rudimentary genius. Instead, I offer (even though I know how you might react), genuinely perceptive.


Her laser bright eyes cutting through mellow candles,
the whispering scents chained behind her, continually following.
Relentless, electric voice, seeping through each inattentive ear.
And the shadowlight awakens red.

The vibes roll outward, caressing, with cold velvet hands.
Her weaving, dancing, golden hair, throws light everywhere.
A satin gown, blood black, flows down the shivering carpet.

Her magnetism pulls these eyes at high voltage.
Her wit flooding the hidden serenity, darkly.
The queen in her beehive, shares this distasteful dignity.
Quietly, shadowlight floats blue.

Unheeding conversation, whisking, end over end,
flailing hands, dashing high and low, north and south.
Cosmic soul, strangling to taste the long lost time.
Growing shadowlight hovers yellow.

Slowly she turns,
seeking eyes strained upward.


The Mystery Valiant

Sultry suffering.

You wound me and my stark raving pride so... I never said you were an " incomprehensible fraud". I believe I said "arrogant ass" and I find you very easy to comprehend. You're about as deep as a puddle in the middle of a drought.

By the way, you don't have the first clue about what goes on inside a woman's head. If you did, you would know not to tell us how we feel and think.

And keep working on that spelling. If you had spelled 'in' incorrectly you would have been four for four in this " stipling youself in rudimentry..." 'sentence'.

forever yours in childish glee,

Sara Crewe said:
You wound me and my stark raving pride so... I never said you were an " incomprehensible fraud". I believe I said "arrogant ass" and I find you very easy to comprehend. You're about as deep as a puddle in the middle of a drought.

By the way, you don't have the first clue about what goes on inside a woman's head. If you did, you would know not to tell us how we feel and think.

And keep working on that spelling. If you had spelled 'in' incorrectly you would have been four for four in this " stipling youself in rudimentry..." 'sentence'.

forever yours in childish glee,


Just watch you don't step in the feral viscidity. It sounds...well...really ick. :D