Illinois bans sales and possession of semi-automatic firearms

I know enough to know that 1/8 inch Lexan will not stop a bullet.
I never claimed it would, and niether did you. In fact you stated breakage to enter, and said they needed bars ( see your own words in bold)
The door did the job because the bad guys panicked and ran off. On a front stoop like that if they had gone either right or left and there are most likely ground level windows they could have broken and entered. Sorry folks this is the fallacy of multiple locks on your door. Unless you have bars or shutters on your ground floor windows they will not stop a forced entry.

So in reality you have 4 choices: 1) Arm yourself to protect yourself against a forced entry. 2) Have a secure safe room and be able to get to it. 3) Hide and pray they don't find you. 4) Have a security system with a loud alarm klaxon and visible strobe lights to scare off attempted forced entry.
1/8 Lexan WILL make it damn hard to break in. Feel free to try again, but if you do, stay on point.
I have no desire to live anywhere near you.
That is good, since the feeling is mutual. *chuckles*
In Australia, one can own a firearm but it must be registered. Cannot be fully automatic. It does not sound like certain US states are banning the 'right to bear arms' just the 'right' to own and use a weapon similar to a military firearm. NOBODY needs a weapon capable of firing a huge number of bullets. What are they hunting? Dinosaurs? The constitution was written when a gun could fire (maybe) 1 bullet.
They were called "balls" when it was written.
I always have to laugh at the absurdity of some of the gun nut’s comebacks, mostly parroting NRA propaganda.

None can provide a sensible explanation as to why, if guns make you so, so safe and prevent crime, the US isn’t the safest, most peaceful utopia on the planet. They have more guns than people for crying out loud. Something like 40% of the world’s civilian guns are owned by Americans, but the US represents only 5% of the world’s population.

By the ‘logic’ of guns making you safe against crime, the US - with those gun stats - should have practically zero crimes. Guns holstered snugly on the hip while you eat ice cream cones, count rainbows, and laugh at all the rest of the world with their crime problems.
“Moar guns, moar safe!”

Point that out though, and the penile challenged tell you how you have to outlaw cars, hammers, and knives next… cause you know those things are engineered and made for the sole purpose of killing.

Mention how other countries have reformed gun laws, regulated ownership (not banned), and require registration, and how these changes have resulted in reductions in mass shootings and gun violence crime, and the frightened pew-pew enthusiasts will say “But, but I have this document from 230 years ago, you know, when roads were dirt and sewers were open ditches, and flintlock pistols and muskets were the ‘arme de jour’, that says I should be able to own a dozen guns that can shoot 60 rounds a minute, and pierce armour from like 500 yards away, to stop all the criminals hiding in the bushes, just waiting to break into my home. Oh, and militia, man. The militia.”

Insecure and needlessly scared, the lot of them.
Yawn...Can any of debate without insults?
You know what prevents crime? Good paying jobs. Affordable housing. Affordable childcare. Quality education. Universal healthcare. More guns and more prisons is not the answer. The notion that you only start addressing the problem once the shooting starts and the bodies start dropping is absurd.
Actually addressing the mental health issue is preventative.
Yawn...Can any of debate without insults?

Can you answer this, or just bloviate uselessly?

None can provide a sensible explanation as to why, if guns make you so, so safe and prevent crime, the US isn’t the safest, most peaceful utopia on the planet. They have more guns than people for crying out loud. Something like 40% of the world’s civilian guns are owned by Americans, but the US represents only 5% of the world’s population.

By the ‘logic’ of guns making you safe against crime, the US - with those gun stats - should have practically zero crimes. Guns holstered snugly on the hip while you eat ice cream cones, count rainbows, and laugh at all the rest of the world with their crime problems.
“Moar guns, moar safe!”

Mention how other countries have reformed gun laws, regulated ownership (not banned), and require registration, and how these changes have resulted in reductions in mass shootings and gun violence crime

Surely those other countries have citizens with mental issues, yes?
It's fairly simple - if the number of guns you do have, makes you feel safe, then you don't feel safe without those guns.
Can you answer this, or just bloviate uselessly?

Surely those other countries have citizens with mental issues, yes?
I did answer this indirectly before. Its simple really, because there is no effective punishment for criminal behavior there is no deterrent to violent crime, including gun crime. Obviously punishment does not stop the event the criminal is being punished for but if the punishment is severe enough it may deter others from doing the same crime. The vast majority of gun crimes are committed using illegally obtained weapons and not those purchased through legal sources. So penalizing law abiding gun owners does not deter violent crime. Gun buy backs, banning of certain types of firearms, magazine capacity limits, do absolutely nothing to deter criminals from obtaining those exact items illegally.

