
Re: Well Pop...

Dingus Guy said:
How did the pirate stop smoking?

He used the patch!

I must be tired. This made me laugh far more than it should have. In fact, reading it again after I pulled the "quote" I laughed some more.

Help me.
The Famous 3 Legged Pig

A journalist traveling through the midwest hears tales of a famous three-legged pig and arranges an interview with the farmer who owns it.

"What's so great about this famous three-legged pig?"

"Well, for one thing, my son almost drowned in the pond last year. My wife saw him and screamed for help. She can't swim, and I was nowhere nearby. The three-legged pig broke out of the pigpen, galloped down to the pond, leaped into the water, swam out to the boy, grabbed his shirt collar in his teeth and dragged him to safety."

"Another time, our old stove caught on fire. We were all asleep upstairs and the whole family would have died that night, but the three-legged pig saw the fire, broke through the screen door, raced up the stairs, and went from one bedroom to the next making sure he got us all awake. Then he led us through the smoke to safety. Pig even went back in the house to find the cat."

"Why does the pig have three legs?"

"Hell, you don't eat a great pig like that all at once!"
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perdita said:
Pops, love, yours are the only jokes I read, and they always give me a larf.


Hmm. I might be able to fix that.

A priest, a rabbi, a duck and Perdita walk into a bar...
