How do you feel about "being" a Cocksucker?

I would say 2nd counts as you were willing and tried. You only need one more to get your certification.
Any potential cocks on the horizon?
Although I sucked 10-12 over the years it's been over 10 years since I've sucked a real one.
Wonder if my cock-sucker card will get revoked at some point.
Probably never going to get that third one. Those two were a long time ago, and I'm too old to go looking now. But I've never stopped thinking about it.
The only thing I don’t like about being a cocksucker is that I don’t suck near as much cock as I’d like. I’m not in a relationship of any kind with a man at the moment and I don’t especially like random hookups so I’ve been on a longish stretch without a cock in my mouth. The craving is almost physically painful. :(
You mean, why am I so zoned out and happy to have my hungry mouth full of a man's throbbing penis, drawing on him, desperate to syphon up all his simmering load?
Well, I don't let it define me.
I’m proud to be a cocksucker. In fact I openly admit that I’m a total cock-sucking, cum-craving slut. Don’t believe me? Drop me a PM and find out.
I see that as a part of my identity that I'm perfectly at ease with and will never not own! And in a way, that's a hell of a lot more honest than those people we have "leading" us in the govt or even our "moral betters" the religious folk who practice narcissism to the core. I enjoy it immensely, it creates zero victims, I'm rather, dare I say, good at it (I mean, I truly love every aspect of it, so why wouldn't I be, it's not a boast)...I had hang-ups back in the day, when I didn't fully realize that the people we all exalt are THE most depraved mother-fuckers on the planet and those fucks DO create victims! I finally came to not just the cognitive realization but the heartfelt realization that the people "on top"...our "betters" if you will...are pathetic, weak and....nothing to be emulated or admired. And while I don't "admire" myself, either, I refuse to let anyone throw shade!

It's kind of like Ricky Gervais notion of "offensive jokes". As he says, people will say "oh that joke was offensive" and his response is, "no it was not offensive, you FOUND it offensive". There's no "property" of humor that is offensive, it's the receiver who is offended...or not! "Oh that joke isn't funny" no YOU didn't find the joke funny - I thought it was freakin' hilarious! I don't know about others but I also peruse 4chan and it's so funny, people will be in, say, a thread about oh...think of any sexual category and they'll make some comment just ripping on anyone who enjoys that content. Can you be more obvious? You knew the content and you clicked and here you are! You're fooling nobody but perhaps yourself and probably not even that! Stop it! Get some help! Nothing worse than self-hatred and I know that because I still retain a fair amount of that but it's not due to any of this! And I'm working on that and you know there's something that really helps a lot...that sweet, sweet methamphetamine. Joking! Joke! I'm jokey-mc-jokster! Oh boy...
I’m patiently awaiting the right man. When I do, it’s going to be amazing…. For both of us!!!