The mental health crisis goes all the way back to Ronald Reagan who led the charge to release mental patients and to restrict access to mental health services. Sadly that damage has never been repaired ir even seriously looked at by the government. Until mental health is seriosuly addressed at a national level this crisis will continue. A prime example is the number of mentally ill homeless people. Tell me how many homeless people you remember in your area in the 60's and 70's. The problem hasd skyrocketed and while not the entire problem mental health issues are at the fore front.
It's fairly simple - if the number of guns you do have, makes you feel safe, then you don't feel safe without those guns.
If the amount of baseless blather you spew makes you feel cool then in reality you simply aren't cool. Just another annonymous internet wannabe prophet.
If the amount of baseless blather you spew makes you feel cool then in reality you simply aren't cool. Just another annonymous internet wannabe prophet.
Sorry you don't feel safe without your guns.

I'm just a commenter on a stupid porn thread. I've never claimed to be anything else, Sparky.
Sorry you don't feel safe without your guns.

I'm just a commenter on a stupid porn thread. I've never claimed to be anything else, Sparky.
It is impossible for you to comment without being insulting or condescending.

For me to be insulted though I must respect the one attempting to insult me. You and your little army of minions have earned no respect from me, hence you can't insult me. Honestly I have enjoyed dragging you along with me for the past 12 hours or so. Its hilarious watching you dig deeper and deeper in an attempt to run me off.
It is impossible for you to comment without being insulting or condescending.

For me to be insulted though I must respect the one attempting to insult me. You and your little army of minions have earned no respect from me, hence you can't insult me. Honestly I have enjoyed dragging you along with me for the past 12 hours or so. Its hilarious watching you dig deeper and deeper in an attempt to run me off.
That's not true actually.....I do it all the time...just not towards you. Sorry about your feels.

I don't care if you are insulted by my comments or not. Apparently the internet is a competition to you.....good job on your perceived dominance. 👍

And no, I don't give a shit whether you post here or somewhere else or ignore me or whatever else you feel like doing. You do you.
That's not true actually.....I do it all the time...just not towards you. Sorry about your feels.

I don't care if you are insulted by my comments or not. Apparently the internet is a competition to you.....good job on your perceived dominance. 👍

And no, I don't give a shit whether you post here or somewhere else or ignore me or whatever else you feel like doing. You do you.
I have no dominance here, real or perceived. You and your boys are similar to a cat toy to me, bat you around a while til I get bored and then move on.
One word.

A horrible and tragic incident. Sadly 3 people died before the bad guys were killed by police.

Can we agree that not all gun owners are wacko conspiracy theorists or member of extremist groups? Honestly even living in the rural mountains that I live in I don't know of anyone in any extremist groups.
In Australia, one can own a firearm but it must be registered. Cannot be fully automatic. It does not sound like certain US states are banning the 'right to bear arms' just the 'right' to own and use a weapon similar to a military firearm. NOBODY needs a weapon capable of firing a huge number of bullets. What are they hunting? Dinosaurs? The constitution was written when a gun could fire (maybe) 1 bullet.
It was written when the most powerful army on Earth only had weapons that fired one round at a time. Chew on that for a while.
It was written when the most powerful army on Earth only had weapons that fired one round at a time. Chew on that for a while.
You are correct sir.

It is interesting how firearms technology has not been allowed to advance in some minds but all media (Freedom of Speech) has far out paced what the Founding Fathers envisioned. If we were to apply the no technological advances to Freedom of Speech there would be no phones, no internet, no computers, no telegraph, no fax, no social media, no e-mail, because the Founding Fathers had never envisioned those advances.
So sorry to learn about your family’s problems.

Funny man.. But proving my point that when you can't logically debate you go to insults.

Sorry you don't feel safe without your guns.

I'm just a commenter on a stupid porn thread. I've never claimed to be anything else, Sparky.

It is impossible for you to comment without being insulting or condescending.
We express condolences and are called insulting. Isn’t that a symptom of sociopathy?
We express condolences and are called insulting. Isn’t that a symptom of sociopathy?
No because in reality you are a condescending, insincere asshole, dancing and singing to impress your buddies here. Sorry don't mean shit to me. You are just another cat toy to bat around until I get bored.